blob: d4347d35b49921bc141d982badbb082701609aef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Texas Instruments Incorporated
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Texas Instruments - initial implementation
# --/COPYRIGHT--*/
# ======== xdc_java.mak ========
# Generic rules for making Java jars from java sources contained in
# RTSC packages.
# JDK is used to identify the javac compiler (and other tools) to use
ifndef JDK
$(error JDK must be defined to point to a Java Development Kit)
ifneq (,$(findstring v,$(XDCOPTIONS)))
$(info building with JDK = $(JDK))
# XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET specifies the JVM version "targeted" by javac
# We must also explicitly compile against the specified JVM's boot classes:
# The Java 2 SDK's javac would also by default compile against its own
# bootstrap classes, so we need to tell javac to compile against the
# target bootstrap classes instead. We do this with -bootclasspath and
# -extdirs. Failing to do this might allow compilation against a Java 2
# Platform API that would not be present on the specified VM and fail
# at runtime.
# set default for 1.7 for compatibility with XDCtools 3.51
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(TOOLS)/vendors/oracle/jre/1.7.0_80/Linux/lib/rt.jar))
XDCTOOLS_JVM1.7_BOOTCLASSES ?= $(TOOLS)/vendors/oracle/jre/1.7.0_80/Linux/lib/rt.jar
$(error XDCTOOLS_JVM$(XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET)_BOOTCLASSES must be defined to point to a $(XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET) Java Runtime Environment's rt.jar)
# Compute the list of all jars supplied by prerequisite packages (including .)
JARS := $(wildcard $(patsubst %,%/java/*.jar,$(shell $(FINDPKGS) -p "$(XPKGPATH)" -d -a .)))
# CLASSTOP - directory containing class files (not including the package name)
# CLASSDIR - the full directory where class files are written
# Note: PKGDIR and XPKGPATH are defined by package.mak
# PKGDIR the RTSC package name (with '/'s instead of '.'s)
# XPKGPATH the full package path with all ^'s expanded as appropriate
CLASSTOP = java/classes
ifeq (,$(wildcard java))
$(shell $(MKDIR) java)
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(CLASSTOP)))
$(shell $(MKDIR) $(CLASSTOP))
# Define Java classpath to include all jars (JARS) followed by RTSC package
# path
JARP := $(if $(JARS),$(subst $(space),$(PATHCHAR),$(JARS))$(PATHCHAR),)
JCPATH = $(subst ;,$(PATHCHAR),$(JARP)$(subst $(space),\$(space),$(XPKGPATH)))
# Rules for building class files and jars ...
# NOTE: This pattern rule should only match jars created in the
# current working directory (or below); otherwise, jar dependencies that
# reference jars in other packages will trigger this jar rule in an
# attempt to build the prequisite jar!
java/%.jar ./%.jar $(call nospaces,CURDIR)/%.jar:
@$(MSG) making $@ "(from $(PKGDIR))" ...
"$(JDK)/bin/jar" cf0 $@ -C $(CLASSTOP) ./$(PKGDIR)
@$(MSG) javac $< ...
"$(JDK)/bin/javac" -source $(XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET) -target $(XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET) -bootclasspath "$(XDCTOOLS_JVM$(XDCTOOLS_JVM_TARGET)_BOOTCLASSES)" $(JCOPTS) -classpath "$(JCPATH)" -d $(CLASSTOP) $<