blob: afb2d3e10de855d8ca97a2a9c2d74ce9009019c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Bugzilla ticket: 350389, improve Scout RT testing support
BSI ticket: 103'068
Replaced ClientSessionClass annotation by a more powerful ClientTest annotation that has the following features:
o annotation can be applied on class-level as well as on a test case level (method).
o @BeforeClass and @AfterClass methods are executed in the same session defined on class-level
o @Before, @Test and @After are executed per test method in the same session defined on class-level
or in a separate session if the @Test method is also annotated with @ClientTest
o Sessions are shared as long as they are not marked with @ClientTest(foreceNewSession = true)
o Tests can be executed as different users. Controlled by @ClientTest(runAs = "principal")
o The IClientSession class can be provided by the annotation @ClientTest(clientSessionClass = MyClientSession.class)
or by setting the default value ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionClass(MyClientSession.class). The value
provided by the @ClientTest annotation is used if both are provided.
o An existing or new IClientSession is provided by an implementation of IClientSessionProvider. The default provider is
DefaultTestClientSessionProvider and is set on ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionProvider(). It can be
overridden using the @ClientTest(clientSessionProvider = MyClientSessionProvider.class) annotation.
o remove all @ClientSessionClass annotations
o set the project's client session class in the client test applications (headless and different GUI strategies)