blob: 7970b553419b37ec138e092a5da30fa2fd3ed6cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== module$use ========
function module$use()
* ======== module$static$init ========
function module$static$init(obj, params)
obj.stateTab = null;
obj.execFlag = false;
obj.rtsDoneFlag = false;
for each (var mod in Program.targetModules()) {
if (mod.MODULE_STARTUP$) {
this.sfxnTab.$add('&' + mod.$name.replace(/\./g, '_') +
var rtsFxn = false;
if (mod.$package.$name == 'xdc.runtime') {
rtsFxn = true;
else {
/* $$inherits is an array of package names from which 'mod'
* inherits.
if ("$$inherits" in mod) {
var iL = mod.$$inherits;
rtsFxn = iL.length > 1
&& iL[iL.length - 2] == 'xdc.runtime';
/* else clause can be removed after we increment the schema
* number from 170. Before then, we will still have schemas
* that will not be rebuilt, but they will not have $$inherits.
else {
var iL = mod.$spec.getInherits().toArray();
rtsFxn = iL.length > 1 &&
iL[iL.length - 2].getPkgName() == 'xdc.runtime';
* ======== validate ========
function validate()
/* Only process during "cfg" phase */
if ($name != "cfg" || !this.$used) {
if (this.maxPasses < 0) {
"The configuration parameter 'maxPasses' cannot be negative.",
this, "maxPasses");
* ======== viewInitModule ========
* ROV module-level view.
function viewInitModule(view, mod)
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
/* Indicate whether the runtime modules have completed startup. */
view.rtsStartupDone = mod.rtsDoneFlag;
* Indicate whether processing of the module startup functions has
* begun.
view.startupBegun = mod.execFlag;
* Retrieve the Startup module's configuration to get at the rest and
* first and last functions.
var modCfg = Program.getModuleConfig('xdc.runtime.Startup');
/* Display the reset function. */
view.resetFxn = modCfg.resetFxn;
/* Display the functions which run before module startup. */
view.firstFxns = modCfg.firstFxns;
/* Display the functions which run after module startup. */
view.lastFxns = modCfg.lastFxns;
* ======== viewInitStartupState ========
* ROV view displaying the startup state (done / not done) of each module.
function viewInitStartupState(view)
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
/* Access the Startup module's configuration. */
var modCfg = Program.getModuleConfig('xdc.runtime.Startup');
* Get an array of the names of all of the startup modules based
* on the internal 'sfxnTab' config, which is an array of all of the
* Module_startup__E functions.
var startupMods = getStartupMods(modCfg.sfxnTab);
/* Get the startup state to display for each module. */
var states = getStartupStates(startupMods);
* Display the modules in the order they're called, which is rts
* modules first.
var elements = new Array();
/* Go through the modules and add the rts modules to the view first. */
for (var i = 0; i < startupMods.length; i++) {
/* Only add rts modules this time. */
if (modCfg.sfxnRts[i]) {
/* Add the module to the view. */
elements[elements.length] =
getStartupStateView(elements.length + 1,
/* Go through the modules again, this time adding the non-rts modules. */
for (var i = 0; i < startupMods.length; i++) {
/* Only add non-rts modules this time. */
if (!modCfg.sfxnRts[i]) {
/* Add the module to the view. */
elements[elements.length] =
getStartupStateView(elements.length + 1,
view.elements = elements;
* ======== getStartupMods ========
function getStartupMods(sfxnTab)
var startupMods = new Array();
var tailLen = String("_Module_startup__E").length;
for (var i = 0; i < sfxnTab.length; i++) {
var sym = sfxnTab[i];
/* Remove the '&' and the _Module_startup__E from the symbol. */
var modName = sym.substring(1, sym.length - tailLen);
/* Replace '_' with '.' */
modName = modName.replace(/_/g, '.');
/* Add the module to the list. */
startupMods[startupMods.length] = modName;
return (startupMods);
* ======== getStartupStates ========
* Returns a string array of the current state ("DONE" or "NOT DONE") of all
* of the module startups.
function getStartupStates(startupMods)
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
var ScalarStructs = xdc.useModule('');
/* Scan the raw view to retrieve the module state. */
var rawView = Program.scanRawView('xdc.runtime.Startup');
var modState = rawView.modState;
var states = new Array();
* If the stateTab field is set to null, either startup hasn't started
* or it's completely done.
if (modState.stateTab == 0) {
/* If the execFlag is set, then startup processing is done. */
if (modState.execFlag) {
/* Set all states to "DONE" */
for (var i = 0; i < startupMods.length; i++) {
states[i] = "DONE";
/* Otherwise, startup hasn't started yet. */
else {
/* Set all states to "NOT DONE" */
for (var i = 0; i < startupMods.length; i++) {
states[i] = "NOT DONE";
/* If stateTab is non-null, retrieve the values. */
else {
/* Retrieve the startup state table. */
var stateVals = Program.fetchArray(ScalarStructs.S_Int$fetchDesc,
/* Convert the values into "DONE" and "NOT DONE" */
for (var i = 0; i < startupMods.length; i++) {
if (stateVals[i].elem == -1) {
states[i] = "DONE";
else if (stateVals[i].elem == 0) {
states[i] ="NOT DONE";
else {
states[i] = "Bad value: " + stateVals[i].elem;
return (states);
* ======== getStartupStateView ========
function getStartupStateView(order, modName, state)
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
/* Create a new view element. */
var elem = Program.newViewStruct('xdc.runtime.Startup', 'Startup State');
/* Display the order of the modules, starting at 1. */
elem.order = order;
/* Display the module. */
elem.moduleName = modName;
/* Display the module's startup state. */
elem.done = state;
return (elem);