blob: 56501300cf2b76c3c3b610f4590e28876c6661f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Example ========
* XDOC markup language examples for modules and interfaces
* This module demonstrates the features of XDOC on the declarations
* of an XDC module. View the source text of this .xdc file for details
* on how to use these examples.
module Example {
* ======== AStruct ========
* Example structure declaration
* @field(aField) example field documentation
struct AStruct {
Int aField;
* ======== aFunction ========
* Example function documentation
* @param(aParam) example function parameter documentation
Void aFunction(Int aParam);
* ======== AnEnum ========
* Example enum documentation
* @value(AVALUE) example enum value documentation
enum AnEnum {
* ======== AUnion ========
* Example union documentation
* @field(aString) example union field documentation
union AUnion {
String aString;
Int anInt;
* ======== u ========
* Example statically initialized union documentation
config AUnion u = {aString: 'hello', anInt: 1234};
* ======== ATypedEnum ========
* Example typed enumeration
* This declaration defines a new type named ATypedEnum which is
* an alias of Int and two constants of type ATypedEnum.
* Unlike ordinary C enums, where the compiler is free to choose an
* arbitrary type for enums, this declaration ensures that the new
* type is of a specific named type (in this case, Int).
* @value(LOOP) example "typed" enum value documentation
enum ATypedEnum : Int {
LOOP = 6,
PRINT = 28
* ======== ACmd ========
* Example "tagged union" documentation
* This structure illustrates the "tagged union" pattern: one
* field of the structure indicates how to interpret the rest of the
* structure.
* @field(args) example structure field documentation
struct ACmd {
ATypedEnum cmdId;
union {
struct {
Int count;
} loop;
struct {
String msg;
} print;
} args;