blob: 7383f2dc1a7c45f78d43c79865e424845fa3ee5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Win32.xdc ========
* ======== Win32 ========
* Microsoft Windows 32-bit target using the Visual C/C++ compiler
* This target can be configured to be used with different versions of
* Microsoft Visual C/C++ and different installations of Platform SDK (or a
* newer equivalent Windows SDK). The optional Platform SDK is needed only
* for building applications that use Windows API.
* The target `Win32` contains default configurations for Visual C/C++
* versions 8.0, and 14.0, but in order to support future versions of
* Visual C/C++ and different Windows SDK installations, there
* is a parameter {@link #sdkPath}, which users can set in their `config.bld`
* files to enable usage of this target with their installations.
* Unlike the Visual C/C++ 6.x tool chain, this compiler complies very
* closely with the C/C++ language specification. This target may be
* necessary in situations that take full advantage of the C++ language.
metaonly module Win32 inherits microsoft.targets.ITarget {
override readonly config string name = "Win32";
override readonly config string os = "Windows";
override readonly config string suffix = "86W";
override readonly config string isa = "x86";
override readonly config xdc.bld.ITarget.Model model = {
endian: "little"
override readonly config string rts = "microsoft.targets.rts";
override config string platform = "host.platforms.PC";
override config string execExt = ".exe";
* ======== path ========
* Path components added during execution of commands
readonly config string path =
* ======== SDKPath ========
* A structure type that defines Windows SDK paths to be used for building
* Windows applications with this target.
* A Windows SDK installation is needed for building programs that use
* Windows API. However, Windows SDK installations can be anywhere on the
* disk and also include SDK version numbers (10.0.10586.0 for example).
* Therefore, these paths can't be derived from the target's rootDir.
* @field(includePath) Absolute path to the Include directory of a Windows
* SDK installation. Windows SDK is required if the target is used to build
* executables that use Windows API.
* @field(libraryPath) Absolute path to the Lib directory of a Windows
* SDK installation.
* @field(libs) List of Windows SDK libraries to be added to the linker
* command line.
struct SDKPath {
string includePath[];
string libraryPath[];
string libs;
* ======== sdkPath ========
* Location of the header and library files in a Windows SDK installation
* This parameter contains paths to the optional Windows SDK.
* @a(Examples)
* If the content of `sdkPath`, set in `config.bld` is
* @p(code)
* Win32.sdkPath = {
* includePath: "C:/PROGRA~2/WI3CF2~1/10/Include/10.0.10586.0/ucrt",
* libraryPath: "C:/PROGRA~2/WI3CF2~1/10/Lib/10.0.10586.0/um/x86";
* libs: " libucrt.lib setargv.obj oldnames.lib ole32.lib
* oleaut32.lib olepro32.lib uuid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
* advapi32.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib mfc70.lib ucrt.lib"
* };
* the contents of `includePath`, `libraryPath` and `libs` are added to
* appropriate command lines.
* If Windows SDK is not installed or needed, sdkPath's `includePath` and
* `libraryPath` should be empty.
* @p
config SDKPath sdkPath = {
includePath: [],
libraryPath: [],
libs: "ole32.lib oleaut32.lib olepro32.lib uuid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib"
* ======== profiles ========
* Standard options profiles are overwritten because we can't use 'MTs'
* and -D_DEBUG=1. Both of them added the debug version of the C runtime
* library to the manifest.
override config xdc.bld.ITarget.OptionSet profiles[string] = [
["debug", {
compileOpts: {
copts: "-Z7 -Odi -MTd",
defs: "",
linkOpts: "-debug msvcrtd.lib vcruntimed.lib ucrtd.lib oldnames.lib",
["release", {
compileOpts: {
copts: "-O2 -MT",
defs: "",
linkOpts: "msvcrt.lib vcruntime.lib ucrt.lib oldnames.lib",
* ======== ar ========
* The archiver command and all required options
* @p(dlist)
* -`-nologo`
* don't display archiver copyright
override readonly config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command ar = {
cmd: "$(rootDir)/VC/bin/lib.exe -nologo",
opts: ""
* ======== cc ========
* The compile command and all required options
* @p(dlist)
* -`-W3`
* enable all warnings recommended for production purposes.
* -`-c`
* don't link
* -`-nologo`
* don't display compiler copyright
* -`-Zp1`
* Packs structure members on 1-byte boundry
override readonly config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command cc = {
cmd: "$(rootDir)/VC/bin/cl.exe -nologo -c",
* ======== asm ========
* The assemble command and all required options
* @p(dlist)
* -`-c`
* don't link
* -`-nologo`
* don't display macro assembler copyright
override readonly config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command asm = {
cmd: "$(rootDir)/VC/bin/ml -c",
opts: "-nologo"
* ======== lnk ========
* The linker command and all required options
* @p(dlist)
* -`-nologo`
* Don't display linker copyright
override readonly config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Command lnk = {
cmd: "$(rootDir)/VC/bin/link",
opts: "-nologo"
* ======== ccOpts ========
* User modifiable default options.
* @p(dlist)
* -`-G5` (removed because it is incompatible with VC8.0)
* Optimizes code to favor the Pentium processor
* -`-Ob1`
* Expand only functions marked as inline or, in a C++
* member function, defined within a class declaration
* -`-Gs`
* Probe stack to automatically grow stack as necessary
* -`-GX` (removed because it is incompatible with VC8.0)
* Enables synchronous exception handling
* -`-WL`
* Write errors/warnings on a single output line
override config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Options ccOpts = {
prefix: "-Ob1 -Gs",
suffix: "-Dfar= "
* ======== lnkOpts ========
* User modifiable linker options
* @p(dlist)
* -`-libpath`
* directories to search for toolchain specific libraries
* -`-nodefaultlib`
* don't search for default libraries when linking; all
* libraries used must be explicitly named
* -`-incremental:no`
* link for execution (no subsequent link will occur)
* -`-machine:ix86`
* link for the Intel x86 architecture
* -`-map:$(XDCCFGDIR)/$`
* output any link map information to the specified file
* ($(XDCCFGDIR) is usually package/cfg)
* -`-pdb:$(XDCCFGDIR)/$@.pdb`
* output any program debug information to the specified file
* ($(XDCCFGDIR) is usually package/cfg)
override config xdc.bld.ITarget2.Options lnkOpts = {
prefix: "-libpath:$(rootDir)/VC/lib -libpath:$(rootDir)/VC/atlmfc/lib",
suffix: "-map:$(XDCCFGDIR)/$ -pdb:$(XDCCFGDIR)/$@.pdb -machine:ix86 -nodefaultlib -incremental:no"
* ======== includeOpts ========
* User modifiable include paths
* @p(dlist)
* -`-I$(rootDir)/$(compilerDir)/include`
* include compiler specific headers
override config string includeOpts = "-I$(rootDir)/VC/include -I$(rootDir)/VC/atlmfc/include";