blob: b52477cfc518b524735295c39a927494e384329c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.junit;
import static org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.util.SeleniumUtil.shortPause;
import static org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.util.SeleniumUtil.variablePause;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.IValueField;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.messagebox.MessageBox;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.SeleniumSuiteState;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.util.SeleniumDriver;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.util.SeleniumExpectedConditions;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium.util.SeleniumUtil;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.TargetLocator;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
public abstract class AbstractSeleniumTest {
public static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT = 10; // seconds
private static WebDriver s_driver;
private final IgnoreTestOnMacOSRule m_ignoreTestOnMacOSRule = new IgnoreTestOnMacOSRule(this);
private final BrowserLogRule m_browserLogRule = new BrowserLogRule(this);
private final SessionRule m_sessionRule = new SessionRule(this);
private final ScreenshotRule m_screenshotRule = new ScreenshotRule(this);
* Wrap screenshot rule by session rule to make sure, screenshot is taken BEFORE the session is logged out.
* @see
public final TestRule m_mainRule = RuleChain
private WebElement m_previousClickTarget;
private int m_waitUntilTimeout = DEFAULT_WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT; // seconds
* When we're running in a suite, the suite deals with starting the Driver, When the test runs alone, it must start
* the Driver itself.
public static void setUpBeforeClass() {
if (SeleniumSuiteState.isSuiteStarted()) {
s_driver = SeleniumSuiteState.getDriver();
else {
s_driver = SeleniumDriver.setUpDriver();
System.out.println("Selenium driver started by AbstractSeleniumTest");
* When we're running in a suite, the suite deals with stopping the Driver, When the test runs alone, it must stop the
* Driver itself.
public static void tearDownAfterClass() {
if (!SeleniumSuiteState.isSuiteStarted()) {
if (s_driver != null) {
System.out.println("Selenium driver terminated by AbstractSeleniumTest");
s_driver = null;
public WebDriver getDriver() {
return s_driver;
* Reloads the page (Ctrl + R).
public void refresh() {
public TargetLocator switchTo() {
return s_driver.switchTo();
public WebElement findElement(By by) {
return findElement(null, by);
public List<WebElement> findElements(By by) {
return findElements(null, by);
public List<WebElement> findElements(WebElement parent, By by) {
if (parent == null) {
return s_driver.findElements(by);
else {
return parent.findElements(by);
public WebElement findElement(WebElement parent, By by) {
if (parent == null) {
return s_driver.findElement(by);
else {
return parent.findElement(by);
* Finds the first {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class.
public WebElement findElement(Class<?> modelClass) {
return findElement(null, modelClass);
* Finds the first {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class, and which is located somewhere beneath
* the given parent.
public WebElement findElement(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return findElement(parent, SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(modelClass));
* Finds the first <code>input</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class (e.g. text- or smart
* field).
public WebElement findInputField(Class<?> modelClass) {
return findInputField(SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(modelClass));
* Finds the first <code>input</code> {@link WebElement} that is found in the hierarchy referenced by the given
* locator (by).
* @param by
* @return
public WebElement findInputField(By by) {
return findElement(by).findElement(By.tagName("input"));
* Finds the first <code>input</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class, and which is located
* somewhere beneath the given parent (e.g. text- or smart field).
public WebElement findInputField(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return findElement(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.tagName("input"));
* Finds the first <code>text area</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class.
public WebElement findTextArea(Class<?> modelClass) {
return findTextArea(null, modelClass);
* Finds the first <code>text area</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class, and which is
* located somewhere beneath the given parent.
public WebElement findTextArea(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return findElement(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.tagName("textarea"));
* Fills the given value into the first <code>input</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class.
* In turn, that field is the focus owner.
public WebElement fillInputField(Class<? extends IValueField<?>> modelClass, String value) {
return fillInputField(null, modelClass, value);
* Fills the given value into the first <code>input</code> {@link WebElement} that represents the given model class,
* and which is located somewhere beneath the given parent. In turn, that field is the focus owner.
public WebElement fillInputField(WebElement parent, Class<? extends IValueField<?>> modelClass, String value) {
WebElement inputField = waitUntilInputFieldClickable(parent, modelClass);
return fillInputField(inputField, value);
* Fills in the given value into the given {@link WebElement}.
public WebElement fillInputField(WebElement inputField, String value) {;
switchTo().activeElement().sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, Keys.TAB));
return inputField;
public void waitUntilScoutSession() {
waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.scriptToReturnTrue("return !!(scout && scout.sessions && scout.sessions.length && scout.sessions[0])"));
* Finds the message box top on stack.
public WebElement waitUntilMessageBox() {
return waitUntilMessageBox("last()");
* Finds the message box at the given DOM position (1-based).
public WebElement waitUntilMessageBox(String xPathIndex) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(MessageBox.class, xPathIndex));
* Finds the dialog top on stack.
public WebElement waitUntilDialog() {
return waitUntilDialog("last()");
* Finds the dialog at the given DOM position (1-based).
public WebElement waitUntilDialog(String xPathIndex) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(By.xpath(String.format("//div[contains(@class, 'dialog')][%s]", xPathIndex)));
* Finds the current form-view (does not match detail-forms!).
public WebElement waitUntilView() {
return waitUntilElementClickable(By.cssSelector(".form.view:not(.detail-form)"));
public WebElement waitUntilDetailForm() {
return waitUntilElementClickable(By.cssSelector(".detail-form"));
public WebElement waitUntilDetailTable() {
return waitUntilElementClickable(By.cssSelector(".detail-table"));
* Finds the message box button at the given index position (1-based, or last() to get the last button).
public WebElement findFirstMessageBoxButton(WebElement messageBox) {
return findMessageBoxButton(messageBox, "1");
* Finds the message box button at the given index position (1-based, or last() to get the last opened).
public WebElement findMessageBoxButton(WebElement messageBox, String xPathIndex) {
return messageBox.findElement(By.xpath(String.format("//*[@class='box-button unfocusable'][%s]", xPathIndex)));
public boolean elementNotExists(String modelClass) {
return s_driver.findElements(SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(modelClass)).isEmpty();
public boolean elementNotExists(Class<?> modelClass) {
return s_driver.findElements(SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(modelClass)).isEmpty();
public boolean elementExists(Class<?> modelClass) {
return !this.elementNotExists(modelClass);
public boolean waitUntilElementStaleness(WebElement element) {
return waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.stalenessOf(element));
public WebElement waitUntilElementClickable(Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(null, modelClass);
public WebElement waitUntilElementClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, SeleniumUtil.byModelClass(modelClass));
public WebElement waitUntilElementClickable(By by) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(null, by);
public WebElement waitUntilElementClickable(WebElement element) {
return waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element));
public WebElement waitUntilElementClickable(WebElement parent, By locator) {
if (parent == null) {
return waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(locator));
else {
return waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.childElementToBeClickable(parent, locator));
public WebElement waitUntilInputFieldClickable(Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilInputFieldClickable(null, modelClass);
public WebElement waitUntilInputFieldClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.tagName("input"));
public WebElement waitUntilTextAreaClickable(Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilTextAreaClickable(null, modelClass);
public WebElement waitUntilTextAreaClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.tagName("textarea"));
public WebElement waitUntilCheckBoxClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.className("check-box"));
public WebElement waitUntilButtonClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.className("button"));
public WebElement waitUntilLinkButtonClickable(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, modelClass).findElement(By.className("link-button"));
public WebElement waitUntilMenuItemClickable(WebElement parent, String menuText) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'menu-item')]/span[contains(@class, 'text') and contains(text(), '" + menuText + "')]/.."));
public WebElement waitUntilMenuItemClickable(String menuText) {
return waitUntilMenuItemClickable(null, menuText);
public WebElement waitUntilTreeNodeClickable(WebElement parent, String nodeText) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'tree-node')]/span[contains(@class, 'text') and contains(text(), '" + nodeText + "')]"));
public WebElement waitUntilTreeNodeClickable(String nodeText) {
return waitUntilTreeNodeClickable(null, nodeText);
public WebElement waitUntilTableCellClickable(WebElement parent, String cellText) {
return waitUntilElementClickable(parent, By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'table-row')]/div[contains(@class, 'table-cell') and contains(text(), '" + cellText + "')]"));
public WebElement waitUntilTableCellClickable(String cellText) {
return waitUntilTableCellClickable(null, cellText);
* Waits for all pending server calls to finish.
public void waitUntilDataRequestPendingDone() {
// Always wait a short time, because session.sendEvent() schedules the sending via setTimeout. When an
// action is performed that causes a server request, this method might therefore not "see" the scheduled
// server call yet.
SeleniumUtil.pause(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
WebElement entryPoint = findElement(By.className("scout"));
waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.not(SeleniumExpectedConditions.attributeToEqualsValue(entryPoint, "data-request-pending", "true")));
public void clickCheckBox(WebElement parent, Class<?> modelClass) {
public void clickCheckBox(Class<?> modelClass) {
public void clickCheckBox(WebElement checkBoxField) {
findElement(checkBoxField, By.className("check-box")).click();
* Waits until the given check-box has the requested checked state.
public WebElement waitUntilCheckBoxChecked(WebElement checkBoxField, boolean checked) {
return waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.checkBoxToBeChecked(checkBoxField, checked));
* Waits until the given check-box is checked.
public WebElement waitUntilCheckBoxChecked(WebElement checkBoxField) {
return waitUntilCheckBoxChecked(checkBoxField, true);
protected <V> V waitUntil(Function<WebDriver, V> condition) {
return waitUntil(condition, m_waitUntilTimeout);
protected <V> V waitUntil(Function<WebDriver, V> condition, int timeoutInSeconds) {
return new WebDriverWait(s_driver, timeoutInSeconds).until(condition);
public void resetWaitUntilTimeout() {
* Sets the timeout in seconds which is used internally for every <i>waitUntil*()</i> call without explicit timeout.
* Use this method in your test, when you must wait longer than the default timeout which is
* {@value #DEFAULT_WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT} seconds. At the end of your test you should reset the timeout to the default
* value.
public void setWaitUntilTimeout(int timeoutInSeconds) {
m_waitUntilTimeout = timeoutInSeconds;
* @return the timeout in seconds to be used by {@link #waitUntil(Function)}
public int getWaitUntilTimeout() {
return m_waitUntilTimeout;
public WebElement waitForFirstTableRow() {
String xpath = "//div[contains(@class, 'table-row')][1]";
return waitUntilElementClickable(By.xpath(xpath));
* Waits until a radio-button within the given radio button group is checked. The button is identified by its text.
public WebElement waitUntilRadioButtonChecked(WebElement radioButtonGroup, String radioButtonText) {
return waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.radioButtonToBeChecked(radioButtonGroup, radioButtonText));
* Clicks the element at the given offset position (from top-left corner).
public void clickAtOffset(WebElement element, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
Actions builder = new Actions(getDriver());
builder.moveToElement(element, xOffset, yOffset).click().build().perform();
public Set<String> getWindowHandles() {
return s_driver.getWindowHandles();
public String getWindowHandle() {
return s_driver.getWindowHandle();
* @return the OS dependent "control key" for use in key combinations like <code>Ctrl-C</code> ({@link Keys#COMMAND}
* on Mac OS X, {@link Keys#CONTROL} on all other systems).
public Keys getOsDependentCtrlKey() {
// MacOS uses command key instead of ctrl
Keys ctrlKey = Keys.CONTROL;
if (SeleniumUtil.isMacOS()) {
ctrlKey = Keys.COMMAND;
return ctrlKey;
* Performs select all on the given element. Since command-key + A does not work with ChromeDriver on OSX we execute
* JavaScript on that platform. ChromeDriver developers don't seem to be motivated to fix that bug.
* @see
public void selectAll(WebElement element) {
if (SeleniumUtil.isMacOS()) {
((JavascriptExecutor) getDriver()).executeScript("arguments[0].select();", element);
else {
public CharSequence getSelectAllKeys() {
return Keys.chord(getOsDependentCtrlKey(), "a");
public CharSequence getCopyKeys() {
return Keys.chord(getOsDependentCtrlKey(), "c");
public CharSequence getPasteKeys() {
return Keys.chord(getOsDependentCtrlKey(), "v");
public void doubleClickOnElement(WebElement element) {
Actions actions = new Actions(getDriver());
* @param element
* @return the parent element of the given element (by using findElement and xpath '..')
public WebElement findParentElement(WebElement element) {
return element.findElement(By.xpath(".."));
* Sends a "click" event to the given element. If the same element is clicked twice in a row, a short delay is applied
* to prevent generation of a "double click" event.
* <p>
* If the click caused a server call, the methods waits until the request has finished. It also waits for UI
* animations using a .animation-wrapper to complete.
public void clickAndWait(WebElement element) {
// If the same element is clicked twice in a row, add a small pause to prevent a double click
if (m_previousClickTarget == element) {
SeleniumUtil.pause(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
m_previousClickTarget = element;;
// Wait for pending server calls to finish
// Wait for animations to finish
* Waits until no elements with the CSS class <code>animation-wrapper</code> exist. Useful while testing tree node
* expansion.
public void waitUntilAnimationWrapperDone() {
for (WebElement animation : findElements(By.className("animation-wrapper"))) {
public void waitUntilWindowsCount(final int expectedWindowsCount) {
waitUntil(webDriver -> {
int numWindows = webDriver.getWindowHandles().size();
if (numWindows == expectedWindowsCount) {
return numWindows;
else {
return null;
public void clearInput(WebElement input) {
this.clearInput(input, false);
* Used as a replacement for WebElement#clear. Google changed the way clear() works in ChromeDriver > 2.43 and the
* method now causes the field to loose focus, which triggers a lot of focus-out handlers that haven't called before
* version 2.43. Thus this method works with 'select all' and backspace. Additionally it also triggers key/up down
* events which is also a desired side-effect of this method (clear() does not trigger key events).
* <p>
* Note: you can still use WebElement#clear if focus loss doesn't matter. But for a lot of widgets, especially
* SmartFields it makes a difference.
* @param input
* @param withPause
* whether or not a short pause should be made after the field has been cleared, this may be necessary for
* some SmartFields
public void clearInput(WebElement input, boolean withPause) {
if (withPause) {
* Fails when the given element does not contain all of the given CSS classes.
* @param element
* @param expectedCssClass
* A single CSS class-name or multiple CSS class-names separated by space. Example: <code>'menu-item'</code>
* or <code>'menu-item selected'</code>. If multiple CSS class-names are given, the given element must have
* all of these classes, otherwise the assert will fail.
public void assertCssClass(WebElement element, String expectedCssClass) {
waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.elementToHaveCssClass(element, expectedCssClass));
* Fails when the given element contains at least one of the given CSS classes.
* @param element
* @param expectedCssClass
public void assertCssClassNotExists(WebElement element, String expectedCssClass) {
waitUntil(SeleniumExpectedConditions.elementNotToHaveCssClass(element, expectedCssClass));
* Hides the navigation and waits until it is gone.
public void hideDesktopNavigation() {