blob: c365dde80b3a8500218095aeee8c12b04c31af76 [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns=""
<!-- used plugin versions -->
<!-- build parameters -->
<!-- plugins -->
<!-- features -->
<!-- tests -->
<!-- releng -->
<!-- require minimum maven version -->
<!-- enable PMD code analysis -->
<!-- enable checkstyle code analysis -->
<!-- enable spotbugs code analysis -->
<!-- enable JaCoCo code coverage -->
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
<!-- set target platform for build -->
<!-- set compiler options -->
<!-- enable pom version updates: to update execute goal "tycho.versions:update-pom" -->
<!-- timestamps based on the latest git commit -->
<!-- enable source feature generation -->
<!-- by default set build qualifier to "I" -->
<!-- apply filter when filter file exists -->
<!-- enable spotbugs exclude filter -->
<!-- enable jar signing -->