blob: 036c5dfdeaf766328ebe3b5555eba14363c07a09 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
REM ***********************************************************************************************************************
REM * Copyright (c) 2008 empolis GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying
REM * materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
REM * and is available at
REM * Contributors: brox IT Solutions GmbH)- initial creator
REM **********************************************************************************************************************/
:# executes a normative (same as bamboo) build of the whole project and all active tests
:# see:
:# set this to the location of your working copy of the SMILA source code
set SMILA_HOME=D:\Works\workspace\EclipseSMILA
:# set this to the location of a Eclipse Classic 3.6.1 SDK + matching delta pack
set ECLIPSE_HOME=D:\works\eclipse-3.6.1
:# make sure that the arch setting matches the used JDK
set ARCH=-Dos=win32 -Dws=win32 -Darch=x86
set JAVA_HOME=D:\Works\Java\jdk1.6.0_14
set ANT_HOME=D:\Works\Java\apache-ant-1.7.0
set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m
set BUILDLIB_DIR=D:\Works\3rd_party_sw\SMILA\build\lib
:# set to location of libraries needed for build
:# comment out, if your lib directory is in trunk
set libDir=-Dlib.dir=%BUILDLIB_DIR%
:# standard values for Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic SDK + Delta Pack 3.6.1 - adapt if you use a different version
set buildOpts=-Declipse.running=true -DpdeBuildPluginVersion=3.6.1.R36x_v20100823 -DequinoxLauncherPluginVersion=1.1.0.v20100507
:# usually there is no need to change the following lines
set buildDir=-DbuildDirectory=%SMILA_HOME%\
set builder=-Dbuilder=%SMILA_HOME%\SMILA.builder
set eclipseHome=-Declipse.home="%ECLIPSE_HOME%"
set configHome=-Dorg.eclipse.smila.utils.config.root=..\SMILA.application\configuration
:# create a log file named according to this pattern: log.<this shell script name, i.e. make>
set logfile=log.%~n0
:# note: gdate and tee are GnuWin32 utils that need to be in the path
:# gdate | tee %logfile%
:# call ant -f make.xml %buildDir% %eclipseHome% %builder% %ARCH% %testJava% %buildOpts% %configHome% %libDir% %* | tee -a %logfile%
call ant -f make.xml %buildDir% %eclipseHome% %builder% %ARCH% %testJava% %buildOpts% %configHome% %libDir% %* > %logfile%