[RJ-Servi] Add doc for configuration files of RServi Pool
diff --git a/servi/org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi/Config.md b/servi/org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi/Config.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a875804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servi/org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi/Config.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Configuration of RJ RServi Pool
+### R Node Configuration (`NodeConfig`/`rconfig.properties`)
+  - `r_home.path`: path of the R home directory.
+  - `node_environment.variables.XYZ`: environment variables to set inside the R node, where XYZ
+    needs to be replaced by the variable name (e.g. R_LIBS, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc).
+  - `java_cmd.args`: additional arguments for the Java runtime passed to the Java command that
+    starts up a node.
+  - `node_cmd.args`: additional arguments for the node (rj package) passed to the command that
+    starts up a node.
+  - `r_startup.snippet`: R commands that will be executed when a node is started up; this can
+    e.g. be used to preload certain packages.
+  - `debug_verbose.enabled`: whether verbose debugging output needs to be generated by the node.
+  - `debug_console.enabled`: whether a debug console (StatET IDE) can be connected to the node.
+  - `startstop_timeout.millis`: period of time in milliseconds after which the starting and
+    the regular terminating of a node will be aborted because of timeout.
+### Pool Configuration (`PoolConfig`/`poolconfig.properties`)
+  - `max_total.count`: maximum total number of nodes in the pool.
+  - `max_idle.count`: maximum number of idling nodes in the pool.
+  - `min_idle.count`: minimum number of idling nodes in the pool.
+  - `min_idle.millis`: minimum period of time in milliseconds a node is idling in the pool before
+    it is eligible for removal because the pool has more idling nodes than the specified by
+    `min_idle.count`.
+  - `max_usage.count`: maximum number of times a node can be used; if a node reaches the count,
+    it is removed.
+  - `max_wait.millis`: maximum period of time in milliseconds `RServiPool.getRServi` will wait for
+    a node before throwing a timeout exception.
+  - `eviction_timeout.millis`: period of time in milliseconds the pool will wait for regular return
+    of allocated nodes when stopping a node (`NodeMXBean.stop`) or stopping the pool before the
+    allocated nodes will be forcibly removed.
+### Network Configuration (`NetConfig`/`netconfig.properties`)
+  - `host.address`: hostname or IP address to use for publishing the pool.
+  - `rmi_registry.address.port`: the TCP port of the RMI registry used to publish the pool.
+  - `rmi_registry.embed.enabled`: whether RServi will start an embedded RMI registry itself, or will
+    use an already running RMI registry.
+  - `ssl.enabled`: whether to use SSL secured RMI connections (requires setup of keystores for the
+    Java runtimes).