blob: dcf323ce301702c79f6ca28748dc454ca7fe0618 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Doc.xs ========
var Gbl = xdc.loadCapsule('Gbl.xs');
function PL( s ) { Gbl.outstr().println(s); }
* ======== genAll ========
function genAll( node )
if ( == 'unit' || == 'package') {
PL('<span id="xdoc-desc"></span>');
var k = 1;
for each (var ds in node.docSect) {
PL('<span id="xdoc-sect-' + (k++) + '"></span>');
PL('<div class="xdocSect">' + String(ds.@name).toUpperCase() + '</div>');
for each (var dc in ds.docChild) {
PL('<div class="xdocChild">' + Gbl.span('xdocChildId', dc.@name));
if (dc.@summary != '') {
PL(Gbl.span('xdocChildSum', '&#151;&nbsp;' + Gbl.decode(dc.@summary)));
for each (var dp in dc.docPara) {
PL('<div class="xdocChildText">' + Gbl.decode(dp.@content) + '</div>');
for each (var dp in ds.docPara) {
PL('<div class="xdocText">' + Gbl.decode(dp.@content) + '</div>');
* ======== genBrief ========
function genBrief( node )
var ds = node.docSect.(@name == 'details');
if (ds.length()) {
PL('<div class="xdocBrief">');
if (Gbl.hasDoc(node)) {
PL('[&nbsp;<a class="xdocBrief" href="#xdoc-desc">more</a>&nbsp;...&nbsp;]');