blob: 676a946ff129f12e09761ff7c10797591fbbd4e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
var debug;
if (debug == null) {
debug = function (msg) {};
* ======== _bldUtils ========
var _bldUtils = xdc.module('xdc.bld.Utils');
var _utils = xdc.loadCapsule('microsoft/targets/_utils.xs');
* ======== ITarget.archive ========
function archive(goal)
var target = this;
var result = null;
var tool2cmd = _utils.targetCmds[target.suffix];
if (tool2cmd != null) {
result = new['xdc.bld.ITarget'].CommandSet;
result.msg = "archiving " + goal.files + " into $@ ...";
_utils.setEnv(target, result);
result.cmds = _bldUtils.expandString(tool2cmd["ar"], {
AROPTS_P: target.arOpts.prefix,
AROPTS_S: target.arOpts.suffix,
aropts: goal.opts,
files: goal.files,
return (result);
* ======== ITarget.compile ========
function compile(goal) {
return (_utils.compile(this, goal, false));
* ======== ITarget.getVersion ========
function getVersion()
var target = this;
if (target.$private._version != null) {
return (target.$private._version);
var result = target.$name + "{";
/* the command to get the version is the first word of the cl command */
var tool2cmd = _utils.targetCmds[target.suffix];
var cmd = _bldUtils.expandString(tool2cmd["c"], {
rootDir: target.rootDir,
/* At this moment, cmd is a long string that contains cmdPrefix and the
* complete compiler command line with all options and MKDEP command.
* This complex match is used to split that command line into tokens,
* separated by spaces, but ignoring spaces within quotes.
var cmdTokens = cmd.match(/(?:[^\s'"]+|(['"])[^'"]*\1)+/g);
var cmd = cmdTokens[0];
/* If there is no cmdPrefix, cmd now contains only the path to the
* compiler executable. Otherwise, it contains the first token of the
* cmdPrefix, which can be either remote script or an environment
* variable that needs to be set for that script.
var prefEnv = [];
if (target.cmdPrefix != null && target.cmdPrefix != "") {
/* When there is a command prefix, we need to attach to it an optional
* remote init script and the compiler path to get the version.
* Since we are using the same regular expression as above, the tokens
* in prefTokens are the same as the tokens at the head of cmdTokens.
var prefTokens = target.cmdPrefix.match
var compLine = prefTokens.length;
var newCmd = target.cmdPrefix;
if ("remoteInitScript" in target
&& target.remoteInitScript != undefined) {
/* once for the actual script and again for ' \\& ' */
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine++] + " ";
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine++] + " ";
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine];
cmd = newCmd;
/* Check if rootDir is set correctly, but only if cmdPrefix is not
* specified. If it is, we are going somewhere else for the execution,
* and the file system might look different.
var file = new;
if (target.cmdPrefix == null && !file.exists()) {
throw new Error(target.rootDir + " cannot be found. Ensure that" +
" rootDir for the " + + " target is set correctly in " +
/* must set path so Windows can find DLLs such as mspdb70.dll */
var path = _bldUtils.expandString(".;" + target.$orig.setPath(),
rootDir: target.rootDir,
var attrs = {
envs: prefEnv.concat(["PATH=" + path, "Path=" + path, "TERM=dumb"]),
useEnv: true
var status = {};
if (xdc.exec(cmd, attrs, status) >= 0) {
var va = status.output.match(/Version\s+[0-9\.]+/mg);
if (va != null) {
var cver = va[0].replace(/[Version\s]/g, "");
var key = target.versionMap["cl_" + cver];
if (key == null) {
// print(target.$name + " can't find 'cl_" + cver + "'");
/* MS version numbers are x.y.z, where z is a build number */
key = "1,0," +
cver.replace(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/, "$1,$2");
result += key;
else {
print("microsoft.targets: warning: version match failed on '"
+ status.output + "'");
else {
print("microsoft.targets: warning: exec of: '" + cmd + "' failed");
$trace(status.output, 0);
target.$private._version = result; /* cache result for later use */
return (result);
* ======== ITarget.getRawVersion ========
function getRawVersion()
var target = this;
if (target.$private._rawVersion != null) {
return (target.$private._rawVersion);
var result = "";
/* the command to get the version is the first word of the cl command */
var tool2cmd = _utils.targetCmds[target.suffix];
var cmd = _bldUtils.expandString(tool2cmd["c"], {
rootDir: target.rootDir,
/* At this moment, cmd is a long string that contains cmdPrefix and the
* complete compiler command line with all options and MKDEP command.
* This complex match is used to split that command line into tokens,
* separated by spaces, but ignoring spaces within quotes.
var cmdTokens = cmd.match(/(?:[^\s'"]+|(['"])[^'"]*\1)+/g);
var cmd = cmdTokens[0];
/* If there is no cmdPrefix, cmd now contains only the path to the
* compiler executable. Otherwise, it contains the first token of the
* cmdPrefix, which can be either remote script or an environment
* variable that needs to be set for that script.
var prefEnv = [];
if (target.cmdPrefix != null && target.cmdPrefix != "") {
/* When there is a command prefix, we need to attach to it an optional
* remote init script and the compiler path to get the version.
* Since we are using the same regular expression as above, the tokens
* in prefTokens are the same as the tokens at the head of cmdTokens.
var prefTokens = target.cmdPrefix.match
var compLine = prefTokens.length;
var newCmd = target.cmdPrefix;
if ("remoteInitScript" in target
&& target.remoteInitScript != undefined) {
/* once for the actual script and again for ' \\& ' */
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine++] + " ";
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine++] + " ";
newCmd += cmdTokens[compLine];
cmd = newCmd;
/* Check if rootDir is set correctly, but only if cmdPrefix is not
* specified. If it is, we are going somewhere else for the execution,
* and the file system might look different.
var file = new;
if (target.cmdPrefix == null && !file.exists()) {
throw new Error(target.rootDir + " cannot be found. Ensure that" +
" rootDir for the " + + " target is set correctly in " +
/* must set path so Windows can find DLLs such as mspdb70.dll */
var path = _bldUtils.expandString(".;" + target.$orig.setPath(),
rootDir: target.rootDir,
var attrs = {
envs: prefEnv.concat(["PATH=" + path, "Path=" + path, "TERM=dumb"]),
useEnv: true
var status = {};
if (xdc.exec(cmd, attrs, status) >= 0) {
var va = status.output.match(/Version\s+[0-9\.]+/mg);
if (va != null) {
result += va[0].replace(/[Version\s]/g, "");
else {
print("microsoft.targets: warning: version match failed on '"
+ status.output + "'");
else {
print("microsoft.targets: warning: exec of: '" + cmd + "' failed");
$trace(status.output, 0);
target.$private._rawVersion = result; /* cache result for later use */
return (result);
* ======== ========
function link(goal)
var target = this;
var result = null;
var tool2cmd = _utils.targetCmds[target.suffix];
if (tool2cmd != null) {
result = new['xdc.bld.ITarget'].CommandSet;
result.msg = "lnk" + target.suffix + " $@ ...";
var fileList = goal.files.replace(/(^|\s+)([\/\w\\\.]+\.xdl)($|\s+)/,
" @$2 ");
_utils.setEnv(target, result);
var dllOpts = "-dll -map:$(XDCCFGDIR)/$ -mapinfo:exports ";
result.cmds = _bldUtils.expandString(tool2cmd["link"], {
LOPTS_P: target.lnkOpts == null ? "" : target.lnkOpts.prefix,
LOPTS_S: target.lnkOpts == null ? "" : (goal.dllMode ? dllOpts : "") + target.lnkOpts.suffix,
lopts: goal.opts,
files: fileList,
if (goal.dllMode) {
var ext = (this.dllExt != null) ? this.dllExt : ".p";
result.cmds += "$(MV) $(basename $@).exp $(XDCCFGDIR)/$(basename $@)"
+ ext + target.suffix + ".exp\n";
result.cmds += "$(MV) $(basename $@).lib $(XDCCFGDIR)/$(basename $@)"
+ ext + target.suffix + ".lib\n";
return (result);
* ======== ITarget.scompile ========
function scompile(goal) {
return (_utils.compile(this, goal, true));
* ======== setPath ========
* Default implementation of setPath().
function setPath()
if ("path" in this.$orig) {
return (this.$orig.path);
else {
return "";