blob: 93bce4336ea7947c2aec051d2fcec40f50086a3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 Attensity Europe GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the
* accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.smila.importing.state.objectstore.test;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnySeq;
import org.eclipse.smila.http.server.json.JsonRequestHandler;
import org.eclipse.smila.http.server.util.RequestHandler;
import org.eclipse.smila.importing.DeltaService;
import org.eclipse.smila.test.DeclarativeServiceTestCase;
import org.eclipse.smila.utils.http.NotFoundHTTPResult;
/** some simple tests for the ReST admin handlers for DeltaService. */
public class TestHttpHandlers extends DeclarativeServiceTestCase {
/** used to add data to test. */
private DeltaService _service;
/** delta admin handler to test. */
private JsonRequestHandler _deltaAdmin;
/** delta source admin handler to test. */
private JsonRequestHandler _sourceAdmin;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
_service = getService(DeltaService.class);
_deltaAdmin = (JsonRequestHandler) getService(RequestHandler.class, "(uriPattern=/importing/delta/?$)");
_sourceAdmin =
(JsonRequestHandler) getService(RequestHandler.class, "(uriPattern=/importing/delta/\\([^/]+\\)/?$)");
/** test GET with no current sources. */
public void testAdminHandlerGetEmpty() throws Exception {
final AnyMap response = (AnyMap) _deltaAdmin.process("GET", "/smila/importing/delta", null, null);
/** test GET with one current source. */
public void testAdminHandlerGetNotEmpty() throws Exception {
final String recordId = "testAdminHandlerGetNotEmpty";
_service.markAsUpdated("s1", recordId, "j1", "h1");
final AnyMap response = (AnyMap) _deltaAdmin.process("GET", "/smila/importing/delta", null, null);
final AnySeq sources = response.getSeq("sources");
assertEquals(1, sources.size());
assertEquals("s1", sources.getMap(0).getStringValue("id"));
/** test DELETE with two sources. */
public void testAdminHandlerDelete() throws Exception {
final String recordId = "testAdminHandlerDelete";
_service.markAsUpdated("s1", recordId, "j1", "h1");
_service.markAsUpdated("s2", recordId, "j1", "h1");
assertNull(_deltaAdmin.process("DELETE", "/smila/importing/delta", null, null));
/** test GET with an unknown source name. */
public void testSourceHandlerGetUnknown() throws Exception {
try {
_sourceAdmin.process("GET", "/smila/importing/delta/unknown/", null, null);
fail("should not work");
} catch (final Exception ex) {
assertTrue(ex instanceof NotFoundHTTPResult || ex.getCause() instanceof NotFoundHTTPResult);
/** test GET with an existing source name. */
public void testSourceHandlerGetExisting() throws Exception {
final String recordId = "testSourceHandlerGetExisting";
_service.markAsUpdated("s1", recordId, "j1", "h1");
final AnyMap response = (AnyMap) _sourceAdmin.process("GET", "/smila/importing/delta/s1", null, null);
assertEquals("s1", response.getStringValue("id"));
/** test DELETE with an existing source name. */
public void testSourceHandlerDelete() throws Exception {
final String recordId = "testSourceHandlerDelete";
_service.markAsUpdated("s1", recordId, "j1", "h1");
_service.markAsUpdated("s2", recordId, "j1", "h1");
assertNull(_sourceAdmin.process("DELETE", "/smila/importing/delta/s1", null, null));
assertEquals(1, _service.getSourceIds().size());
assertEquals("s2", _service.getSourceIds().iterator().next());