blob: 41d7e91d3f6caf182c670a290078bcddda035786 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== LoggerBuf.xs ========
var Logger = null;
* ======== module$use ========
function module$use()
var System = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.System');
var Defaults = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
var Types = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Types');
Logger = this;
if (Logger.enableFlush) {
/* Memory module is needed only if memoryPolicy is not STATIC_POLICY. */
if (Defaults.getCommon(Logger, "memoryPolicy") != Types.STATIC_POLICY) {
* ======== module$static$init ========
function module$static$init(obj, params)
/* Assign the default filtering levels based on the configuration. */
obj.level1 = params.level1Mask;
obj.level2 = params.level2Mask;
obj.level3 = params.level3Mask;
* ======== instance$static$init ========
function instance$static$init(obj, prms)
* Note: not really needed in static case since the app
* should not free this object. Here for completeness.
obj.bufHeap = null;
obj.enabled = false;
obj.flush = prms.exitFlush;
obj.entryArr.length = prms.numEntries;
obj.curEntry = obj.entryArr.$addrof(0);
obj.readEntry = obj.entryArr.$addrof(0);
obj.endEntry = obj.entryArr.$addrof(prms.numEntries - 1);
obj.advance = Number(prms.bufType);
obj.numEntries = prms.numEntries;
obj.serial = 1;
* The following will place a memory buffer into section name. This
* buffer is the memory that this instance will manage.
var Memory = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Memory');
Memory.staticPlace(obj.entryArr, 0, prms.bufSection);
* ======== getMetaArgs ========
* Returns meta data to support stop-mode RTA.
function getMetaArgs(inst, instNum)
var LoggerBuf = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
/* Create a new StopModeData structure to populate. */
var data = new LoggerBuf.StopModeData();
data.bufferSymbol = "xdc_runtime_LoggerBuf_Instance_State_" +
instNum + "_entryArr__A";
data.bufferSize = inst.numEntries * LoggerBuf.Entry.$sizeof();
return (data);
* ======== viewInitBasic ========
* Initializes the 'Basic' ROV instance view.
function viewInitBasic(view, obj)
var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
/* Retrieve the LoggerBuf instance's name */
view.label = Program.getShortName(obj.$label);
* Determine the serial number of the last record, convert it to a
* sequential number.
view.lastSerial = ((obj.serial + 1) / 2) - 1;
/* Display the configured number of entries. */
view.numEntries = obj.numEntries;
/* Determine the type of the LoggerBuf, FIXED or CIRCULAR. */
if ((obj.advance == LoggerBuf.FULL) ||
(obj.advance == Number(LoggerBuf.BufType_FIXED))) {
view.type = "FIXED";
else {
view.type = "CIRCULAR";
/* Show whether the LoggerBuf instance is currently enabled. */
view.enabledFlag = obj.enabled;
* ======== viewInitRecords ========
* This function is called once per LoggerBuf instance.
* The LoggerBuf 'Records' view leverages the LoggerBufDecoder class so it
* uses the same code as Stop-Mode RTA.
function viewInitRecords(view, obj)
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
var Log = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Log');
var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
* Populate the label first so that at least the label shows up if something
* goes wrong.
view.label = Program.getShortName(obj.$label);
if (view.label.equals("")) {
view.label = String(obj.$addr);
/* Create an array to hold of the event views. */
var eventViews = new Array();
/* Get the memory reader */
var memReader = Model.getMemoryImageInst();
/* Read the memory. */
/* Calculate the size of a record. */
var bytesPerMau = / 8;
var recSizeBytes = LoggerBuf.Entry.$sizeof() * bytesPerMau;
/* Calculate the total size of the read. */
var readSizeBytes = obj.numEntries * recSizeBytes;
/* Read the buffer's memory. */
var buffer;
try {
buffer = memReader.readBytes(Number(obj.entryArr.$addr), readSizeBytes,
catch (e) {
/* Strip the Java class name from the exception. */
var msg = e.message;
if (e.message.indexOf("java.lang.Exception: ") == 0) {
msg = msg.substring(21);
displayGeneralError(view, "Caught exception reading logger's " +
"memory buffer: " + msg);
/* Initialize the LoggerBufDecoder */
try {
var LBJava = LoggerBuf.initDecoder();
catch (e) {
displayGeneralError(view, "Caught exception initializing the " +
"LoggerBuf decoder: " + e);
/* Decode the buffer. This returns an array of xdc.rta.HostEvent objects */
var events;
try {
events = LBJava.decodeBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
catch (e) {
displayGeneralError(view, "Caught exception decoding the " +
"LoggerBuf's records: " + e);
* Copy each of the HostEvent objects into a view element to be displayed.
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
var evt = events[i];
/* Create a new view element. */
var evtView = Program.newViewStruct('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf', 'Records');
/* Fill in the element. */
evtView.serial = evt.sequenceNum;
evtView.timestampRaw = evt.timestamp;
try {
evtView.modName = evt.getModuleName();
catch (e) {
Program.displayError(evtView, 'modName',
"Caught exception decoding event's module name: " + e);
try {
evtView.text = evt.getEventMsg();
catch (e) {
Program.displayError(evtView, 'text',
"Caught exception decoding event's message: " + e);
evtView.eventId = evt.eventId;
try {
evtView.eventName = evt.getEventName();
catch (e) {
Program.displayError(evtView, 'eventName',
"Caught exception decoding event's name: " + e);
evtView.arg0 = evt.args[0];
evtView.arg1 = evt.args[1];
evtView.arg2 = evt.args[2];
evtView.arg3 = evt.args[3];
evtView.arg4 = evt.args[4];
evtView.arg5 = evt.args[5];
evtView.arg6 = evt.args[6];
evtView.arg7 = evt.args[7];
eventViews[eventViews.length] = evtView;
view.elements = eventViews;
* ======== displayGeneralError ========
* Helper function to display an exception when processing a logger view.
function displayGeneralError(view, msg)
/* Create a new view element to display the error. */
var evtView = Program.newViewStruct('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf', 'Records');
/* Display the error on the 'serial' field. */
Program.displayError(evtView, 'serial', msg);
/* Add the element to the view and return. */
view.elements = [evtView];
* ======== initDecoder ========
* Creates an instance of the xdc.runtime.LoggerBufDecoder class.
* The LoggerBuf 'Records' ROV view uses the LoggerBufDecoder class to decode
* the raw bytes into xdc.rta.HostEvent objects. This decoder is shared
* between this ROV view and stop mode RTA.
function initDecoder()
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
var Log = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Log');
/* Check if the decoder has already been created. */
if (LoggerBuf.$private.LBJava != undefined) {
return (LoggerBuf.$private.LBJava);
/* Get the IOFReader instance */
var ofReader = Model.getIOFReaderInst();
* In order to decode the events in a LoggerBuf, the LoggerBufDecoder class
* requires an object which implements the IEventMetaData interface to
* provide log event information such as the mapping of an event id to
* the event's message.
* For ROV, we create a JavaScript object which implements all of the APIs
* in the IEventMetaData class, then place a Java wrapper on this so that
* it can be called by the LoggerBufDecoder class.
var eventData = {
function() {
return (ofReader);
function (eventId) {
return (Log.lookupEventMessage(eventId));
function() {
return ( * / 8);
function(eventId) {
return (Log.lookupEventName(eventId));
function(modId) {
return (Log.lookupModuleName(modId));
function() {
return (Log.EventRec.$sizeof() * / 8);
/* Create the Java wrapper for the IEventMetaData object. */
var jEventData = new Packages.xdc.rta.IEventMetaData(eventData);
/* Required target information */
var bitsPerChar =;
var endianStr =;
var endianess = xdc.jre.xdc.rov.TargetType.strToEndianess(endianStr);
/* Create an instance of the LoggerBufDecoder */
var LBJava = new Packages.xdc.runtime.LoggerBufDecoder(endianess,
* Store off the LoggerBufDecoder instance so we only have to create it
* once.
LoggerBuf.$private.LBJava = LBJava;
return (LBJava);
* ======== validate ========
* This function is called by this package's validate() method (defined
* in package.xs).
function validate()
/* this is the module's object */
if (!this.$used) {
/* Verify the default filter levels. */
if (this.filterByLevel) {
var Diags = xdc.module("xdc.runtime.Diags");
/* Verify that all bits appear in one of the four masks */
/* Create a mask of all bits configured in the filter masks. */
var filterMask = this.level1Mask | this.level2Mask |
this.level3Mask | this.level4Mask;
* Ensure that all bits are accounted for. We don't care here whether
* the assert bits have been set anywhere or not (the ALL_LOGGING mask
* excludes the assert bits).
if ((filterMask & Diags.ALL_LOGGING) != Diags.ALL_LOGGING) {
this.$logError("Not all bits are accounted for in the filter " +
"masks, 'level1Mask' - 'level4Mask'. All four " +
"masks must combine to equal Diags.ALL_LOGGING.",
this, "level1Mask");
* Verify that no bits appear in more than one mask. To verify this,
* we have to check every possible combination of masks.
var field = null;
if ((this.level1Mask & this.level2Mask) != 0 ||
(this.level1Mask & this.level3Mask) != 0 ||
(this.level1Mask & this.level4Mask) != 0) {
field = "level1Mask";
if ((this.level2Mask & this.level3Mask) != 0 ||
(this.level2Mask & this.level4Mask) != 0) {
field = "level2Mask";
if ((this.level3Mask & this.level4Mask) != 0) {
field = "level3Mask";
if (field != null) {
this.$logError("No diags bit should appear in more than one of " +
"the filter masks, 'level1Mask' - 'level4Mask'",
this, field);
* If Memory is not used, and the memory policy is not static, it is an
* error.
var Defaults = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
var Types = xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Types');
if ((Defaults.getCommon(this, "memoryPolicy") != Types.STATIC_POLICY)
&& xdc.module('xdc.runtime.Memory').$used != true) {
this.$logError("'common$.memoryPolicy' must be 'STATIC_POLICY' "
+ "when 'xdc.runtime.Memory' is not used", this,