blob: c6ba48856d2dae2b40daa81a8799fbb18fc4a1e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== IModule.xdc ========
* ======== IModule ========
* Base interface for all modules
* All modules share a common set of configuration parameters and methods.
* @a(internal)
* This section provides a terse summary of the methods provided by every
* module for use within the module's implementation. Each method's
* prototype is shown along with a brief summary of its behavior.
* These methods are declared in the module's internal header which should
* always be included in any file referencing these functions. For a
* module named `Mod` the following statement includes this header.
* @p(code)
* #include "package/internal/Mod.xdc.h"
* @p
* In the prototypes below, `Mod` refers to the module being implemented,
* `embeddedObj` is the name of field in the module's state structure that
* is either an embedded object field or an array of such objects, and
* `fld` is the name of a field declared in the module's state structure.
* @p(code)
* // enter the module's gate
* IArg Mod_Module_enter(Gate_Handle gate);
* // leave the module's gate
* Mod_Module_leave(Gate_Handle, IArg);
* // return a pointer to the embeddedObj field
* Ptr Mod_Module_State_embeddedObj();
* // the value of the fld field of the module's state structure
* Mod_module->fld; // fld is declared in module's .xdc file
* @p
* @a(external)
* This section provides a terse summary of the methods provided by every
* module for use by an application or other modules. Each method's
* prototype is shown along with a brief summary of its behavior.
* These methods are declared in the module's header which should always
* be included in any file referencing these functions. For a module named
* `Mod` in the package named `a.b.c`, the following statement includes this
* header.
* @p(code)
* #include <a/b/c/Mod.h>
* @p
* In the prototypes below, `IMod` referes to some interface, `Mod` refers to
* a module that (optionally) inherits from `IMod`, and `pkgName` is the
* name of the package containing the interface `IMod`.
* @p(code)
* // methods to operate on modules
* // return heap associated with this module
* IHeap_Handle Mod_Module_heap();
* // get Mod's module ID
* Types_ModuleId Mod_Module_id();
* // return TRUE if Mod's startup is complete
* Bool Mod_Module_startupDone();
* // type-safe conversion from an interface to an inheriting module
* // Returns NULL if the conversion is not valid
* Mod_Handle Mod_Handle_downCast(IMod_Handle handle);
* // type-safe conversion from a module to an interface it inherits from
* // Returns NULL if the conversion is not valid
* IMod_Handle Mod_Handle_upCast(Mod_Module_Handle handle);
* // methods that create and destruct runtime Mod instances
* // create a heap-based runtime instance
* // The number and type of other parameters is module-specific
* Mod_Handle Mod_create( ..., Mod_Params *prms, Error_Block *eb)
* // destroy a heap-based runtime instance
* // Can be safely called only for instances created by Mod_create()
* Void Mod_delete(Mod_Handle *hPtr)
* // create a stack-based or a static runtime instance
* // The number and type of other parameters is module-specific
* Void Mod_construct(Mod_Struct *obj, ..., Mod_Params *prms, Error_Block *eb)
* // destroy a stack-based or a static runtime instance
* // Can be safely called only for instances created by Mod_construct()
* Void Mod_destruct(Mod_Struct *obj)
* // methods to access the instances managed by Mod
* // return heap used to create instances
* IHeap_Handle Mod_Object_heap();
* // return count of static instances
* Int Mod_Object_count();
* // get the i'th instance object of an array of instance objects
* //
* // If the array reference is NULL, get the i'th statically created
* // instance object.
* Mod_Object *Mod_Object_get(Mod_Object *array, Int i);
* // get the first "live" runtime instance
* Mod_Object *Mod_Object_first();
* // get the next "live" runtime instance
* Mod_Object *Mod_Object_next(Mod_Object *obj);
* // methods that operate on instance handles
* // fill in buf structure with instance's label info, returns buf
* Types_Label *Mod_Handle_label(Mod_Handle inst, Types_Label *buf);
* // returns name of the instance inst, if it has one (otherwise NULL)
* String Mod_Handle_name(Mod_Handle inst);
* // type-safe conversion of module handle to interface handle
* // Returns NULL if the conversion is not valid
* IMod_Handle Mod_Handle_to_pkgName_IMod(Mod_Handle inst);
* // type-safe conversion of interface handle to module handle
* // Returns NULL if the conversion is not valid
* Mod_Handle Mod_Handle_from_pkgName_IMod(IMod_Handle inst);
* // get the module that created the handle
* Mod_Module Mod_Handle_to_Module(Mod_Handle inst);
* @p
interface IModule {
* ======== common$ ========
* Common module configuration parameters
* All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$'
* character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters
* declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be
* added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config Types.Common$ common$;
* ======== viewNameMap$ ========
* Specifies the ROV views for the module.
* @_nodoc
* Maps the view name to the RovView descriptor.
metaonly config Types.ViewInfo viewNameMap$[string];
* ======== rovShowRawTab$ ========
* @_nodoc
metaonly config Bool rovShowRawTab$ = true;
* ======== configNameMap$ ========
* @_nodoc
metaonly readonly config Types.ViewInfo configNameMap$[string] = [
["xdc.runtime/Memory", {viewType: "module", fields: [
"common$.instanceHeap", "common$.instanceSection",
"common$.namedModule", "common$.namedInstance",
"common$.fxntab", "common$.romPatchTable"
["xdc.runtime/Diagnostics", {viewType: "module", fields: [
"common$.diags_ASSERT", "common$.diags_ENTRY",
"common$.diags_EXIT", "common$.diags_INTERNAL",
"common$.diags_USER2", "common$.diags_USER3",
"common$.diags_USER4", "common$.diags_USER5",
"common$.diags_USER6", "common$.diags_INFO",
["xdc.runtime/Concurrency", {viewType: "module", fields: [
"common$.gate", "common$.gateParams"
["xdc.runtime/Log Events", {viewType: "module", fields: [
["xdc.runtime/Log Events", {viewType: "instance", fields: [
["xdc.runtime/Asserts", {viewType: "module", fields: [
["xdc.runtime/Asserts", {viewType: "instance", fields: [
["xdc.runtime/Errors", {viewType: "module", fields: [
["xdc.runtime/Errors", {viewType: "instance", fields: [
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Bits32 Module__diagsEnabled = 0;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Bits32 Module__diagsIncluded = 0;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Bits16* Module__diagsMask = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Ptr Module__gateObj = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Ptr Module__gatePrms = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.ModuleId Module__id = 0;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Bool Module__loggerDefined = false;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Ptr Module__loggerObj = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.LoggerFxn0 Module__loggerFxn0 = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.LoggerFxn1 Module__loggerFxn1 = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.LoggerFxn2 Module__loggerFxn2 = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.LoggerFxn4 Module__loggerFxn4 = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Types.LoggerFxn8 Module__loggerFxn8 = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Int Object__count = 0;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config IHeap.Handle Object__heap = null;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config SizeT Object__sizeof = 0;
/*! @_nodoc */
@System config Ptr Object__table = null;
* ======== Handle__label ========
* Initialize a `Types.Label` from an instance handle
* @_nodoc
* @param(obj) input instance handle
* @param(lab) pointer to `Label` struct to initialize from `obj`
@System Types.Label *Handle__label(Ptr obj, Types.Label *lab);
/*! @_nodoc */
@System Bool Module__startupDone();
/*! @_nodoc
* aa - address of "required" create args structure
* pa - address of instance parameter structure
* psz - sizeof of parameter structure
* eb - error block pointer
* Currently, we keep Object__create and Object__delete because these are
* the functions used in virtual tables. All Object__create functions have
* the same signature so we can use SysFxns2 to define a type for virtual
* tables instead of using a different type for each module. we could
* delete these two functions.
@System Ptr Object__create(CPtr aa, const UChar *pa, SizeT psz,
Error.Block *eb);
/*! @_nodoc */
@System Void Object__delete(Ptr instp);
/*! @_nodoc */
@System Ptr Object__get(Ptr oarr, Int i);
* ======== Object__first ========
* Return the first member of a list of dynamically created instances
* @_nodoc
* @a(warning) The methods `first()` and `next()` are not thread-safe.
* The caller must ensure that no instances are removed or
* added while the list is being traversed.
* @a(returns)
* Returns a handle to a first instance or `NULL` if there are no
* instances in the list.
@System Ptr Object__first();
* ======== Object__next ========
* Return the next instance from the list of dynamically created instances
* @_nodoc
* @param(obj) handle to a dynamically created instance
* @a(returns)
* Returns a handle to a first instance or `NULL` if there are no
* instances in the list
@System Ptr Object__next(Ptr obj);
/*! @_nodoc */
@System Void Params__init(Ptr dst, const void *src, SizeT psz, SizeT isz);
/*! @_nodoc */
@System Bool Proxy__abstract();
/*! @_nodoc */
@System CPtr Proxy__delegate();