blob: 09c077d957bc4210324a89f34f82e549cecd1bad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== IThreadSupport.xdc ========
import xdc.runtime.Error;
* ======== IThreadSupport ========
* Interface for OS specific back-end.
* The {@link xdc.runtime.knl} package contains modules that provide typical
* OS services. These xdc.runtime.knl modules require proxies to be bound to an
* OS specific delegate. This specifies the interface to be implemented by the
* OS specific delegate for {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread} module.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread} for more details on the APIs.
interface IThreadSupport
/*! Thread priorities which are mapped to OS specific value by Proxy */
enum Priority {
/*! Invalid OS priority value */
* The error status for {@link #getPriority} when an error is captured in
* the Error.Block.
const Int GETPRI_FAILED = -2;
/*! Status returned by {@link #compareOsPriorities} when an error occurs */
enum CompStatus {
CompStatus_ERROR = -2,
CompStatus_LOWER = -1,
CompStatus_EQUAL = 0,
CompStatus_HIGHER = 1
/*! typedef for function that gets called when the Thread runs. */
typedef Void (*RunFxn)(IArg);
/*! Struct to hold thread statistics from {@link #stat} */
struct Stat {
SizeT stackSize;
SizeT stackUsed;
* ======== self ========
* Acquire the currently executing thread's handle.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#self} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) Handle in case of success; null for error;
Handle self(Error.Block* eb);
* ======== start ========
* Start threads running.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#start} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool start(Error.Block* eb);
* ======== yield ========
* Yield the currently scheduled thread.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#yield} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool yield(Error.Block* eb);
* ======== compareOsPriorities ========
* Compare two priority values and find out which one represents a
* higher priority.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#compareOsPriorities} for more
* details.
* @p(blist)
* -{@link #CompStatus_ERROR} if an error occured
* -{@link #CompStatus_LOWER} if p1 is lower than p2
* -{@link #CompStatus_EQUAL} if p1=p2
* -{@link #CompStatus_HIGHER} if p1 is higher than p2
* details.
* @p
* @param(p1) priority one
* @param(p2) priority two
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) Refer to description above
Int compareOsPriorities(Int p1, Int p2, Error.Block *eb);
* ======== sleep ========
* Sleep for certain number of microseconds
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#sleep} for more details.
* @param(timeout) timeout in microseconds
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool sleep(UInt timeout, Error.Block *eb);
/*! Thread function argument. Default is NULL. */
config IArg arg = null;
* ======== priority ========
* Thread priority
* Thread defines several constants which allows applications to select
* a priority in an OS independent way. Priority_LOWEST,
* Priority_BELOW_NORMAL, Priority_NORMAL, Priority_ABOVE_NORMAL and
* Priority_HIGHEST. These values get mapped to OS specific priorities
* by the OS specific delegate.
config Priority priority = Priority_NORMAL;
* ======== osPriority ========
* OS specific thread priority
* Used to specify an OS specific value for priority. If set this value
* takes precedence over {@link #priority}.
config Int osPriority = INVALID_OS_PRIORITY;
/*! Thread stack size. If left at zero, OS default is used */
config SizeT stackSize = 0;
/*! User-specified thread local storage data. */
config Ptr tls = null;
* ======== create ========
* Create a Thread object.
* This function spawns a new thread calling the function fxn.
* @param(fxn) function for new thread to begin execution
create(RunFxn fxn);
* ======== join ========
* Join on a Thread.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#join} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool join(Error.Block* eb);
* ======== getPriority ========
* Obtain a thread's priority.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#getPriority} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) thread priority in case of success; Priority_INVALID in
* case of error;
Priority getPriority(Error.Block* eb);
* ======== setPriority ========
* Set a thread's priority.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#setPriority} for more details.
* @param(newPri) new thread priority
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool setPriority(Priority newPri, Error.Block* eb);
* ======== getOsPriority ========
* Obtain a thread's os specific priority.
* For OSes that support dynamic priority boosting, the value returned
* is the base priority of the thread.
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#getOsPriority} for more details.
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) thread priority in case of success; GETPRI_FAILED in
* case of error;
Int getOsPriority(Error.Block *eb);
* ======== setOsPriority ========
* Set a thread's priority.
* This API sets the base priority of the thread on OSes that
* support dynamic priority boosting
* Refer to {@link xdc.runtime.knl.Thread#setOsPriority} for more details.
* @param(newPri) new thread priority
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool setOsPriority(Int newPri, Error.Block *eb);
* ======== getOsHandle ========
* Get the OS thread handle
* @a(returns) null in case of error
Ptr getOsHandle();
* ======== getTls ========
* Obtain a thread's local storage pointer
* @a(returns) null in case of error
Ptr getTls();
* ======== setTls ========
* Set a thread's local storage pointer.
* @param(tls) thread tls
Void setTls(Ptr tls);
* ======== stat ========
* Obtain a thread's stats
* @param(buf) Pointer to Stat
* @param(eb) Pointer to Error.Block
* @a(returns) true for success; false for failure
Bool stat(Stat* buf, Error.Block* eb);