blob: 54a48130da44a81efebf1d34c0f171643acf68e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Attensity Europe GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the
* accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: Juergen Schumacher, Andreas Weber, Drazen Cindric, Andreas Schank (all Attensity Europe GmbH) - initial
* implementation
package org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.persistence.objectstore.test;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.DataFactory;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.BucketDefinition;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.JobDefinition;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.JobManagerConstants;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.JobState;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.WorkflowDefinition;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.persistence.DefinitionStorage;
import org.eclipse.smila.jobmanager.persistence.objectstore.DefinitionStorageObjectstore;
import org.eclipse.smila.test.DeclarativeServiceTestCase;
* Test class with tests for the definition storage.
public class TestDefinitionStorage extends DeclarativeServiceTestCase {
/** The number of test runs. */
private static final int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 100;
* Test if HttpServiceImpl service was successfully started and registered.
* @throws Exception
* no service found.
public void testService() throws Exception {
final DefinitionStorage service = getService(DefinitionStorage.class);
assertTrue(service instanceof DefinitionStorageObjectstore);
* Test if a bucket can be created, stored and removed from the definition storage and if the number of retrieved
* bucket names matches the number of buckets in the store.
* @throws Exception
* any exception that occurred during this test (e.g. no service found).
public void testBuckets() throws Exception {
final DefinitionStorage service = getService(DefinitionStorage.class);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; i++) {
final AnyMap any = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
final String name = "myName" + i;
any.put("name", name);
any.put("type", "recordBulks");
final BucketDefinition bucket = new BucketDefinition(any);
final Collection<String> names = service.getBuckets();
assertEquals(1, names.size());
assertEquals(name, names.iterator().next());
final BucketDefinition read = service.getBucket(name);
final Collection<String> noNames = service.getBuckets();
* Test if a workflow can be created, stored and removed from the definition storage and if the number of retrieved
* workflow names matches the number of workflows in the store.
* @throws Exception
* any exception that occurred during this test (e.g. no service found).
public void testWorkflows() throws Exception {
final DefinitionStorage service = getService(DefinitionStorage.class);
final AnyMap startAction = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
startAction.put("worker", "startWorker");
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; i++) {
final AnyMap any = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
final String name = "myName" + i;
any.put("name", name);
any.put("startAction", startAction);
final WorkflowDefinition workflow = new WorkflowDefinition(any);
final Collection<String> names = service.getWorkflows();
assertEquals(1, names.size());
assertEquals(name, names.iterator().next());
final WorkflowDefinition read = service.getWorkflow(name);
final Collection<String> noNames = service.getWorkflows();
* Test if a job can be created, stored and removed from the definition storage and if the number of retrieved job
* names matches the number of jobs in the store.
* @throws Exception
* any exception that occurred during this test (e.g. no service found).
public void testJobs() throws Exception {
final DefinitionStorage service = getService(DefinitionStorage.class);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; i++) {
final AnyMap any = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
final String name = "myName" + i;
any.put("name", name);
any.put("workflow", "workflow");
final JobDefinition job = new JobDefinition(any);
final Collection<String> names = service.getJobs();
assertEquals(1, names.size());
assertEquals(name, names.iterator().next());
final JobDefinition read = service.getJob(name);
final Collection<String> noNames = service.getJobs();
/** test storing and reading of job run data. */
public void testJobRunData() throws Exception {
final String jobName = "testJobRunData";
final String jobRunId = "TestRun";
final DefinitionStorage service = getService(DefinitionStorage.class);
final AnyMap jobRunData = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
jobRunData.put(JobManagerConstants.DATA_JOB_ID, jobRunId);
jobRunData.put(JobManagerConstants.DATA_JOB_NO_OF_ACTIVE_WORKFLOW_RUNS, "0");
jobRunData.put(JobManagerConstants.DATA_JOB_NO_OF_FAILED_WORKFLOW_RUNS, "0");
jobRunData.put(JobManagerConstants.DATA_JOB_NO_OF_STARTED_WORKFLOW_RUNS, "42");
jobRunData.put(JobManagerConstants.DATA_JOB_NO_OF_SUCCESSFUL_WORKFLOW_RUNS, "42");
service.storeJobRun(jobName, jobRunId, jobRunData);
assertTrue(service.containsJobRun(jobName, jobRunId));
assertFalse(service.containsJobRun(jobName, "invalidRunId"));
final Collection<String> runIds = service.getJobRunIds(jobName);
assertEquals(1, runIds.size());
final AnyMap readRunData = service.getJobRunData(jobName, jobRunId);
assertEquals(jobRunData, readRunData);
service.deleteJobRunData(jobName, jobRunId);
assertNull(service.getJobRunData(jobName, jobRunId));