Add historic reader manager service provider
diff --git a/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/historic/storage/manager/ b/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/historic/storage/manager/
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index 0000000..9bf7628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/historic/storage/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Kentyou.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+*    Kentyou - initial API and implementation
+ */
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.time.LocalDateTime;
+import java.time.ZoneOffset;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.WeakHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.common.bundle.Mediator;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.common.execution.Executable;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.Task;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.annotation.TaskCommand;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.annotation.TaskExecution;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.osgi.dto.DTO;
+ *
+ */
+public class HistoricTaskCaller {
+	private static final ZoneOffset OFFSET = ZoneOffset.systemDefault().getRules().getOffset(;
+    private enum AggregationType { 
+    	COUNT, 
+    	MEAN, 
+    	SUM, 
+    	SUM_SQUARE, 
+    	MIN, 
+    	MAX, 
+    	MEDIAN, 
+    };
+	private class HistoricKey {
+		String sensinactId, konceptId, kapabilityId, function, region; 
+		LocalDateTime fromTime, toTime;
+		long timeWindow;
+		HistoricKey(String sensinactId, String konceptId, String kapabilityId, LocalDateTime fromTime, LocalDateTime toTime,
+			String function, long timeWindow, String region){
+			this.sensinactId = sensinactId;
+			this.konceptId = konceptId; 
+			this.kapabilityId = kapabilityId;
+			this.fromTime = fromTime;
+			this.toTime = toTime;
+			this.function = function;
+			this.timeWindow = timeWindow;
+			this.region = region;
+		}
+		@Override
+		public int hashCode() {
+			int hash = this.sensinactId.hashCode();
+			hash += this.konceptId.hashCode();
+			hash += this.kapabilityId.hashCode();
+			hash += this.fromTime.hashCode();
+			hash += this.toTime.hashCode();
+			hash += this.function!=null?this.function.hashCode():0;
+			hash += this.function!=null?this.timeWindow:0;
+			hash += this.region!=null?this.region.hashCode():0;
+			return hash;
+		}                                     
+	}
+	private Mediator mediator;
+	private WeakHashMap<HistoricKey, DTO[]> cache;
+	public HistoricTaskCaller(Mediator mediator){
+		this.mediator = mediator;
+		this.cache = new WeakHashMap<>();
+	}
+	@TaskCommand(method = Task.CommandType.GET, target = "/historicManager/history/requester")
+	public String get(String uri, String attributeName, String provider, String service, String resource, String from, String to, 
+		String function, String window, String region) {
+		try {
+			String result = null;
+			long f = Long.parseLong(from);
+			long t = Long.parseLong(to);
+			long w = Long.parseLong(window);
+			LocalDateTime dtf = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(f/1000l, (int) (f - ((f/1000) * 1000))*1000, OFFSET);
+			LocalDateTime dtt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(t/1000l, (int) (t - ((t/1000) * 1000))*1000, OFFSET);
+			if(function!=null && !"#NONE#".equals(function) && w > 0) {
+				AggregationType aggregation = null;		
+				try {
+					aggregation = AggregationType.valueOf(function);			
+				}catch(Exception e) {
+					aggregation  = AggregationType.MEAN;
+				}
+				result = getAggregatedTemporalHistory(provider,service,resource, dtf, dtt, aggregation, w);
+			} else
+				result = getTemporalHistory(provider,service,resource, dtf, dtt);
+			//JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
+			//obj.put("history", result);
+			return result;
+		} catch(Exception e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	private String getTemporalHistory(String provider, String service, String resource, LocalDateTime from, LocalDateTime to) {
+		HistoricTemporalRequest request = createTemporalRequest(provider, service, resource, from, to);
+		if(request == null)
+			return "[]";		
+		HistoricKey historic = new HistoricKey(provider, service, resource, from, to, null, 0, null);
+		DTO[] data = this.cache.get(historic);
+		if(data == null)
+			data = request.execute().toArray(new TemporalDTO[] {});
+		this.cache.put(historic,data);
+		final AtomicBoolean first = new AtomicBoolean(true);
+		return<StringBuilder>collect(
+			()->{return new StringBuilder();},
+			(sb,t)->{
+				if(first.get()) {
+					sb.append("[");
+					first.set(false);
+				}else
+					sb.append(",");
+				sb.append("{");
+				sb.append("\"tagID\":" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).tagID);
+				sb.append(",\"timestamp\":" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).timestamp);
+				sb.append(",\"value\":\"" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).value);
+				sb.append("\"}");
+			},
+			(sb1,sb2)->{sb1.append(sb2.toString());}
+		).append("]").toString();
+	}	
+	private String getAggregatedTemporalHistory(String provider, String service, String resource, LocalDateTime from, LocalDateTime to,
+			AggregationType method, long period) {		
+		HistoricTemporalRequest request = createTemporalRequest(provider, service, resource, from, to);
+		if(request == null)
+			return "[]";
+		request.setFunction(;
+		request.setTemporalWindow(period);
+		HistoricKey historic = new HistoricKey(provider, service, resource, from, to,, period, null);
+		DTO[] data = this.cache.get(historic);
+		if(data == null)
+			data = request.execute().toArray(new TemporalDTO[] {});
+		this.cache.put(historic,data);
+		final AtomicBoolean first = new AtomicBoolean(true);
+		return<StringBuilder>collect(
+			()->{return new StringBuilder();},
+			(sb,t)->{
+				if(first.get()) {
+					sb.append("[");
+					first.set(false);
+				} else
+					sb.append(",");
+				sb.append("{");
+				sb.append("\"tagID\":" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).tagID);
+				sb.append(",\"timestamp\":" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).timestamp);
+				sb.append(",\"value\":\"" );
+				sb.append(((TemporalDTO)t).value);
+				sb.append("\"}");
+			},
+			(sb1,sb2)->{sb1.append(sb2.toString());}
+		).append("]").toString();
+	}
+	private HistoricTemporalRequest createTemporalRequest(String provider, String service, String resource, 
+			LocalDateTime fromTime, LocalDateTime toTime){		
+		HistoricTemporalRequest request = this.mediator.callService(HistoricProvider.class, 
+			new Executable<HistoricProvider,HistoricTemporalRequest>(){
+				@Override
+				public HistoricTemporalRequest execute(HistoricProvider provider) throws Exception {
+					return provider.newTemporalRequest();
+				}
+		});		
+		if(request == null)
+			return null;
+		request.setServiceProviderIdentifier(provider);
+		request.setServiceIdentifier(service);
+		request.setResourceIdentifier(resource);
+		request.setHistoricStartTime(fromTime);
+		request.setHistoricEndTime(toTime);
+		return request;		
+	}
+	private HistoricSpatialRequest createSpatialRequest(String provider, String service, String resource, 
+		String region, LocalDateTime fromTime, LocalDateTime toTime){
+		HistoricSpatialRequest request = this.mediator.callService(HistoricProvider.class, 
+			new Executable<HistoricProvider,HistoricSpatialRequest>(){
+				@Override
+				public HistoricSpatialRequest execute(HistoricProvider provider) throws Exception {
+					return provider.newSpatialRequest();
+				}
+		});		
+		if(request == null)
+			return null;
+		request.setServiceProviderIdentifier(provider);
+		request.setServiceIdentifier(service);
+		request.setResourceIdentifier(resource);
+		request.setHistoricStartTime(fromTime);
+		request.setHistoricEndTime(toTime);
+		request.setRegion(region);
+		return request;		
+	}
+	private HistoricSpatioTemporalRequest createSpatioTemporalRequest(String provider, String service, String resource, 
+		String region, LocalDateTime fromTime, LocalDateTime toTime){
+		HistoricSpatioTemporalRequest request = this.mediator.callService(HistoricProvider.class, 
+			new Executable<HistoricProvider,HistoricSpatioTemporalRequest>(){
+				@Override
+				public HistoricSpatioTemporalRequest execute(HistoricProvider provider) throws Exception {
+					return provider.newSpatioTemporalRequest();
+				}
+		});		
+		if(request == null)
+			return null;
+		request.setServiceProviderIdentifier(provider);
+		request.setServiceIdentifier(service);
+		request.setResourceIdentifier(resource);
+		request.setHistoricStartTime(fromTime);
+		request.setHistoricEndTime(toTime);
+		request.setRegion(region);
+		return request;		
+	}
diff --git a/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/historic/storage/manager/osgi/ b/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/historic/storage/manager/osgi/
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index 0000000..c58509c
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Kentyou.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+*    Kentyou - initial API and implementation
+ */
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.BasisActivator;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.annotation.SensiNactBridgeConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.generic.packet.Packet;
+ * Handle the bundle activation/deactivation
+ */
+@SensiNactBridgeConfiguration(outputOnly = true)
+public class Activator extends BasisActivator<Packet> {}
diff --git a/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/resources/resources.xml b/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/resources/resources.xml
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index 0000000..86b9d61
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+++ b/platform/sensinact-historic-manager/src/main/resources/resources.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@

+	xmlns="http://org.eclipse.sensinact/resource"

+	xmlns:xsi=""

+	xsi:schemaLocation="http://org.eclipse.sensinact/resource ../../../../sensinact-generic/src/main/resources/sensinact-resource.xsd"

+	empty_profile="true">

+	<resourceInfo xsi:type="resourceInfoProperty" name="REQUESTER" target="history">

+		<policy name="PROPERTY" update="NONE" />

+		<identifier xsi:type="stringContent">requester</identifier>

+		<attributes>

+			<attribute name="value" type="string" modifiable="UPDATABLE" />

+		</attributes>

+		<methods>

+			<method type="GET">

+				<parameter name="attributeName" type="string">

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="value"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="provider" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="service" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="resource" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="from" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="to" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="function" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="window" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="region" type="string"/>

+			</method>					

+			<method type="GET">

+				<parameter name="attributeName" type="string">

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="value"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="provider" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="service" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="resource" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="from" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="to" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="function" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="window" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="region" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="#NONE#"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+			</method>					

+			<method type="GET">

+				<parameter name="attributeName" type="string">

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="value"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="provider" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="service" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="resource" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="from" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="to" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="function" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="#NONE#"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="window" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="-1"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="region" type="string"/>

+			</method>					

+			<method type="GET">

+				<parameter name="attributeName" type="string">

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="value"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="provider" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="service" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="resource" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="from" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="to" type="string"/>

+				<parameter name="function" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="#NONE#"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="window" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="-1"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+				<parameter name="region" type="string">					

+					<constraints>

+						<fixed value="#NONE#"/>

+					</constraints>

+				</parameter>

+			</method>		

+		</methods>

+	</resourceInfo>

+	<devices>

+		<device identifier="historicManager">

+			<service name="history"/>

+		</device>

+	</devices>

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