blob: 6f7e79ec54cb03e75d5c4eb0a62f175bbc2b8cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Olaf Bergmann (TZI) and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Olaf Bergmann - initial API and implementation
* Hauke Mehrtens - memory optimization, ECC integration
#ifndef _DTLS_CRYPTO_H_
#define _DTLS_CRYPTO_H_
#include <stdlib.h> /* for rand() and srand() */
#include <stdint.h>
#include "aes/rijndael.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "hmac.h"
#include "ccm.h"
/* TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 */
#define DTLS_KEY_LENGTH 16 /* AES-128 */
#define DTLS_BLK_LENGTH 16 /* AES-128 */
#define DTLS_IV_LENGTH 4 /* length of nonce_explicit */
* Maximum size of the generated keyblock. Note that MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH must
* be large enough to hold the pre_master_secret, i.e. twice the length of the
* pre-shared key + 1.
/** Length of DTLS master_secret */
typedef enum { AES128=0
} dtls_crypto_alg;
typedef enum {
} dtls_ecdh_curve;
/** Crypto context for TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 cipher suite. */
typedef struct {
rijndael_ctx ctx; /**< AES-128 encryption context */
} aes128_ccm_t;
typedef struct dtls_cipher_context_t {
/** numeric identifier of this cipher suite in host byte order. */
aes128_ccm_t data; /**< The crypto context */
} dtls_cipher_context_t;
typedef struct {
uint8 own_eph_priv[32];
uint8 other_eph_pub_x[32];
uint8 other_eph_pub_y[32];
uint8 other_pub_x[32];
uint8 other_pub_y[32];
} dtls_handshake_parameters_ecdsa_t;
/* This is the maximal supported length of the psk client identity and psk
* server identity hint */
/* This is the maximal supported length of the pre-shared key. */
typedef struct {
uint16_t id_length;
unsigned char identity[DTLS_PSK_MAX_CLIENT_IDENTITY_LEN];
} dtls_handshake_parameters_psk_t;
typedef struct {
dtls_compression_t compression; /**< compression method */
dtls_cipher_t cipher; /**< cipher type */
uint16_t epoch; /**< counter for cipher state changes*/
uint64_t rseq; /**< sequence number of last record sent */
* The key block generated from PRF applied to client and server
* random bytes. The actual size is given by the selected cipher and
* can be calculated using dtls_kb_size(). Use \c dtls_kb_ macros to
* access the components of the key block.
uint8 key_block[MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH];
} dtls_security_parameters_t;
struct netq_t;
typedef struct {
union {
struct random_t {
uint8 client[DTLS_RANDOM_LENGTH]; /**< client random gmt and bytes */
uint8 server[DTLS_RANDOM_LENGTH]; /**< server random gmt and bytes */
} random;
/** the session's master secret */
uint8 master_secret[DTLS_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH];
} tmp;
struct netq_t *reorder_queue; /**< the packets to reorder */
dtls_hs_state_t hs_state; /**< handshake protocol status */
dtls_compression_t compression; /**< compression method */
dtls_cipher_t cipher; /**< cipher type */
unsigned int do_client_auth:1;
union {
#ifdef DTLS_ECC
dtls_handshake_parameters_ecdsa_t ecdsa;
#endif /* DTLS_ECC */
#ifdef DTLS_PSK
dtls_handshake_parameters_psk_t psk;
#endif /* DTLS_PSK */
} keyx;
} dtls_handshake_parameters_t;
/* The following macros provide access to the components of the
* key_block in the security parameters. */
#define dtls_kb_client_mac_secret(Param, Role) ((Param)->key_block)
#define dtls_kb_server_mac_secret(Param, Role) \
(dtls_kb_client_mac_secret(Param, Role) + DTLS_MAC_KEY_LENGTH)
#define dtls_kb_remote_mac_secret(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_SERVER \
? dtls_kb_client_mac_secret(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_mac_secret(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_local_mac_secret(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_CLIENT \
? dtls_kb_client_mac_secret(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_mac_secret(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_mac_secret_size(Param, Role) DTLS_MAC_KEY_LENGTH
#define dtls_kb_client_write_key(Param, Role) \
(dtls_kb_server_mac_secret(Param, Role) + DTLS_MAC_KEY_LENGTH)
#define dtls_kb_server_write_key(Param, Role) \
(dtls_kb_client_write_key(Param, Role) + DTLS_KEY_LENGTH)
#define dtls_kb_remote_write_key(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_SERVER \
? dtls_kb_client_write_key(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_write_key(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_local_write_key(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_CLIENT \
? dtls_kb_client_write_key(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_write_key(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_key_size(Param, Role) DTLS_KEY_LENGTH
#define dtls_kb_client_iv(Param, Role) \
(dtls_kb_server_write_key(Param, Role) + DTLS_KEY_LENGTH)
#define dtls_kb_server_iv(Param, Role) \
(dtls_kb_client_iv(Param, Role) + DTLS_IV_LENGTH)
#define dtls_kb_remote_iv(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_SERVER \
? dtls_kb_client_iv(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_iv(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_local_iv(Param, Role) \
((Role) == DTLS_CLIENT \
? dtls_kb_client_iv(Param, Role) \
: dtls_kb_server_iv(Param, Role))
#define dtls_kb_iv_size(Param, Role) DTLS_IV_LENGTH
#define dtls_kb_size(Param, Role) \
(2 * (dtls_kb_mac_secret_size(Param, Role) + \
dtls_kb_key_size(Param, Role) + dtls_kb_iv_size(Param, Role)))
/* just for consistency */
#define dtls_kb_digest_size(Param, Role) DTLS_MAC_LENGTH
* Expands the secret and key to a block of DTLS_HMAC_MAX
* size according to the algorithm specified in section 5 of
* RFC 4346.
* \param h Identifier of the hash function to use.
* \param key The secret.
* \param keylen Length of \p key.
* \param seed The seed.
* \param seedlen Length of \p seed.
* \param buf Output buffer where the result is XORed into
* The buffe must be capable to hold at least
* \p buflen bytes.
* \return The actual number of bytes written to \p buf or 0
* on error.
size_t dtls_p_hash(dtls_hashfunc_t h,
const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
const unsigned char *label, size_t labellen,
const unsigned char *random1, size_t random1len,
const unsigned char *random2, size_t random2len,
unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen);
* This function implements the TLS PRF for DTLS_VERSION. For version
* 1.0, the PRF is P_MD5 ^ P_SHA1 while version 1.2 uses
* P_SHA256. Currently, the actual PRF is selected at compile time.
size_t dtls_prf(const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
const unsigned char *label, size_t labellen,
const unsigned char *random1, size_t random1len,
const unsigned char *random2, size_t random2len,
unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen);
* Calculates MAC for record + cleartext packet and places the result
* in \p buf. The given \p hmac_ctx must be initialized with the HMAC
* function to use and the proper secret. As the DTLS mac calculation
* requires data from the record header, \p record must point to a
* buffer of at least \c sizeof(dtls_record_header_t) bytes. Usually,
* the remaining packet will be encrypted, therefore, the cleartext
* is passed separately in \p packet.
* \param hmac_ctx The HMAC context to use for MAC calculation.
* \param record The record header.
* \param packet Cleartext payload to apply the MAC to.
* \param length Size of \p packet.
* \param buf A result buffer that is large enough to hold
* the generated digest.
void dtls_mac(dtls_hmac_context_t *hmac_ctx,
const unsigned char *record,
const unsigned char *packet, size_t length,
unsigned char *buf);
* Encrypts the specified \p src of given \p length, writing the
* result to \p buf. The cipher implementation may add more data to
* the result buffer such as an initialization vector or padding
* (e.g. for block cipers in CBC mode). The caller therefore must
* ensure that \p buf provides sufficient storage to hold the result.
* Usually this means ( 2 + \p length / blocksize ) * blocksize. The
* function returns a value less than zero on error or otherwise the
* number of bytes written.
* \param ctx The cipher context to use.
* \param src The data to encrypt.
* \param length The actual size of of \p src.
* \param buf The result buffer. \p src and \p buf must not
* overlap.
* \param aad additional data for AEAD ciphers
* \param aad_length actual size of @p aad
* \return The number of encrypted bytes on success, less than zero
* otherwise.
int dtls_encrypt(const unsigned char *src, size_t length,
unsigned char *buf,
unsigned char *nounce,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
const unsigned char *aad, size_t aad_length);
* Decrypts the given buffer \p src of given \p length, writing the
* result to \p buf. The function returns \c -1 in case of an error,
* or the number of bytes written. Note that for block ciphers, \p
* length must be a multiple of the cipher's block size. A return
* value between \c 0 and the actual length indicates that only \c n-1
* block have been processed. Unlike dtls_encrypt(), the source
* and destination of dtls_decrypt() may overlap.
* \param ctx The cipher context to use.
* \param src The buffer to decrypt.
* \param length The length of the input buffer.
* \param buf The result buffer.
* \param aad additional authentication data for AEAD ciphers
* \param aad_length actual size of @p aad
* \return Less than zero on error, the number of decrypted bytes
* otherwise.
int dtls_decrypt(const unsigned char *src, size_t length,
unsigned char *buf,
unsigned char *nounce,
unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
const unsigned char *a_data, size_t a_data_length);
/* helper functions */
* Generates pre_master_sercet from given PSK and fills the result
* according to the "plain PSK" case in section 2 of RFC 4279.
* Diffie-Hellman and RSA key exchange are currently not supported.
* @param key The shared key.
* @param keylen Length of @p key in bytes.
* @param result The derived pre master secret.
* @return The actual length of @p result.
int dtls_psk_pre_master_secret(unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
unsigned char *result, size_t result_len);
#define DTLS_EC_KEY_SIZE 32
int dtls_ecdh_pre_master_secret(unsigned char *priv_key,
unsigned char *pub_key_x,
unsigned char *pub_key_y,
size_t key_size,
unsigned char *result,
size_t result_len);
void dtls_ecdsa_generate_key(unsigned char *priv_key,
unsigned char *pub_key_x,
unsigned char *pub_key_y,
size_t key_size);
void dtls_ecdsa_create_sig_hash(const unsigned char *priv_key, size_t key_size,
const unsigned char *sign_hash, size_t sign_hash_size,
uint32_t point_r[9], uint32_t point_s[9]);
void dtls_ecdsa_create_sig(const unsigned char *priv_key, size_t key_size,
const unsigned char *client_random, size_t client_random_size,
const unsigned char *server_random, size_t server_random_size,
const unsigned char *keyx_params, size_t keyx_params_size,
uint32_t point_r[9], uint32_t point_s[9]);
int dtls_ecdsa_verify_sig_hash(const unsigned char *pub_key_x,
const unsigned char *pub_key_y, size_t key_size,
const unsigned char *sign_hash, size_t sign_hash_size,
unsigned char *result_r, unsigned char *result_s);
int dtls_ecdsa_verify_sig(const unsigned char *pub_key_x,
const unsigned char *pub_key_y, size_t key_size,
const unsigned char *client_random, size_t client_random_size,
const unsigned char *server_random, size_t server_random_size,
const unsigned char *keyx_params, size_t keyx_params_size,
unsigned char *result_r, unsigned char *result_s);
int dtls_ec_key_from_uint32_asn1(const uint32_t *key, size_t key_size,
unsigned char *buf);
dtls_handshake_parameters_t *dtls_handshake_new();
void dtls_handshake_free(dtls_handshake_parameters_t *handshake);
dtls_security_parameters_t *dtls_security_new();
void dtls_security_free(dtls_security_parameters_t *security);
void crypto_init();
#endif /* _DTLS_CRYPTO_H_ */