blob: 1dbce44bc800d788337f2e1be32f91cbd2760354 [file] [log] [blame]
06.09.2010 imo
Renamed org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.ext.calendar.JTimeChooser to org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.ext.calendar.TimeChooser
Renamed org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.ext.calendar.JCalendar to org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.ext.calendar.DateChooser
Migration (occurs only in rare cases): Rename *.java files
15.12.2010 imo
Refactored the date time fields in order to use two fields when entering date and time.
Migration: None
15.12.2010 imo
Changed fields with dropdownbutton to single field with integrated drop down button
Migration: None
24.01.2011 dwi
Ticket 95'946
Visual markup for editable cells
Migration: None
27.01.2011 dwi
In SwingScoutTable#prepareRenderer, evaluation of cell's editable state to draw respective marker icon caused loops and UI freeze.
So far, the only way to determine cell's editable state was to call AbstractColumn#isCellEditable(ITableRow). This required synchronization with model thread which affected performance badly. Even worse, if model thread was busy, the enqueued request did not succeed at all (timeout).
- Property added to hold result of AbstractColumn#isCellEditable(ITableRow) which can be evaluated in UI thread without need of model thread synchronization.
- Population of property: Property is populated when AbstractColumn#decorateCellInternal is called.
- Change of ICellSpecialization and implementing classes: added ICellSpecialization$isEditable(), added ICellSpecialization#setEditable(boolean)
- Change of ICell and implementing classes: added ICell#isEditable()) -> default value is false
- Change of Cell: added Cell#isEditable(), added Cell#setEditableInternal(boolean). Accessor setEditableInternal(boolean) is internal by intention as not intended for public use as various checks in AbstractColumn#execIsEditable are bypassed otherwise (JavaDoc added). E.g., do not use in execDecorateCell.
- Change of SwingTableModel#isCellEditable() --> synchronization with model thread not neccessary anymore as property can be evaluated thread safe. (Java bean property)
- Change of SwingScoutTable#prepareRenderer() --> synchronization with model thread for querying editable state not neccessary anymore as property can be evaluated thread safe. (Java bean property)
Migration: None
10.02.2011 sle
see Release Notes in org.eclipse.scout.rt.client
02.03.2011 pba
#97045 removed the NOP-Switch in SwingScoutTable:handleKeyboardNavigationFromSwing. if the keyboardnavigation is undesired, do it via SwingScoutTable:setKeyboardNavigationFromScout
02.03.2011 pba
#98515 horizontal scrollbar is no longer missing for group boxes, if the getConfiguredScrollable is enabled
10.03.2011 imo
bsi ticket 99212
added support for the config.ini/eclipse.ini property "" in AbstractSwingEnvironment.decorateAppZone(Window w). | production (paints no special border around all dialogs and frames, this is the default) | integration (paints a yellow border around all dialogs and frames) (paints an orange border around all dialogs and frames) | development (paints a red border around all dialogs and frames)
11.03.2011 bsh
- ColorUtility: Added a method to "multiply" two colors (instead of merging them). See JavaDoc for details.
- ColorUtility: All methods are now null-safe.
- SwingScoutTable: Fixed calculation of resulting foreground and background color when a row is selected (merge -> multiply).
Migration: None
03.05.2011 dwi
fixed ticket #92911
Problem: Fixed that LABEL_POSITION_ON_FIELD has no effect on multiline string fields
Migration: None
04.05.2011 imo
Added async loading of backend smartfield lookup calls for better performance on slow lookup services
10.05.2011 jgu
Moved the methods in org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.ext.LookAndFeelUtility provided under LGPL to org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.laf.rayo.painters.RayoLookAndFeelUtility:
public static Color darker(Color color, double ratio);
public static Color lighter(Color color, double ratio);
public static Color blend(Color color1, Color color2);
public static Color blend(Color color1, Color color2, double ratio);
If you use any of the above methods, use the RayoLookAndFeelUtility or the original source:
11.05.2011 jgu
bsi ticket 102027
RayoLookAndFeelUtility removed again and added lighter/darker to org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.basic.ColorUtility to avoid duplicate code (suggested by bsh).
public static Color lighter(Color color, float ratio);
public static Color darker(Color color, float ratio)
If you use any of the deleted methods in LookAndFeelUtility, use the ColorUtility or the original source:
16.05.2011 sle
bsi ticket 101'225
When the value of an checkbox is changed in the ui and the model throws an VetoException, the exclamation mark and the error status is set on the checkbox. The Checkbox
is also set back to its original state. Problem: The user cannot unset/correct the error status.
Change: The value on the ui is kept on its state set from the user, so the user can correct it according to its error status/exclamation mark.
17.05.2011 imo
bsi ticket 102'175
When a user double-clicks on a row in a TablePage, the tree is automatically expanded, the corresponding node is selected, and the tree is scrolled, such that the selected node and as many as possible of its sub nodes are visible.
This behaviour is confusing when browsing trees with nodes that have long labels. The current implementation tries to move as much as possible of the target nodes rectangle to the visible area. For nodes that are on deeper levels, this means, that the tree is scrolled horizontally and the node is drawn on the left side of the tree border (Figures 1, 2). When the user wants to get back to the parent node, it might not be recognizable anymore.
The same applies, when getConfiguredScrollToSelection() is true, or the method scrollToSelection() is called manually.
The tree should only automatically scroll horizontally when the node would be completely off the right side of the tree's border. To prevent the tree from "jumping" too much around, only a small part of the node's label should be guaranteed to be drawn. The proposed patch (currently only for Swing, there might be better approaches...) uses a maximum of 30 pixels or 25% of the node's width. The result is more like what the user would expect.
Change: as proposer
Migration: None