blob: 95e9f0e3240a557813b8e072cb65626d0e030e6d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# script to copy update jars from their working area to the staging area
# finds file on users path, before current directory
# hence, non-production users can set their own values for test machines
source aggr_properties.shsource
#TODO: now multiple to choose from?
# temp area for testing
# make sure 'toDirectory' has been defined and is no zero length, or
# else following will eval to "rm -fr /*" ... potentially catastrophic
if [ -z "${toDirectory}" ]
echo " Fatal Error: the variable toDirectory must be defined to run this script"
echo "";
echo " Count of old features, bundle jars, and packed jars prior to promotion";
echo "";
echo "";
echo " Removing previous staging directory files at"
echo " "${toDirectory}
echo "";
if [ -d ${toDirectory} ]
rm -fr "${toDirectory}"/*
echo ""
echo " Copying new plugins and features "
echo " from ${fromDirectory}"
echo " to ${toDirectory}"
echo ""
# plugins and features
rsync -rvp ${fromDirectory}/final/aggregate ${toDirectory}
# composite artifact and content files
rsync -vp ${fromDirectory}/final/*.jar ${toDirectory}
# static index page
rsync -vp templateFiles/maintenance/index.html ${toDirectory}
# TODO: eventually, we could make "sanity check" test on number of files, etc., and fail if more than 10% off, or similar
echo "";
echo " Count of new features, bundle jars, and packed jars after promotion";
echo "";
# remove lock file from hundson build's "" script once we are all done.
# remember, we need to _always_ remove the lock file, so do not "exit" from any previous script
rm -vf "${BUILD_HOME}"/lockfile