blob: 5e2c04eb4fcd1cc0f6b055a110bc6e13383ec8e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* ======== release.dtd ========
* This file defines a simple DTD for describing package
* dependencies computed when a package is "released".
* ======== release ========
* A release defines a collection of packages imported, packages referenced,
* and prerequisites or orphan dependencies (prerequisite files that are not
* contained in any package).
* date number of milliseconds since mignigt (GMT) on 1/1/1970 and the
* release
* buildCount number of times this package has been built all the way
* to release.
* label the release label for this release of the package
* name the name of this pacakge
* producerId the id provided by the producer that allows them to
* identify the "origin" of this package within their SCM
* system.
<!ELEMENT release (package, imports, references, orphans)>
<!ATTLIST release
buildCount CDATA "0"
producerId CDATA ""
label CDATA ""
comment CDATA ""
* ======== imports ========
* Set of packages directly imported
<!ELEMENT imports (package*)>
<!ATTLIST imports
comment CDATA "packages explicitly imported"
* ======== references ========
* Set of referenced packages
* The files attribute of each package contains all directly referenced
* files.
<!ELEMENT references ((package|targetRoot)*,xdcRoot)>
<!ATTLIST references
comment CDATA "packages whose files are referenced"
* ======== targetRoot ========
* Set of referenced files contained in a target's rootDir
* base is a target's base directory (ITarget.rootDir), and targs is a
* comma separated list of targets that share this base directory (e.g.,
* "ti.targets.C62,ti.targets.C62_big_endian").
<!ELEMENT targetRoot (file*)>
<!ATTLIST targetRoot
comment CDATA "referenced files within some target's rootDir"
* ======== xdcRoot ========
* Set of referenced files contained in a xdc's rootDir
<!ELEMENT xdcRoot ((file*),xdcCorePkg)>
<!ATTLIST xdcRoot
comment CDATA "referenced files within xdc's rootDir"
* ======== xdcCorePkg ========
* The xdc.corevers package information. The xdc.corevers package
* represents the core version of the XDCtools and can be used to
* identify the version of the xdc tools used to produce this
* release.
* If releaseName is not defined (== ""), this release was produced
* with an unreleased version of the XDCtools.
<!ELEMENT xdcCorePkg (file*)>
<!ATTLIST xdcCorePkg
producerId CDATA ""
releaseName CDATA ""
label CDATA ""
date CDATA ""
comment CDATA "xdc.corevers information"
* ======== orphans ========
* Set of files not in any package.
<!ELEMENT orphans (file*)>
<!ATTLIST orphans
comment CDATA "referenced files that are not in any package"
* ======== package ========
* A package defines the name and version of the package. The files
* attribute optionally contains files that were referenced in the package.
* providerId is supplied for referenced packages and identifies the
* "provider" of the referenced package; packages can be "provided" within
* one or more product bundles or "hand made" repositories. The providerId
* is either
* 1. the name of the bundle providing the repository that the package
* is contained within,
* 2. the canonical path to the repository containing the referenced
* package
<!ELEMENT package (file*)>
<!ATTLIST package
comment CDATA ""
providerId CDATA ""
* ======== file ========
* A source file
<!ATTLIST file
comment CDATA ""