blob: aa1a5f26d8cd866a3b26ae01b6584f699946235d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# overall location for projects and tools
# location for a specific project or repository work
printf "\n\t%s\t%s" "BUILD_HOME:" $BUILD_HOME
printf "\n\t%s\t%s\n" "MIGR_HOME: " $MIGR_HOME
printf "\n\t%s\t%s" "CVSROOT:" $CVSROOT
printf "\n\t%s\t%s\n" "CVSPROJECT: " $CVSPROJECT
printf "\n\t%s\n" "Processing Module: $MODULE_NAME"
# CVS_LOC should be the "real" (initial) cvs location
# which we copy to new location for processing before
# migrating to git
printf "\n\t%s\t%s\n" "CVS_LOC:" "$CVS_LOC"
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
checkForErrorExit $? " failed"
mkdir -p $MIGR_CVS_LOC
checkForErrorExit $? "Could not make directory"
checkForErrorExit $? "Could not make directory"
cvs -d :local:$(pwd) init
checkForErrorExit $? "Could not cvs init new temp repo"
# Here we make a temp copy of origional cvs repo, where we could make "tweaks"
# without effecting original
rsync -vr $CVS_LOC/* $MIGR_CVS_LOC/
# no error check here, since there is a file in cvsroot we can not read, so would returns error
# even though all else is copied
#checkForErrorExit $? "rsync of original cvs location to cvs temp location failed"
# list links in cvs repo (and remove if found)
printf "\n\t%s\n" "Links in repo, if any:"
find $MIGR_CVS_LOC -type l
# clean the CVS repo of links (TODO: need to rework if needed)
#printf "\n\t%s\n" "Remove Links in repo, if any:"
#find $MIGR_CVS_LOC -type l|xargs -n 1 rm
# generate the import data
# make sure the author names are correct
# make sure your options file points to the correct tmp cvsroot
$BUILD_HOME/cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=$SCRIPT_OPTIONS 2>&1 | tee cvs2git_log.txt
checkForErrorExit $? "cvs2git failed"
# create a git repo to continue the conversion
git init target.$CVSPROJECT
checkForErrorExit $? "git init failed"
cd target.$CVSPROJECT
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
cat $BUILD_HOME/cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat $BUILD_HOME/cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import
checkForErrorExit $? "git fastimport failed"
python $BUILD_HOME/cvs2svn-trunk/contrib/
checkForErrorExit $? "git-move-refs failed"
git prune
checkForErrorExit $? "git prune failed"
git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250
checkForErrorExit $? "git repack failed"
git gc --aggressive
checkForErrorExit $? "git gc failed"
git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250
checkForErrorExit $? "git repack failed"
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
git reset --hard
checkForErrorExit $? "git reset failed"
#create deploy
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
git clone --bare target.$CVSPROJECT deploy.$CVSPROJECT
checkForErrorExit $? "git clone failed"
cd deploy.$CVSPROJECT
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
git remote rm origin
checkForErrorExit $? "git remote failed"
git config -l
checkForErrorExit $? "git config failed"
git config --add core.sharedrepository 1
checkForErrorExit $? "git config failed"
#final pack and prune step
git prune
checkForErrorExit $? "git prune failed"
git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250
checkForErrorExit $? "git repack failed"
git gc --aggressive
checkForErrorExit $? "git gc failed"
git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250
checkForErrorExit $? "git repack failed"
checkForErrorExit $? "change directory failed"
# for now, during development, remove remote repo we are recreating,
# but probably should not leave this "auto deletion" in final production script
#rm -fr /gitroot/simrel/org.eclipse.simrel.oldcvssimrelprojects.git
#mkdir -p /gitroot/simrel
#checkForErrorExit $? "ssh mkdir directory failed"
# rememmber, do not use -p here, so will fail if already exists
mkdir /gitroot/simrel/org.eclipse.simrel.oldcvssimrelprojects.git
checkForErrorExit $? "mkdir directory failed"
cp -r deploy.$CVSPROJECT/* /gitroot/simrel/org.eclipse.simrel.oldcvssimrelprojects.git/
checkForErrorExit $? "cp deploy failed"
printf "\n\t%s\t%s\n" "INFO:" "DONE, $CVSPROJECT"