blob: 059ad1f252b0bf9b23787c2cdaf442730e431689 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 empolis GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying
* materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* Contributors: Peter Wissel (brox IT Solutions GmbH) - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.smila.solr;
import org.eclipse.smila.datamodel.Record;
* This class holds static constants that are used for property names and other such stuff.
* @author pwissel
public interface SolrConstants {
* The execution mode.
* @author pwissel
public enum ExecutionMode {
* Add.
* Delete.
* Update, treated the same as {@link #ADD}.
* Source/Target type AttributeOrAttachment.
* @author pwissel
public enum AttributeOrAttachment {
* Attribute.
* Attachment.
* The parameter execution mode.
public static final String EXECUTION_MODE = "ExecutionMode";
* The parameter core name.
public static final String CORE_NAME = "CoreName";
* The parameter index fields.
public static final String CORE_FIELDS = "CoreFields";
* The parameter field name.
public static final String CORE_FIELD_NAME = "FieldName";
* Record source name.
public static final String SOURCE_NAME = "RecSourceName";
* Record source type (AttributeOrAttachment).
public static final String SOURCE_TYPE = "RecSourceType";
* The core field id.
public static final String CORE_FIELD_ID = "Id";
* The core field score.
public static final String CORE_FIELD_SCORE = "score";
* The default solr date format pattern.
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'";
* The facet attribute.
public static final String FACET_ATTR = "_facet";
* The facet query attribute.
public static final String FACET_QUERY_ATTR = "_fc";
* The shards.
public static final String SHARDS = "shards";
* annotation name for defining a boost factor (double) of a record/document.
* <p/>
* Note: i was thinking if smila defines smth. like this already, as it is a common thing such as _id, but it doesnt
* make sense to put this @ the record like {@link Record#RECORD_ID} since boosting is search specific. So what we
* need is a place for constants that make sense in the realm of search but have to do with the indexing side of
* things, which is the resason why {@link QueryConstants} is not such a good place. AFAIK there is no such place so
* far.
public static final String DOC_BOOST = "_docBoost";
* Parameter _solr.
public static final String SOLR_PREFIX = "_solr.";
* Parameter query map.
public static final String QUERY_MAP = SOLR_PREFIX + "query";
* Parameter result map.
public static final String RESULT_MAP = SOLR_PREFIX + "result";
* Parameter global.
public static final String GLOBAL = "global.solr.params";
* The parameter field prefix.
public static final String FIELD_PREFIX = "f.";
* The paramter field suffix.
public static final String FIELD_SUFFIX = ".";
* Parameter max_score.
public static final String MAX_SCORE = "max_score";
* Parameter terms.
public static final String TERMS = "terms";
* Parameter highlighting.
public static final String HIGHLIGHTING = "highlighting";
* Parameter filter query.
public static final String FILTER_QUERY = "fq";
* annotation on a record to control the target index/core dynamically. overrides the pipelet config.
* @note it might be a good idea to name this _indexName and thus make this a more general item, that all search
* engines could use but then it needs to move to another class. as an alternative: we could support both.
public static final String DYNAMIC_TARGET_CORE = "_coreName";
* The DefaultCore folder.
public static final String DEFAULT_CORE = "DefaultCore";
* Parameter spellcheck.
public static final String SPELLCHECK = "spellcheck";
* Parameter collation.
public static final String COLLATION = "collation";