blob: f9cc893ea81d69fbd068d56a33c7afa0de5656eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Texas Instruments - initial implementation
# --/COPYRIGHT--*/
# ======== xdc.mak ========
# Top-level makefile for making individual XDC packages. See xdc_top.mak
# for top-level make file for multi-package builds.
# This file includes three other make files:
# TOOLS - this file defines the location of the Java Runtime
# Environment (JRE), the Java CLASSPATH, and numerous
# file utilities required by the XDC makefiles. This
# file may be modified to adapt the build system to
# your environment.
# xdc_rules.mak - this file defines the rules for making XDC
# packages and programs and should not be modified.
# package.mak - this file is generated from package.bld, the
# package's "build script".
# This file contains heuristics for finding the first two files (package.bld
# must be in the current working directory) and defines several macros that
# make the included makefiles simpler and host OS independent. In
# particular, this file defines the following:
# HOSTOS - equals "Windows", "Linux" or "MacOS"
# PATHCHAR - equals ';' for Windows systems and ':' otherwise
# systems.
# _PATH - the initial value of the PATH environment variable
# this allows one to redefine PATH (for specific
# goals) in terms of the path defined by the user
# CP - copy file (preserve time and permissions)
# ECHO - output a message to stdout
# GZIP - GNU zip command
# MSG - output a message to stdout prefixed with '#' if
# commands are also being output; otherwise act as
# echo
# MKDIR - create directory
# MV - move (rename) file command
# PWD - echo current working directory
# RM - forcefully remove file command
# RMDIR - remove directory and its contents
# TOUCH - update file timestamp
# TAR - UNIX tar command
# TEE - UNIX tee command
# In addition, there are a few custom commands created to facilitate
# the creation of portable makefiles.
# CMP - similar to cmp but doesn't suport -l option and,
# in the future, may support XDC specific options
# CMV - similar to mv but doesn't update timestamp of
# destination if file contents are identical.
# SAVENV - dumps xdc environment variables that can affect
# the generated makefile; this tool is purely an
# optimization to reduce the overhead of checking
# to see if package.mak needs to be remade from
# within make.
# SETDATE - "touch-like" utility used to update file timestamps
# to suit the needs of make
# PKGTOP - return the package's top; ../^n where n is the
# number of components in it's name
# FIXDEP - post-process generated dependency files to add
# empty rules for dependencies that are outside
# the current package.
# FIXLIST - post-process generated zip/tar include files
# XDCCPP - copy a package
# XDCRMP - remove a package (but not any nested packages)
# MKDEP - generate dependencies from input source file.
# this should only be used in the event that the
# compiler does not support this capability
# directly; MKDEP may generate dependencies that
# are unnecessary (due to #ifdefs in the code)
# XDC - the xdc command itself; so custom makefiles
# can recursively call xdc portably.
# Disable parallel builds in case the generated rules are broken
# Automatically remove targets whose commands fail
# remove the environment variable ENV from all commands to prevent shell from
# sourcing the named file. This file can only contain user specific settings
# that should *not* affect the build.
unexport ENV
# Include .xdcenv.mak, if it exists; otherwise xdc_rules.mak defines
# rules for making this file. This file is used to trigger re-builds if
# certain environment variables change (e.g., XDCPATH). It can also be used
# to override/ignore these environment variables. If the environment variables
# are overriden, we want to restrict it only to the current XDC instance.
# Therefore, the variable _USEXDCENV_, which controls overwriting of variables,
# is not exported to any other XDC instance that could be invoked from within
# this XDC instance
-include .xdcenv.mak
unexport _USEXDCENV_
# Determine host OS (Windows, MacOS, or UNIX)
ifeq (,$(HOSTOS))
ifneq (,$(findstring darwin,$(OSTYPE)))
ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(WINDIR)$(windir)$(COMSPEC)$(comspec)))
HOSTOS := Linux
HOSTOS := Windows
ifeq (Windows,$(HOSTOS))
# Capture the current value of the PATH environment variable so we can use
# it to redefine PATH without creating a recursive definition.
_PATH := $(PATH)
unexport _PATH
# ditto for Windows. In this case, we use cygwin's ash.exe.
ifeq (Windows,$(HOSTOS))
SHELL := $(XDCROOT)/bin/sh.exe
# Convert TOOLS environment variable to OS-independent format
TOOLS := $(subst \,/,$(TOOLS))
# Define useful functions:
# findfile file,path- returns full path to file found along a ' '
# separated path.
# pathsearch exe_list - returns full path to each file found along the
# path $(PATH). Multiple files may be specified.
# drive - return drive letter from path
# tocyg - convert c:/foo/bar names to cygwin names; in
# this case, to /cygdrive/c/foo/bar
#drive = $(firstword $(subst :, ,$1))
#tocyg = $(patsubst $(call drive,$1):/%,/cygdrive/$(call drive,$1)/%,$1)
# Define utility functions to handle spaces in Windows pathnames
# nospaces path - returns a pathname with all spaces converted to the
# "?" wildcard character.
# wildcardspaces paths - wildcard function for use with patterns that
# may contain or result in spaces. Spaces in the input are represented
# as "?" wildcard characters. Spaces in each result are converted to
# "?" characters.
nospaces = $(subst $(space),?,$(subst \,/,$(1)))
wildcardspaces = $(foreach pat,$(1),$(call nospaces,$(wildcard $(pat))))
findfile = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(2))))
findfiles = $(foreach exe,$(1),$(call findfile,$(exe),$(2)))
pathsearch1 = $(firstword $(call wildcardspaces,$(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst $(PATHCHAR), ,$(call nospaces,$(PATH))))))
pathsearch = $(foreach exe,$(1),$(call pathsearch1,$(exe)))
pkgsearch1 = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst ;, ,$(XPKGPATH)))))
pkgsearch = $(strip $(foreach pkg,$(1),$(call pkgsearch1,$(pkg))))
comma := ,
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
# Determine XDCROOT directory (if possible)
# If XDCROOT is not defined but we can find xdc along the PATH, set
# XDCROOT to `the directory containing xdc`.
ifeq ($(origin XDCROOT), undefined)
tmp := $(call pathsearch,xdc xdc.exe)
ifeq (,$(tmp))
$(error The macro XDCROOT must be set to the XDCtools install directory)
XDCROOT := $(firstword $(dir $(tmp)))
# If XDCROOT contains a space character, convert the path to Windows 8.3
ifneq ($(findstring $(space),$(XDCROOT)),)
ifeq (Windows,$(HOSTOS))
override XDCROOT := $(shell "$(XDCROOT)/packages/xdc/services/io/release/path2dos.exe" "$(XDCROOT)")
$(error The XDCtools install directory must not contain any spaces in pathname)
export XDCROOT
# find TOOLS file and include it
_tmp := $(call findfile,TOOLS,$(XDCROOT) $(XDCROOT)/etc)
ifneq (,$(_tmp))
include $(_tmp)
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(XDCROOT)))
$(error can't find specified XDCROOT: $(XDCROOT))
$(error can't find TOOLS file in either $(XDCROOT)/etc or $(XDCROOT))
# Error check the definition of CLASSPATH.
ifeq (0,$(MAKELEVEL))
ifneq (,$(findstring environment,$(origin CLASSPATH)))
$(warning CLASSPATH is defined by the environment)
# If the command shell is not a UNIX shell, we prefix all commands
# with the stderr.exe utility. This is done to allow commands to be
# specified with forward slashes in the name; DOS shells parse the
# forward slash as an option to the command even if there is no
# intervening whitespace! For example, DOS parses the command
# "$(XDCROOT)/bin/rm.exe" as "$(XDCROOT) /bin /rm.exe". However,
# stderr properly locates the specified command. In addition, this
# utility combines the stderr and stdout output streams pror to
# executing the command. Thus, it is possible to redirect stderr
# from the commands.
ifeq (Windows,$(HOSTOS))
CMD := $(XDCROOT)/bin/stderr.exe
ifeq (sh.exe,$(SHELL))
CMD := $(subst /,\,$(CMD))
# $(warning assuming DOS shell, prefixing all commands with $(CMD))
CMD :=
# Define host OS dependent but DSP independent commands
# Note: we use full path to commands we provide; since we don't provide
# (or need) replacements for UNIX systems, we don't use full paths for the
# following commands.
export CAT := cat
export CP := cp -p
export ECHO := echo
GZIP := gzip
export MKDIR := mkdir
export MV := mv -f
export PWD := pwd
export SED := sed
export RM := rm -f
export RMDIR := rm -rf
export TOUCH := touch
# gzip reads the GZIP environment variable for additional options!!!
unexport GZIP
# We make the following overridable because the names of these
# utilities may vary (xs.x86U versus xs, for example). To change
# these utilities set them in the TOOLS file.
XDC ?= $(XDCROOT)/xdc
XS ?= $(XDCROOT)/xs
XDCCPP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/xdccpp
XDCRMP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/xdcrmp
CMP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/cmp
TEE ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/tee
CMV ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/cmv
SAVENV ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/xdcenv
PKGTOP.opts ?= -t
PKGTOP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/xdcdir $(PKGTOP.opts)
FIXDEP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/fixdep
SETDATE ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/setdate
FIXLIST ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/fixlist
FINDPKGS ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/xdcpkg
MKDEP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/mkdep
TAR ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/tar
ZIP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/zip
UNZIP ?= $(XDCROOT)/bin/unzip
# This must appear *after* the settings above; unexport seems to "define"
# the variable (which defeats the conditional set above)
ifeq (Windows,$(HOSTOS))
ECHO := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(ECHO)
GZIP := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(GZIP)
RM := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(RM)
MV := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(MV)
CP := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(CP)
CAT := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(CAT)
SED := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(SED)
PWD := $(XDCROOT)/bin/$(PWD)
ifeq (sh.exe,$(SHELL))
ECHO := $(subst /,\,$(ECHO))
GZIP := $(subst /,\,$(GZIP))
TOUCH := $(subst /,\,$(TOUCH))
MKDIR := $(subst /,\,$(MKDIR))
RMDIR := $(subst /,\,$(RMDIR))
RM := $(subst /,\,$(RM))
MV := $(subst /,\,$(MV))
CP := $(subst /,\,$(CP))
CAT := $(subst /,\,$(CAT))
SED := $(subst /,\,$(SED))
PWD := $(subst /,\,$(PWD))
XS := $(subst /,\,$(XS))
CMV := $(subst /,\,$(CMV))
CMP := $(subst /,\,$(CMP))
TEE := $(subst /,\,$(TEE))
SAVENV:= $(subst /,\,$(SAVENV))
PKGTOP:= $(subst /,\,$(PKGTOP))
FIXDEP:= $(subst /,\,$(FIXDEP))
FIXLIST:= $(subst /,\,$(FIXLIST))
FINDPKGS := $(subst /,\,$(FINDPKGS))
MKDEP := $(subst /,\,$(MKDEP))
TAR := $(subst /,\,$(TAR))
ZIP := $(subst /,\,$(ZIP))
UNZIP := $(subst /,\,$(UNZIP))
XDC := $(subst /,\,$(XDC))
XDCCPP:= $(subst /,\,$(XDCCPP))
XDCRMP:= $(subst /,\,$(XDCRMP))
MSG := $(ECHO)
# Define the goal .force to allow one to easily create targets that are
# always re-built; any goal that depends on .force will be re-built every
# time make is run.
.PHONY: .force
# Find xdc_rules.mak and include it
master := $(call findfile,xdc_rules.mak,$(XDCROOT)/packages/xdc/bld $(XDCROOT)/etc)
ifneq (,$(master))
include $(master)
$(error can't find XDC rules makefile xdc_rules.mak)
# Include package.mak, if it exists; otherwise xdc_rules.mak defines
# rules for making this file.
-include package.mak
# Parse XDCOPTIONS for options that control the build
ifeq (,$(findstring v,$(XDCOPTIONS)))
MSG := $(ECHO) '\#';$(ECHO) '\#'
ifneq (,$(findstring qq,$(XDCOPTIONS)))
MSG := :
# Export this by default so xdcenv can get at it