blob: 23f88070614a9ce230d8c3db3989486f63d34717 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2013 Empolis Information Management GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.test;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.smila.common.logging.MessageCollector;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.AnyMap;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.DataFactory;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Record;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Value;
import org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.JdbcProvider;
import org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.JdbcWriterService;
import org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.JdbcWriterServiceException;
import org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.SqlExecutor;
import org.eclipse.smila.jdbc.internal.JdbcWriterServiceImpl;
import org.eclipse.smila.test.DeclarativeServiceTestCase;
/** Test for {@link TestJdbcWriterService} class. */
public class TestJdbcWriterService extends DeclarativeServiceTestCase {
private static final String DB_URL1 = "jdbc:derby:memory:testwriter1";
private static final String DB_URL2 = "jdbc:derby:memory:testwriter2";
private static final List<Value> NO_VALUES = Collections.emptyList();
private static final int WAIT_SECONDS = 2;
/** service under test */
private JdbcWriterService _writer;
private JdbcProvider _provider;
private final AnyMap _dbProps = DataFactory.DEFAULT.createAnyMap();
private Connection _conn1;
private Connection _conn2;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
System.out.println("setUp " + getName());
_writer = getService(JdbcWriterService.class);
_provider = getService(JdbcProvider.class);
_dbProps.put(JdbcWriterService.DB_PROPERTY_USER_NAME, "user");
_dbProps.put(JdbcWriterService.DB_PROPERTY_USER_PASSWORD, "password");
_conn1 = prepareConnection(_provider, DB_URL1);
_conn2 = prepareConnection(_provider, DB_URL2);
try (final Statement stmt = _conn1.createStatement()) {
try {
stmt.execute("create procedure sleep(in time bigint) parameter style java no sql language java "
+ "external name 'java.lang.Thread.sleep'");
} catch (final SQLException ex) {
; // ex.printStackTrace();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
/** tests OSGI service. */
public void testService() throws Exception {
assertTrue(_writer instanceof JdbcWriterServiceImpl);
public void testWriteString() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", "world");
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values);
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "hello", "world");
public void testWriteWithoutValues() throws Exception {
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values ('jekyll', 'hyde')", null);
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "jekyll", "hyde");
public void testWriteWithEmptyValues() throws Exception {
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values ('holmes', 'watson')",
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "holmes", "watson");
public void testWriteWithNullString() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", null);
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values);
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "hello", null);
public void testWriteWithNullInteger() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", null);
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, int1) values (?, ?)", values);
final Collection<Record> entries = getEntries(1, _conn1, "select id, string1, int1 from entries order by id");
final AnyMap entry = entries.iterator().next().getMetadata();
assertEquals(2, entry.size());
assertEquals("hello", entry.getStringValue("STRING1"));
public void testCheckFifo() throws Exception {
final int numberOfEntries = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues(i);
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (int1) values (?)", values);
checkIntegerEntries(_conn1, numberOfEntries);
public void testTwoConnections() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values1 = asListOfValues("hello", "world 1");
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values1);
final List<Value> values2 = asListOfValues("hello, too", "world 2");
_writer.write(DB_URL2, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values2);
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "hello", "world 1");
checkStringEntry(_conn2, "hello, too", "world 2");
public void testNoErrorOnInvalidConnection() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", "world");
// On Windows, this makes following tests fails, because connection management in JdbcWriterService blocks.
// Should be improved.
// _writer.write("jdbc:derby://nosuchserver:1527/nosuchdb", _dbProps,
_writer.write("jdbc:derby:", _dbProps,
"insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values);
public void testNoErrorOnInvalidStatement() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", "world");
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "this is not an SQL statement", values);
getEntries(0, _conn1, "select * from entries");
public void testErrorOnFullQueue() throws Exception {
int numberOfEntries = 0;
try {
for (numberOfEntries = 0; numberOfEntries < 10000; numberOfEntries++) {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues(numberOfEntries);
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (int1) values (?)", values);
fail("should not work");
} catch (final JdbcWriterServiceException ex) {
; // OK
assertTrue(numberOfEntries >= 100); // default queue length
checkIntegerEntries(_conn1, numberOfEntries);
public void testWriteIsNonBlocking() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", "world");
final int blockTime = WAIT_SECONDS * 1000 + 200;
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "call sleep(" + blockTime + ")", NO_VALUES);
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values);
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
checkStringEntry(_conn1, "hello", "world");
fail("should not work");
} catch (final Throwable ex) {
; // OK
assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start >= WAIT_SECONDS * 1000);
public void testBlockedConnectionDoesNotBlockOtherConnection() throws Exception {
final List<Value> values = asListOfValues("hello", "world");
final int blockTime = WAIT_SECONDS * 1000;
_writer.write(DB_URL1, _dbProps, "call sleep(" + blockTime + ")", NO_VALUES);
_writer.write(DB_URL2, _dbProps, "insert into entries (string1, string2) values (?, ?)", values);
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
checkStringEntry(_conn2, "hello", "world");
assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start < blockTime / 2);
public static Connection prepareConnection(final JdbcProvider provider, final String url) throws SQLException {
final Connection conn = provider.getConnection(url + ";create=true", "user", "password");
try (final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
try {
stmt.execute("drop table entries");
} catch (final Exception ex) {
; // table didn't exist
stmt.execute("create table entries (id int generated always as identity, "
+ "string1 varchar(255), string2 varchar(255), int1 int)");
return conn;
public static void checkStringEntry(final Connection conn, final String string1, final String string2)
throws Exception {
final Collection<Record> entries = getEntries(1, conn, "select id, string1, string2 from entries order by id");
final AnyMap entry = entries.iterator().next().getMetadata();
int expectedAttributeCount = 1;
if (string1 != null) {
if (string2 != null) {
assertEquals(expectedAttributeCount, entry.size());
assertEquals(string1, entry.getStringValue("STRING1"));
assertEquals(string2, entry.getStringValue("STRING2"));
public static void checkIntegerEntries(final Connection conn, final int numberOfEntries) throws Exception {
final Collection<Record> entries =
getEntries(numberOfEntries, conn, "select id, int1 from entries order by id");
final Iterator<Record> iter = entries.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
final AnyMap entry =;
assertEquals(2, entry.size());
assertEquals(i, entry.getLongValue("INT1").intValue());
public static Collection<Record> getEntries(final int expectedNumberOfEntries, final Connection conn,
final String sql) throws Exception {
try (final SqlExecutor exec = new SqlExecutor(conn, sql, 0, new MessageCollector.Ignore())) {
for (int i = 0; i < WAIT_SECONDS * 10; i++) {
final Collection<Record> entries = exec.execute(NO_VALUES);
if (entries.size() >= expectedNumberOfEntries) {
assertEquals(expectedNumberOfEntries, entries.size());
return entries;
fail("Did not get " + expectedNumberOfEntries + " entries within " + WAIT_SECONDS + " seconds.");
return null;
private List<Value> asListOfValues(final Object... values) {
final List<Value> anyValues = new ArrayList<>(values.length);
for (final Object value : values) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
return anyValues;