blob: e8329b75686dcb12d7df0318a0d3b61897d73ea3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== HeapStd.xs ========
var HeapStd = null;
var Program = null;
* ======== module$use ========
function module$use()
Program = xdc.module('xdc.cfg.Program');
* ======== module$static$init ========
function module$static$init(mod, params)
HeapStd = mod;
/* Initialize module fields */
HeapStd.remainRTSSize = Program.heap;
* ======== instance$static$init ========
function instance$static$init(obj, params)
/* Throw an error if the size is zero */
if (params.size == 0) {
Program.$logFatal("'size' parameter to HeapStd.create() cannot be 0.",
this, "size");
/* if param.size == HeapStd_HEAP_MAX (special case), do not check */
if (params.size != this.HEAP_MAX) {
/* Make sure the rts size (Program.heap) is large enough) */
if (HeapStd.remainRTSSize < params.size) {
Program.$logFatal("The RTS heap (Program.heap = " + Program.heap
+ ") is used up.", this, "size");
HeapStd.remainRTSSize -= params.size;
/* Fill in the instance internal fields */
obj.remainSize = params.size;
obj.startSize = params.size;
* ======== instance$view$init ========
function instance$view$init(view, obj)
view.address = obj.$addr;
view.label = obj.$label;
view.remainSize = obj.remainSize;
view.startSize = obj.startSize;