blob: fcfd2c4c422ec4fa3650f387e61ef73ef1b1b184 [file] [log] [blame]
xdc-C03 (corevers:; B:150,G:180,R:170)
eXpanDed C Tools (XDCtools)
This tree contains the RTSC build and configuration engines for
target content. The tree is used in XDCtools product releases. This series
of trees breaks forward compatibility with XDCtools 3.24. The Java
classes built in this tree are build for Java 1.6, while XDCtools 3.24
(and earlier) has a Java 1.5 JRE. However, XDCtools 3.24 and earlier are
already forward incompatible with the current release because of
@DirectCall changes in xdc.runtime in XDCtools 3.25.
Librarian repo creation
The xdc.git repo was created to "track" the repo maintained at and was created as follows:
git clone --bare ssh:// xdc.git
cd xdc.git
git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
o setup ssh to enable "git" from xlibrary as "dr" (if necessary)
cd ~xlibrary/.ssh
cp -f config-dr config
o fetch the latest changes from the Eclipse git server, but do it from
a Ubuntu host because SUSE 10 has an old version of ssh
cd xdc.git
git fetch
o Build this tree from Linux using standard SM-MAKE
# clone the tree and merge/review user content
ggentree -u xdc.git/
cd xdc-B??
# unzip from the last released tree
unzip ../xdc-B??/
# make sure the user email and name are your eclipse credentials
# before making any changes that need to be pushed to eclipse
cat config-dr >> ./.git/config
# make sure the user email and name are your eclipse credentials
git merge origin/xdccore-B-dr
# build the tree using LSF to force older GLIBC to be used when
# linking Linux executables
SM-MAKE .clean
SM-MAKE .all-files >& Make.log
# update README
emacs README
git commit -a -m xdc-B??
# release the tree
greltree -m "something brief and meaningful"
o to make both the UNIX and PC sides, from a Linux workstation, go to the
top directory of the tree and type:
SM-MAKE .all-files
To clean the tree, type:
SM-MAKE .clean
o to build only packages in src/packages from scratch:
SM-MAKE .xdc-packages
o to build bundles:
SM-MAKE .bundles
o to run regressions:
SM-MAKE .regress
core removed some redundant declarations for Mod__state__V objects
when generating big C files for ROM builds because the IAR compiler
complains when there is a declaration in a C file while the symbol
is generated in the linker command file.
added section allocation pragmas for ROM_stateStruct