blob: 71c293d454caa5c9a128d05323eeb93aad20866b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
/* global xdc, Program, XML */
* ======== processCommand ========
* Accepts a string command line and services the request.
function processCommand(input) {
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
/* Verify Model has been initialized. */
if (!Model.$private.initialized) {
return("<Exception>ROV Model not initialized</Exception>");
var result;
try {
result = pCmd(input);
catch (e) {
var exception = Program.exToString(e);
Program.debugPrint("rov/server/main.xs caught exception while " +
"processing command: " + exception);
result = "<Exception>" + xmlQuote(exception) + "</Exception>";
return (result);
* ======== pCmd ========
function pCmd(input)
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
Program.debugPrint("Model - Processing command " + input);
/* Clear Cache */
if (input == "cc") {
Program.debugPrint("Clearing server cache...");
* Server writes out an empty string to acknowledge that the
* cache has been cleared.
return ("");
/* List modules */
else if (input == "lm") {
* Retrieve Module (m is 109 in Java)
* Module requests have the form:
* m <module name> <tab name>
* m ti.sysbios.knl.Task Detailed
* The tab name comes last so that it may contain spaces.
else if (input.charAt(0) == 'm') {
Program.debugPrint("RovServer received request: " + input);
var modName = input.substring(2);
/* Find the index of the space after the module name */
var index = input.indexOf(' ', 3);
modName = input.substring(2, index);
var tabName = input.substring(index + 1, input.length);
return (retrieveView(modName, tabName));
/* Unrecognized command */
else {
return ("<Exception>Unrecognized command</Exception>");
* ======== listModules ========
function listModules()
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
Program.debugPrint("Listing modules...");
/* Get the package hierarchy as a js object */
var moduleList = Model.getModuleList();
/* Convert the package hierarchy to an XML object */
var sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
moduleListToXML(sb, moduleList, " ");
Program.debugPrint("Module list = \n" + sb.toString());
return (sb.toString());
* ======== retrieveView ========
function retrieveView(modName, tabName)
Program.debugPrint("Retrieving: tab " + tabName +
" for module " + modName);
var viewType = Program.getViewType(modName, tabName);
var ViewInfo = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.ViewInfo');
var view;
switch (String(viewType)) {
case String(ViewInfo.MODULE):
view = retrieveModuleView(modName, tabName);
case String(ViewInfo.INSTANCE):
view = retrieveInstanceView(modName, tabName);
case String(ViewInfo.INSTANCE_DATA):
view = retrieveInstanceDataView(modName, tabName);
case String(ViewInfo.MODULE_DATA):
view = retrieveModuleDataView(modName, tabName);
case String(ViewInfo.RAW):
view = retrieveRawView(modName);
throw (new Error("Undefined view type: " + viewType));
/* Check abort flag before returning. */
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
if (Model.getICallBackInst().getAbortFlag()) {
return (view.toString());
* ======== moduleListToXML ========
* This function turns the module list into an XML structure. It does not use
* the JavaScript XML type to build the structure--it turns out it's much
* quicker / more efficient to simply build the structure as a String using a
* StringBuilder.
function moduleListToXML(sb, elem, pad) {
* For each package, display subpackages first, followed by any modules
* in the package.
var modules = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < elem.children.length; i++) {
/* Handle the modules after adding all the packages. */
if (elem.children[i].isModule) {
modules[modules.length] = elem.children[i];
else {
var pkg = elem.children[i];
var folder ='.') + 1);
sb.append(pad + "<" + folder + " type=\"package\">\n");
moduleListToXML(sb, pkg, pad + " ");
sb.append(pad + "</" + folder + ">\n");
/* Handle the modules */
for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
var mod = modules[i];
sb.append(pad + "<" + + " type=\"module\">\n");
for (var j = 0; j < mod.tabs.length; j++) {
sb.append(pad + " <view type=\"" + mod.tabs[j].type + "\">" + encode(mod.tabs[j].name) + "</view>\n");
sb.append(pad + "</" + + ">\n");
* ======== retrieveModuleView ========
* Retrieve the specified module-type view. Call Program.getViewType to
* determine which Model.retrieve* API to call.
* Returns an XML formatted string representing the view.
function retrieveModuleView(modName, tabName)
var msgOk = "ROV detected errors in scan of";
try {
Program.scanModuleView(modName, tabName);
catch (e) {
if (e.message == "abort") {
return ("abort");
* Program.scanModuleView will intentionally throw exceptions to
* force user to handle them.
* If this is that type of excpetion, continue on.
* Otherwise, report the exception directly instead of continuing.
else if (!e.message.substring(0, msgOk.length).equals(msgOk)) {
throw e;
/* Get the view manually in case it threw an exception. */
var modDesc = Program.getModuleDesc(modName);
var modView = modDesc.viewMap[tabName];
* The final result has the form:
* <Tab name="Module"> <-- tab name
* <ti.sysbios.knl.Task> <-- mod name
* <ti.sysbios.knl.Task.Module_View> <-- mod view
* <schedulerLocked>
var viewXML = viewToXML(modView, modDesc.errorMap[tabName]);
var modRoot = new XML('<' + modName + '/>');
modRoot[] = viewXML;
var tabRoot = new XML('<Tab name="' + encode(tabName) + '"/>');
tabRoot[modName] = modRoot;
return (tabRoot);
* ======== retrieveInstanceView ========
* Retrieve the specified instance-type view. Call Program.getViewType to
* determine which Model.retrieve* API to call.
* Returns an XML formatted string representing the view.
function retrieveInstanceView(modName, tabName)
var msgOk = "ROV detected errors in scan of";
try {
Program.scanInstanceView(modName, tabName);
catch (e) {
if (e.message == "abort") {
return ("abort");
* Program.scanInstanceView will intentionally throw exceptions to
* force user to handle them.
* If this is that type of excpetion, continue on.
* Otherwise, report the exception directly instead of continuing.
else if (!e.message.substring(0, msgOk.length).equals(msgOk)) {
throw e;
var mod = Program.getModuleDesc(modName);
var root = new XML('<' + modName + '/>');
var count = 0;
/* Get the instance views, add them to the XML output */
Program.debugPrint("mod.instances.length = " + mod.instances.length);
/* Convert each instance to XML. */
for (var i in mod.instances) {
var view = mod.instances[i].viewMap[tabName];
Program.debugPrint ("view = " + view);
var viewXml = viewToXML(view, mod.instances[i].errorMap[tabName]);
/* The first time around... */
if (i == 0) {
root[] = viewXml;
root[][i] = viewXml;
/* Add the module root underneath the tab name root */
var tabRoot = new XML('<Tab name="' + tabName + '"/>');
tabRoot[modName] = root;
return (tabRoot);
* ======== retrieveInstanceDataView ========
* Retrieve the specified instance-data-type view. Call Program.getViewType to
* determine which Model.retrieve* API to call.
* Returns an XML formatted string representing the view.
function retrieveInstanceDataView(modName, tabName)
var e;
try {
var dataArr = Program.scanInstanceDataView(modName, tabName);
catch (e) {
if (e.message == "abort") {
return ("abort");
else {
var exception = Program.exToString(e);
Program.debugPrint("Caught exception in ROV Server: " + exception);
var rawView = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
rawView.append('<Tab name="' + tabName + '" type="data">\n');
rawView.append(' <' + modName + '>\n');
for each (var instView in dataArr) {
rawView.append(' <' + instView.$type + '>\n'); // xdc.rov.Program.DataView
rawView.append(' <label>' + instView.label + '</label>\n');
rawView.append(' <elements>\n');
/* Add each data element */
for each (var elem in instView.elements) {
rawView.append(viewToXML(elem, null).toString());
rawView.append(' </elements>\n');
rawView.append(' </' + instView.$type + '>\n'); // xdc.rov.Program.DataView
rawView.append(' </' + modName + '>\n');
return (String(rawView));
* ======== retrieveModuleDataView ========
* Retrieve the specified module-data-type view. Call Program.getViewType
* to determine which Model.retrieve* API to call.
* Returns an XML formatted string representing the view.
function retrieveModuleDataView(modName, tabName)
var e;
try {
var dataView = Program.scanModuleDataView(modName, tabName);
catch (e) {
if (e.message == "abort") {
return ("abort");
else {
var exception = Program.exToString(e);
Program.debugPrint("Caught exception in ROV Server: " + exception);
/* Re-throw the exception so that the user sees it. */
throw (e);
var xmlView = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
xmlView.append('<Tab name="' + tabName + '" type="module_data">\n');
xmlView.append('<' + modName + '>\n');
/* Add each data element */
for each (var elem in dataView.elements) {
xmlView.append(viewToXML(elem, null).toString() + "\n");
xmlView.append('</' + modName + '>\n');
return (String(xmlView));
* ======== viewToXML ========
* Converts a single view structure to XML. This function is leveraged for
* all of the view types except for the Raw tab.
function viewToXML(view, error) {
var viewXml = new XML('<' + view.$type + '/>');
* Address field is added explicitly because it doesn't show up in
* the for/in loop.
if ('address' in view) {
viewXml["address"] = view.address;
if (error) {
viewXml["address"].@error = encode(error);
for (var p in view) {
/* If the status is undefined, don't include this field. */
if (view.$status[p] === undefined) {
/* If the field is an array... */
if ((view[p]) && (view[p].$category == 'Vector')) {
var array = new XML('<' + p + '/>');
* Create child elements for each array element,
* formatted like array-0, array-1, etc.
for (var i = 0; i < view[p].length; i++) {
var index = p + "-" + i;
array[index] = encode(view[p][i]);
viewXml[p] = array;
/* If the field didn't get filled in, display an empty box */
else if (view[p] == undefined) {
viewXml[p] = "";
/* If this is just a normal field. */
else {
viewXml[p] = encode(view[p]);
/* If the status is non-null, there's an error to report. */
if (view.$status[p] != null) {
viewXml[p].@error = encode(view.$status[p]);
return (viewXml);
* ======== encode ========
* Encodes the given string to make it safe for XML.
function encode(str) {
return(, 'UTF-8'));
* ======== retrieveRawView ========
* The raw tab is handled specially because of it's more generic nature and
* the complexity of displaying the configuration object.
* All of the functions that follow are to support the raw tab.
function retrieveRawView(modName)
var rawObj = Program.scanRawView(modName);
var rawView = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
rawView.append('<Tab name="Raw">\n');
rawView.append(' <' + modName + '>\n');
Program.debugPrint("Creating raw view XML");
/* Add the module state */
if (rawObj.modState != null) {
var modView = rawToXML(rawObj.modState, "Module State", " ");
Program.debugPrint("Creating raw view XML for instances");
/* Add the instance states */
rawView.append(' <property name="Instance States">\n');
for each (var obj in rawObj.instStates) {
var elemName = Program.getShortName(obj.$label);
if (elemName == "") {
elemName = String(obj.$addr);
var instView = rawToXML(obj, elemName, " ");
rawView.append(' </property>\n');
/* Add the module config info */
/* This will take some work. Can't have '$' in XML name. */
var cfgView = rawToXML(rawObj.modCfg, "Configuration", " ");
rawView.append(' </' + modName + '>\n');
return (String(rawView));
* ======== rawToXML ========
function rawToXML(obj, elemName, pad)
var sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
sb.append(pad + '<property name="' + elemName + '">\n');
xmlStruct(sb, obj, pad + " ", 0);
sb.append(pad + '</property>\n');
return String(sb);
* ======== xmlStruct ========
* Convert a structure to XML using a string builder.
function xmlStruct(sb, obj, pad, level)
if ((level != undefined) && (level != -1)) {
for (var field in obj) {
xmlField(sb, field, obj[field], pad, level);
* ======== xmlField ========
* Convert the field of a structure into XML using a string builder.
function xmlField(sb, field, value, pad, level)
/* If the field is an object... */
if (value && typeof value == 'object') {
/* If this is an address or an enum (an Addr or EnumVal object)... */
if (('$category' in value) &&
((value.$category == 'Addr') || (value.$category == 'EnumVal'))) {
appendProperty(sb, pad, field, String(value));
/* Otherwise it's just another structure... */
else {
if (level == 5) {
appendProperty(sb, pad, field, "ROV reached max depth (5)");
else {
sb.append(pad + '<property name="' + encode(field) + '">\n');
xmlStruct(sb, value, pad + " ", level);
sb.append(pad + '</property>\n');
/* If the field is just a scalar value... */
else {
appendProperty(sb, pad, field, String(value));
* ======== xmlQuote ========
* Quote special characters in a string for use in an XML document.
function xmlQuote(str) {
str = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
str = str.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
str = str.replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
str = str.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
return str;
function appendProperty(sb, pad, field, value)
//sb.append(pad + '<' + field + '>' + String(value) + '</' + field + '>\n');
sb.append(pad + '<property name="' + encode(field) + '">' + encode(value) + '</property>\n');