blob: 437f0d645b7153d72159529d3009a8f223701a2f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Kentyou.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Kentyou - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.util.json.test;
import org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.util.json.JSONObjectStatement;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
public class JSONObjectStatementTest {
public static final JSONObject RESOLVED_OBJECT = new JSONObject("{\"contextResponses\":[{\"contextElement\":{\"attributes\": " + "[ { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"deg\" } ]," + " \"name\": \"Latitud\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:latitude\", " + "\"value\": \"43.46436\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\"," + " \"value\": \"deg\" } ], \"name\": \"Longitud\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:longitude\", \"value\": \"-3.79663\" }," + " { \"name\": \"TimeInstant\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:trs:IDAS:1.0:ISO8601\"," + " \"value\": \"2015-10-09T13:32:13.000000Z\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ " + "{ \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"%\" } ], " + "\"name\": \"batteryCharge\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:batteryCharge\", " + "\"value\": \"78\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\":" + " \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"lm\" } ]," + " \"name\": \"luminousFlux\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:luminousFlux\", " + "\"value\": \"7367.49\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ " + "{ \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"Cel\" } ]," + " \"name\": \"temperature\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:temperature\"," + " \"value\": \"-24.58\" } ], \"id\": \"urn:x-iot:smartsantander:u7jcfa:fixed:t384\", " + "\"isPattern\": \"false\", \"type\": \"santander:device\" }, " + "\"statusCode\": { \"code\": 200, \"reasonPhrase\": \"OK\" } } ] }");
public static final JSONObjectStatement STATEMENT_OBJECT = new JSONObjectStatement("{\"contextResponses\":[{\"contextElement\":{\"attributes\": " + "[ { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"deg\" } ]," + " \"name\": \"Latitud\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:latitude\", " + "\"value\": \"43.46436\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\"," + " \"value\": \"deg\" } ], \"name\": \"Longitud\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:longitude\", \"value\": \"-3.79663\" }," + " { \"name\": \"TimeInstant\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:trs:IDAS:1.0:ISO8601\"," + " \"value\": $(time_instant) }, { \"metadatas\": [ " + "{ \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"%\" } ], " + "\"name\": \"batteryCharge\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:batteryCharge\", " + "\"value\": $(battery) }, { \"metadatas\": [ { \"name\":" + " \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": \"lm\" } ]," + " \"name\": \"luminousFlux\", \"type\": " + "\"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:luminousFlux\", " + "\"value\": \"7367.49\" }, { \"metadatas\": [ " + "{ \"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"\", \"value\": $(metadata) } ]," + " \"name\": \"temperature\", \"type\": \"urn:x-ogc:def:phenomenon:IDAS:1.0:temperature\"," + " \"value\": \"-24.58\" } ], \"id\": \"urn:x-iot:smartsantander:u7jcfa:fixed:t384\", " + "\"isPattern\": \"false\", \"type\": \"santander:device\" }, " + "\"statusCode\": { \"code\": $(status), \"reasonPhrase\": \"OK\" } } ] }");
public void testStatement() {
String timeInstant = "2015-10-09T13:32:13.000000Z";
String battery = "78";
String metadata = "Cel";
int status = 200;
STATEMENT_OBJECT.apply("time_instant", timeInstant);
STATEMENT_OBJECT.apply("battery", battery);
STATEMENT_OBJECT.apply("metadata", metadata);
STATEMENT_OBJECT.apply("status", status);
JSONAssert.assertEquals(RESOLVED_OBJECT.toString(), STATEMENT_OBJECT.toString(), false);