blob: dd3966f6f619fe357d4531374bcc4da0b6a93576 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Repository.xdc ========
package xdc.bld;
* ======== Repository ========
* Model of a package repository
metaonly module Repository {
* ======== Attrs ========
* Optional attributes for a repository
* @field(releases) This array contains releases that will contain the
* repository. Thus, a single repository can be part of any set
* of releases. Each repository is always added to the
* package's "default release" in addition to any releases
* specified in the releases array.
* @field(search) By default, the release archives of all packages added
* to a repository are required to exist in the package's release
* output directory at the time the repository is created.
* However, if this flag is set to `true`, each package's release
* will be searched for at the time that the makefile for the
* package containing this repository is created. This allows
* package releases that exist before this repository is being
* built to more easily be added to this repository.
* For example, package release archives can be moved to arbitrary
* directories after they are created but before a package containing
* a repository that includes these releases is built.
* Package releases are searched for by looking in the following
* locations (in order): the package's release archive output
* directory, along the specified `archivePath`, and finally along
* the current package path.
* If a package release archive cannot be found in the package's
* release output directory or along the `archivePath`, the package
* path will be searched for the package itself (not its release
* archive). So, if the package appears on the package path _and_
* it's a released package with the specified release name, the
* package will simply be copied into this repository.
* Finally, if the package release can't be found, and error is
* thrown.
* @field(archivePath) This ';' separated list of directories is used to
* find package release archives when the `search` flag is set to
* `true`. If `archivePath` is `null`, no search path will be
* used and the package release itself (not the archive) may be found
* along the package path.
* @see #attrs
struct Attrs {
Release.Instance releases[]; /*! releases this repo is a part of */
Bool search; /*! true => search path for packages */
String archivePath; /*! search path for package archives */
* ======== create ========
* @_nodoc
* Instances should only be created via PackageContents.addRepository()
* ======== name ========
* The repository's directory name
config String name;
* ======== attrs ========
* The repository's attributes
config Attrs attrs;
* ======== addPackages ========
* Add specified package releases to this repository
* @param(names) An array of strings naming package releases to be added
* to the repository. Package releases are named as follows:
* @p(code)
* <pkgName>:<releaseName>
* @p
* where `<pkgName>` is the name of the package to add to the
* repository and `<releaseName>` is the name of one of that
* package's releases. A package release name may be either the
* archive file name (relative to the package's base directory)
* of the release archive or the name used create the release in
* package named `<pkgName>`.
* For example, if the package `ti.bios` had a release named
* `exports/ti_bios,src`, the following statements would add
* this release to the repository named `packages`:
* @p(code)
* var r = Pkg.addRepository("packages");
* r.addPackages(["ti.bios:exports/ti_bios,src"]);
* @p
* Alternatively, one can specify the archive file name:
* @p(code)
* var r = Pkg.addRepository("packages");
* r.addPackages(["ti.bios:exports/ti_bios,src.tar"]);
* @p
* It is possible to get a list of release archive names from a
* package via the
* `{@link xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment#getReleaseDescs()}`
* method. For example, to get the physical archive name of the
* default release of the `ti.bios` package, the following loop
* can be added to a build script:
* @p(code)
* var archiveName;
* var rels = Build.getReleaseDescs('ti.bios');
* for (var j = 0; j < rels.length; j++) {
* if (rels[j].label == "default") {
* archiveName = rels[j].aname;
* break;
* }
* }
* // archiveName is now set to the file name of the ti.bios
* // default release archive (or undefined)
* @p
* @see xdc.bld.BuildEnvironment#getReleaseDescs()
Void addPackages(String names[]);