blob: 5d14c28e1baf012777adab1ec1afaf35a8e7c6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateFunctions
// Purpose:
// This module provides data types for handling templates on TitanSim load generator
// Module Parameters:
// -
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateDefinitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions>
// <TCCFileIO_Functions>
// Current Owner:
// Janos Zoltan Svaner (EJNOSVN)
// Last Review Date:
// 2009-02-12
// Detailed Comments:
module EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateFunctions
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateDefinitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_LoggingFunctions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions all;
import from TCCFileIO_Functions all;
import from TCCConversion_Functions all;
friend module EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TrafficFunctions; // f_EPTF_LGenBase_initTemplateSet
friend module EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions; // f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTemplList
// Group: PublicFunctions
// Purpose:
// The public functions of the EPTF_LGenBase_Templates feature
group PublicFunctions
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_init_CT
// Purpose:
// Init EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT component
// Parameters:
// - pl_selfName - *in* - *charstring* - the name of the component
// - pl_extTemplLoadList - *in* - <EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplLoadList> - list of external templates to load if needed
// - pl_enableDefaultArithmeticOperationsInExtTemplate - *in* - *boolean* - if enabled, the default
// arithmetic operations are handled during external template parameter substitution,
// default value : tsp_LGenBase_enableDefaultArithmeticOperationsInExtTemplate
// - pl_templateGetterMode - *in* - <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateGetterMode> - union of external template getter feature parameters,
// default value : { defaultGetter:= {} }
// - pl_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine - *in* - *boolean* - if enabled, the new line from template files will be removed
// default value : tsp_LGenBase_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors & assertions:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// This function initializes f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_init_CT
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_init_CT(
in charstring pl_selfName,
in EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplLoadList pl_extTemplLoadList := tsp_LGenBase_extTemplLoadList,
in boolean pl_enableDefaultArithmeticOperationsInExtTemplate := tsp_LGenBase_enableDefaultArithmeticOperationsInExtTemplate,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateGetterMode pl_templateGetterMode := { defaultGetter:= {} },
in boolean pl_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine := tsp_LGenBase_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT {
if (v_LGenBase_extTemplate_initialized) {return}
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB := {};
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB := {};
v_LGenBase_templateSetDB := {};
v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList := {};
// Initialize external templates
// create hashmaps
v_LGenBase_extTemplHashMapId := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplHashMapName);
v_LGenBase_templTypeHashMapId := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_LGenBase_templTypeHashMapName);
v_LGenBase_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine := pl_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine;
if(ischosen(pl_templateGetterMode.fixedPosGetter)) {
if(0<sizeof(pl_templateGetterMode.fixedPosGetter.orderedMacroNameList)) {
v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_hashMapId := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(c_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPosHashMapName);
v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized := true;
else {
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingError(%definitionId & ": Fixed postion external template feature parameter is missing: Ordered macro name list is empty.");
else {
// load initial external templates
v_LGenBase_extTemplate_initialized := true;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_cleanup_CT
// Purpose:
// EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT clean up function
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// This is a private cleanup function, called automatically when EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT ends running.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_cleanup_CT() runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
if (not v_LGenBase_extTemplate_initialized) {return}
// cleanupexternal templates
if(v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized) {
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB := {};
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB := {};
v_LGenBase_templateSetDB := {};
v_LGenBase_extTemplHashMapId := -1;
v_LGenBase_templTypeHashMapId := -1;
v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_hashMapId := -1;
v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList := {};
v_LGenBase_extTemplate_initialized := false;
v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTempl
// Purpose:
// Loads an external template to memory.
// By default it performs a <CR><LF> conversion (unix2dos) during the load.
// Parameters:
// - p_fileName - *in charstring* - path and name of the text file on filesystem
// - p_extTemplateName - *in charstring* - name of template
// - p_convertLF2CRLF - *in boolean* - enable/disable CR/LF conversion
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of external template, or -1 if error occured.
// Detailed Comments:
// The returned index shall be used for further referring the external template
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTempl(
in charstring p_fileName,
in charstring p_extTemplateName,
in boolean p_convertLF2CRLF := true
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check
if (p_fileName=="")
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Path of external template cannot be empty!");
return -1;
if (p_extTemplateName=="")
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Name of external cannot be empty!");
return -1;
var charstring vl_content;
if (not f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadTemplateFile(p_fileName, vl_content))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Could not read file: "& p_fileName);
return -1;
//check if LF/CRLF conversion is needed
if (p_convertLF2CRLF)
var boolean vl_convertedBefore := false;
// log a warning if the file already contains <CR><LF> pattern
for ( var integer i:=0; i<=lengthof(vl_content)-2; i:=i+1)
if (substr(vl_content,i,2)== "\r\n")
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId & ": Possible wrong CRLF conversion setting: There are <CR><LF> pattern in tmeplate file " & p_fileName);
vl_convertedBefore := true;
if (not vl_convertedBefore) {
vl_content := f_replaceEveryOccurenceOfSubstring(vl_content,"\n","\r\n");
if (v_LGenBase_extTemplRemoveLastNewLine and lengthof(vl_content) >= 2 and substr(vl_content, lengthof(vl_content)-2, 2) == "\r\n")
vl_content := substr(vl_content, 0, lengthof(vl_content)-2);
// process template and store in DB and return new index
var integer size := sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB);
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[size].name := p_extTemplateName;
if (v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized)
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[size].repr := {};
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[size].reprFixedPos := {};
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_LGenBase_extTemplHashMapId, p_extTemplateName, size);
return size;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateType
// Purpose:
// Declares a new template type.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// - p_compulsoryParams - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of compulsory parameters in this template type
// - p_optionalParams - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of optional parameters in this template type
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of template type in the declaration table,
// or -1 if declaration didn't succeed
// Detailed Comments:
// The <behaviour type; template name> pair identifies a template type.
// The returned index shall be used for further referring to the declared template type.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateType(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_compulsoryParams,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_optionalParams := {}
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// check if template type already declared
if (-1 != f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(p_templateTypeKey))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&"Template type with key (" & p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & ";" & p_templateTypeKey.templateName & ") already exists")
return -1;
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList vl_compParamList := {};
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_compulsoryParams); i:=i+1)
vl_compParamList[i] := {p_compulsoryParams[i], omit};
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList vl_optionalParamList := {};
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_optionalParams); i:=i+1)
vl_optionalParamList[i] := {p_optionalParams[i], omit};
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateTypeWithCallbacks(p_templateTypeKey, vl_compParamList, vl_optionalParamList);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateTypeWithCallbacks
// Purpose:
// Declares a new template type with parameter callbacks
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// - p_compulsoryParams - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList* - list of compulsory parameters in this template type
// - p_optionalParams - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList* - list of optional parameters in this template type
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of template type in the declaration table,
// or -1 if declaration didn't succeed
// Detailed Comments:
// For each parameter name an optional callback function can be defined.
// The returned index shall be used for further referring to the declared template type.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTemplateTypeWithCallbacks(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList p_compulsoryParams,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList p_optionalParams := {}
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// check if template type already declared
if (-1 != f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(p_templateTypeKey))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&"Template type with key (" & p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & ";" & p_templateTypeKey.templateName & ") already exists")
return -1;
// administrate new template type
var charstring templTypeKeyString := p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & c_EPTF_LGenBase_hashKeyDelimiter & p_templateTypeKey.templateName;
var integer newIdx := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB);
// put new index to hasmap
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_LGenBase_templTypeHashMapId, templTypeKeyString, newIdx);
// put new declaration into templateTypeDB
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[newIdx] := {p_templateTypeKey, p_compulsoryParams, p_optionalParams, omit, omit};
return newIdx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_createTemplateSet
// Purpose:
// creates a new, empty template set.
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of the template set
// Detailed Comments:
// The returned index shall be used for further referring the template set
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_createTemplateSet()
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
var integer newIdx := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB);
v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[newIdx] := {};
return newIdx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType
// Purpose:
// Assigns an external template to a declared template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of declared template type
// - p_extTemplateIdx - *in integer* - index of external template
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of assigned template item in the template set
// or -1 if assignment not possible
// Detailed Comments:
// Assigment can be successful only if external template has
// all the compulsory parameters what assigned template type expects.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in integer p_extTemplateIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check
if ( (p_templateSetIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB)) or (p_templateSetIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template set with index: "&int2str(p_templateSetIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
if ( (p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB)) or (p_templateTypeIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist")
return -1;
if ( (p_extTemplateIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB)) or (p_extTemplateIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External template with index: "&int2str(p_extTemplateIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
//check if assignment is already exist
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx]); i:=i+1)
if (v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][i].templateTypeIdx == p_templateTypeIdx)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Assignment in the template set "&int2str(p_templateSetIdx)&" already exists for template type "&
int2str(p_templateTypeIdx) & ". Assigned template: " &
v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][i].externalTemplateIdx].name & ". Cannot assign new template: " &
return -1;
// check if assigment is legal and create jump table
var EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList vl_paramJumpTable := {};
if (not f_EPTF_LGenBase_createJumpTable(p_templateTypeIdx, p_extTemplateIdx, vl_paramJumpTable))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning( %definitionId &
": Could not assign template type: " & int2str(p_templateTypeIdx) &
" with external template: "&int2str(p_extTemplateIdx) );
return -1;
// add new item in template set
var integer vl_newItemIdx := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx]);
v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][vl_newItemIdx] := { p_templateTypeIdx, p_extTemplateIdx, vl_paramJumpTable };
return vl_newItemIdx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent
// Purpose:
// Gets the actual template content after parameter substitution.
// Parameters:
// - p_extTemplateIdx - *in integer* - index of external template
// - p_dictionary - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList* - dictionary of parameter names and values
// - p_content - *inout charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// Parameter sunstitution is done by dictionary.
// Parameter names in dictionary and external templates can differ:
// missed parameters are not substituted, unneeded parameters don't cause trouble
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent(
in integer p_extTemplateIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList p_dictionary,
inout charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
p_content := "";
// parameter check
if ( (p_extTemplateIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB)) or (p_extTemplateIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External template with index: "&int2str(p_extTemplateIdx)& " does not exist");
return false;
var EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplate currentTemplate := v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[p_extTemplateIdx];
// create position-correct values of params
var EPTF_CharstringList vl_positionParamValues := {}
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterCallbackList vl_callbacks := {}
f_EPTF_LGenBase_createPositionParameterListFromDict(currentTemplate.repr.paramNames, p_dictionary, vl_positionParamValues, vl_callbacks)
// perform parameter substitution and return content
var EPTF_IntegerList vl_dummyContextArgs := {};
f_EPTF_LGenBase_substituteTemplate(currentTemplate.repr, vl_positionParamValues, vl_callbacks, vl_dummyContextArgs, p_content);
return (p_content != "");
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast
// Purpose:
// Gets the actual template content after parameter substitution.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateItemIdx - *in integer* - index of template set item
// - p_paramValues - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of postiotnal parameter values
// - p_content - *out charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// Parameter sunstitution is done by positional parameter list.
// Parameter position order is defined by template type declaration.
// If template type declaration contains start or finish callback
// functions, they are called before/after parameter substitution
// with empty list as context argument.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in integer p_templateItemIdx,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_paramValues,
inout charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
var EPTF_IntegerList vl_list:={};
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFastWithCallbackArgs(
p_templateSetIdx, p_templateItemIdx, p_paramValues, vl_list, p_content );
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFastWithCallbackArgs
// Purpose:
// Gets the actual template content after parameter substitution.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateItemIdx - *in integer* - index of template set item
// - p_paramValues - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of postiotnal parameter values
// - p_callbackContextArgs - *inout EPTF_IntegerList* - context argument list for callbacks
// - p_content - *out charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// Parameter sunstitution is done by positional parameter list.
// Parameter position order is defined by template type declaration.
// If template type declaration contains start or finish callback
// functions, they are called before/after parameter substitution.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFastWithCallbackArgs(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in integer p_templateItemIdx,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_paramValues,
inout EPTF_IntegerList p_callbackContextArgs,
inout charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
p_content := "";
// parameter check
if ( (p_templateSetIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB)) or (p_templateSetIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template set with index: "&int2str(p_templateSetIdx)& " doesn't exist")
return false;
if ( (p_templateItemIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx])) or (p_templateItemIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template set doesn't have item with index: "&int2str( p_templateItemIdx))
return false;
// find template in template set
var EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplate currentTemplate := v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][p_templateItemIdx].externalTemplateIdx];
// create right-ordered parameter list
var EPTF_CharstringList vl_newParamValues := {};
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterCallbackList vl_callBacks := {}
var integer vl_sizeCallbackList := sizeof(v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList);
var EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList vl_jumpTable := v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][p_templateItemIdx].posJumpTable;
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeDeclaration vl_templType := v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][p_templateItemIdx].templateTypeIdx];
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList vl_dictionary := {};
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(vl_jumpTable); i:=i+1)
vl_callBacks[i] := null;
if (vl_jumpTable[i] >= 0 and vl_jumpTable[i] < sizeof(p_paramValues))
// parameter exist
vl_newParamValues[i] := p_paramValues[vl_jumpTable[i]];
// parameter not exist
var boolean vl_found := false;
vl_newParamValues[i] := currentTemplate.repr.paramNames[i];
for(var integer j := vl_sizeCallbackList-1; j>=0; j:=j-1){
if(v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList[j].apply( vl_newParamValues[i], vl_dictionary )){
vl_found := true;
if(not vl_found){
vl_newParamValues[i] := tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken & currentTemplate.repr.paramNames[i] & tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken
if (vl_jumpTable[i] >=0 ) {
// gain callback function if exist
if (vl_jumpTable[i] < sizeof(vl_templType.compulsoryParams))
if (ispresent(vl_templType.compulsoryParams[vl_jumpTable[i]].callback))
//vl_newParamList[i].callback := vl_templType.compulsoryParams[vl_jumpTable[i]].callback;
vl_callBacks[i] := vl_templType.compulsoryParams[vl_jumpTable[i]].callback;
if (ispresent(vl_templType.optionalParams[vl_jumpTable[i] - sizeof(vl_templType.compulsoryParams)].callback))
//vl_newParamList[i].callback := vl_templType.optionalParams[vl_jumpTable[i] - sizeof(vl_templType.compulsoryParams)].callback;
vl_callBacks[i] := vl_templType.optionalParams[vl_jumpTable[i] - sizeof(vl_templType.compulsoryParams)].callback;
// call starter callback, if exist
if (ispresent(vl_templType.startCallback))
vl_templType.startCallback.apply(p_callbackContextArgs, p_paramValues);
// perform parameter substitution and return content
f_EPTF_LGenBase_substituteTemplate(currentTemplate.repr, vl_newParamValues, vl_callBacks, p_callbackContextArgs, p_content);
// call finish callback, if exist
if (ispresent(vl_templType.finishCallback))
vl_templType.finishCallback.apply(p_callbackContextArgs, p_paramValues);
return (p_content != "");
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplName
// Purpose:
// Gets the name of an external template by its index.
// Parameters:
// - p_extTemplateIdx - *in integer* - index of external template in memory database
// Return Value:
// *charstring* - Name of external template, or "" if template doesn't exist
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplName(
in integer p_extTemplateIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return charstring
// parameter check
if ( (p_extTemplateIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB)) or (p_extTemplateIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External tamplate with index: "&int2str(p_extTemplateIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return "";
return v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[p_extTemplateIdx].name;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdx
// Purpose:
// Gets the index of an external template by its name.
// Parameters:
// - p_extTemplateName - *in charstring* - name of external template
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of external template, or -1 if template doesn't exist
// Detailed Comments:
// This function performs effective search in a hashmap.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdx(
in charstring p_extTemplateName
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check
if (p_extTemplateName == "")
return -1;
// find index in hashmap
var integer idx;
if (not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_LGenBase_extTemplHashMapId, p_extTemplateName, idx))
return -1;
return idx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx
// Purpose:
// Returns index of a templatetype key in the dclaration table.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of template type in the declaration table,
// or -1 if declaration doesn't exist
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
var charstring hashKey := p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & c_EPTF_LGenBase_hashKeyDelimiter & p_templateTypeKey.templateName;
var integer idx;
// get idx from hash map
if (not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_LGenBase_templTypeHashMapId, hashKey, idx))
return -1;
return idx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet
// Purpose:
// Gets the index of an external template assigned to a template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type declaration
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of the template set item or -1 if template type not present in the set
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in integer p_templateTypeIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check
if ( (p_templateSetIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB)) or (p_templateSetIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template set with index: "&int2str(p_templateSetIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
if ( (p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB)) or (p_templateTypeIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
for ( var integer i:=0; i < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx]); i := i+1)
if (v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][i].templateTypeIdx == p_templateTypeIdx)
return i;
return -1;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdxFromSet
// Purpose:
// Gets the index of an external template assigned to a template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type declaration
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of the external template or -1 if assignment does not exist
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdxFromSet(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in integer p_templateTypeIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check
if ( (p_templateSetIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB)) or (p_templateSetIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template set with index: "&int2str(p_templateSetIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
if ( (p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB)) or (p_templateTypeIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
var integer itemIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(p_templateSetIdx, p_templateTypeIdx);
if (itemIdx >= 0)
return v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[p_templateSetIdx][itemIdx].externalTemplateIdx;
return -1;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extendTemplateType
// Purpose:
// Extends a template type declaration with new optional parameters
// and updates all the template sets containing this template type.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type
// - p_newOptionalParams - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of new optional parameter names
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if extension successed. If parameter already exist
// in template type declaration, it returns false.
// Detailed Comments:
// If function returns false, the template DB can be inconsistent.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extendTemplateType(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_newOptionalParams
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// boundary cehck
if (p_templateTypeIdx < 0 or p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return false;
// iterate through new parameters and update template type DB
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(p_newOptionalParams); i := i + 1)
// check if parameter already exist in template type
for ( var integer j := 0; j < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams) ; j := j+1 )
if(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams[j].parameter == p_newOptionalParams[i])
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": The template parameter: "&
p_newOptionalParams[i] & " is already declared as mandatory paramter in template type");
return false;
for ( var integer j := 0; j < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams) ; j := j+1 )
if(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams[j].parameter == p_newOptionalParams[i])
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": The optional parameter: "&
p_newOptionalParams[i] & " is already declared in template type");
return false;
// add new parameter to template type declaration
:= {p_newOptionalParams[i], omit};
// update template set DB
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_updateTemplateSets(p_templateTypeIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extendTemplateTypeWithCallback
// Purpose:
// Extends a template type declaration with new optional parameters
// and allows to define callback functions to new and existing parameters.
// It updates all the template sets containing this modified template type.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type
// - p_paramList - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList* -
// list of <parameter name, callback function> pairs
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if extension successed.
// Detailed Comments:
// p_paramList can contain new and already existing parameters as well.
// If function returns false, the template DB can be inconsistent.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extendTemplateTypeWithCallback(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterList p_paramList
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// boundary cehck
if (p_templateTypeIdx < 0 or p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
return false;
// iterate through parameters and update template type DB
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(p_paramList); i := i + 1)
// check if parameter already exist in template type
var integer j;
for ( j := 0; j < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams) ; j := j+1 )
if(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams[j].parameter == p_paramList[i].parameter)
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams[j].callback := p_paramList[i].callback;
if (j<sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams))
for ( j := 0; j < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams) ; j := j+1 )
if(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams[j].parameter == p_paramList[i].parameter)
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams[j].callback := p_paramList[i].callback;
if (j<sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams))
// add new parameter to template type declaration
:= p_paramList[i];
// update template set DB
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_updateTemplateSets(p_templateTypeIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_setStartCallbackToTemplateType
// Purpose:
// Sets the start callback function of the template type
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type
// - p_callback - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateCallback* - the new start callback function
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_setStartCallbackToTemplateType(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateCallback p_callback
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
// boundary cehck
if (p_templateTypeIdx < 0 or p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
// add callback
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].startCallback := p_callback;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_setFinishCallbackToTemplateType
// Purpose:
// Sets the finish callback function of the template type
// Parameters:
// - p_templateTypeIdx - *in integer* - index of template type
// - p_callback - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateCallback* - the new finish callback function
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_setFinishCallbackToTemplateType(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateCallback p_callback
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
// boundary cehck
if (p_templateTypeIdx < 0 or p_templateTypeIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type with index: "&int2str(p_templateTypeIdx)& " doesn't exist");
// add callback
v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].finishCallback := p_callback;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_applyTemplateContentGetter
// Purpose:
// Gets the actual template content after parameter substitution,
// using previously selected content getter method
// Parameters:
// - pl_extTemplateIdx - *in* *integer* - index of external template
// - pl_dictionary - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList> - dictionary of parameter names and values
// - pl_content - *inout* *charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// -
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_applyTemplateContentGetter(
in integer pl_extTemplateIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList pl_dictionary,
out charstring pl_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
if (vf_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent != null)
{ return vf_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent.apply(pl_extTemplateIdx, pl_dictionary, pl_content); }
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingError(%definitionId & ": No template content getter function is registered.");
return false;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_setTemplateContentGetter
// Purpose:
// Sets the template content getter function
// Parameters:
// - pl_getTemplateContentFn - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_getTemplateContent_FT> - template content getter function
// Return Value:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_setTemplateContentGetter(
in EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent_FT pl_getTemplateContentFn
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
vf_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent := pl_getTemplateContentFn;
// Convinience functions
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentByTemplTypeKey
// Purpose:
// Finds a template in a template set and gets its content after susbstituting its parameters.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey* - key to identify template type
// - p_paramValues - *in EPTF_CharstringList* - list of positional parameter values
// - p_content - *inout charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentByTemplTypeKey(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_paramValues,
inout charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
p_content := "";
var integer templTypeIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(p_templateTypeKey);
if (templTypeIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with key(" &log2str( p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType) & ";" & p_templateTypeKey.templateName & ") doesn't exist");
return false;
var integer templItemIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(p_templateSetIdx, templTypeIdx)
if (templItemIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId&": Template type declaration is not present in the template set.");
return false;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentFast(p_templateSetIdx, templItemIdx, p_paramValues, p_content);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentByExtTemplName
// Purpose:
// Finds an external template after its name and returns its content after susbstituting parameters.
// Parameters:
// - pl_extTemplName - *in charstring* - name of external template
// - p_dictionary - *in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList* - dictionary of parameter values
// - p_content - *out charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContentByExtTemplName(
in charstring pl_extTemplName,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList p_dictionary,
inout charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
p_content := "";
var integer extTemplIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdx(pl_extTemplName);
if (extTemplIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External template with name: "& pl_extTemplName& " doesn't exist");
return false;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateContent(extTemplIdx, p_dictionary, p_content);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdxFromSetByKey
// Purpose:
// Gets the index of an external template assigned to a template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index which identifies the template set
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// Return Value:
// *integer* - Index of the external template or -1 if assignment does not exist
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdxFromSetByKey(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
var integer templateTypeIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(p_templateTypeKey);
if (templateTypeIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with key (" & p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & ";" & p_templateTypeKey.templateName & ") doesn't exist");
return -1;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdxFromSet(p_templateSetIdx, templateTypeIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType2
// Purpose:
// Assigns an external template to a declared template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// - p_extTemplateIdx - *in integer* - index of external template
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of assigned template item in template set
// or -1 if assignment not possible
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType2(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey,
in integer p_extTemplateIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check not needed, it is done in function assignExtTemplToTemplType()
var integer templateTypeIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateTypeIdx(p_templateTypeKey);
if (templateTypeIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Template type declaration with key (" & p_templateTypeKey.behaviourType & ";" & p_templateTypeKey.templateName & ") doesn't exist");
return -1;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType(p_templateSetIdx, templateTypeIdx, p_extTemplateIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType3
// Purpose:
// Assigns an external template to a declared template type in a template set.
// Parameters:
// - p_templateSetIdx - *in integer* - index of template set
// - p_templateTypeKey - *in p_templateTypeKey* - identifies the template type
// - p_extTemplateName - *in charstring* - name of external template
// Return Value:
// *integer* - index of assigned template item in template set
// or -1 if assignment not possible
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType3(
in integer p_templateSetIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey p_templateTypeKey,
in charstring p_extTemplateName
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
// parameter check not needed, it is done in function assignExtTemplToTemplType2()
var integer extTemplIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getExtTemplIdx(p_extTemplateName);
if (extTemplIdx < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External template with name "& p_extTemplateName& " doesn't exist");
return -1;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType2(p_templateSetIdx, p_templateTypeKey, extTemplIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_setTemplateMissingParameterCallback
// Purpose:
// Adds the given template function for the missing parameters to the list.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_setTemplateMissingParameterCallback( in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallback pl_function )
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList[sizeof(v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList)] := pl_function;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ModifyTemplateParamArithmeticCallback
// Purpose:
// LGenBase default behaviour function, which is called for a template parameter not known.
// Type:
// - EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallback
// Parameters:
// - inout pl_paramValue - *charstring* - the output value that should be changed in the template
// - in pl_dictionary - <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList> - the template parameters values the output should be changed to
// Return value:
// - boolean : true if value is modified by the function.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ModifyTemplateParamArithmeticCallback( inout charstring pl_paramValue,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList pl_dictionary)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT return boolean{
var charstring vl_paramName, vl_operator, vl_number;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_findArithmeticOperatorInString(pl_paramValue, vl_paramName, vl_operator, vl_number );
//template parameter name was not a known arithmetric phrase
if(vl_paramName == "" or vl_operator == "" or vl_number == ""){
return false;
var integer j;
for (j:=0; j<sizeof(pl_dictionary) and vl_paramName != pl_dictionary[j].paramName; j:=j+1) {}
if (j < sizeof(pl_dictionary))
// param name found
var charstring vl_paramPrefix, vl_paramNum, vl_paramPostfix;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_findNumberInString(pl_dictionary[j].paramValue, vl_paramPrefix, vl_paramNum, vl_paramPostfix);
//Number not found in the value of the parameter
if(vl_paramNum == ""){
return false;
var charstring vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros := "";
for(var integer k := 0; k < lengthof(vl_paramNum); k := k + 1){
if(vl_paramNum[k] != "0"){
vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros := vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros & vl_paramNum[k];
if(vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros == ""){
vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros := "0";
case ("+"){
pl_paramValue := int2str(str2int(vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros) + str2int(vl_number));
case ("-"){
pl_paramValue := int2str(str2int(vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros) - str2int(vl_number));
case ("*"){
pl_paramValue := int2str(str2int(vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros) * str2int(vl_number));
case ("/"){
pl_paramValue := int2str(str2int(vl_paramNumWithOutLeadingZeros) / str2int(vl_number));
var charstring vl_leadingZeros := "";
for(var integer k := 0; k < lengthof(vl_paramNum) - lengthof(pl_paramValue); k := k + 1){
vl_leadingZeros := vl_leadingZeros & "0";
pl_paramValue := vl_paramPrefix & vl_leadingZeros & pl_paramValue & vl_paramPostfix;
return true;
return false;
} // end of group PublicFunctions
// Group: PrivateFunctions
// Purpose:
// The private functions of the EPTF_LGenBasetemplates feature
// Don't use them from outside of EPTF_LGenBasetemplates
group PrivateFunctions
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_findArithmeticOperatorInString(
in charstring pl_string,
out charstring pl_preString,
out charstring pl_operator,
out charstring pl_postString
// Original commit : this was thought to be too slow
// pl_preString := regexp(pl_string,"(*)([+\-*/]#(1,1))([0-9]#(1,))",0);
// pl_operator := regexp(pl_string,"(*)([+\-*/]#(1,1))([0-9]#(1,))",1);
// pl_postString := regexp(pl_string,"(*)([+\-*/]#(1,1))([0-9]#(1,))",2);
var integer vl_offset := f_strstr(pl_string,"+");
vl_offset := f_strstr(pl_string,"-");
vl_offset := f_strstr(pl_string,"*");
vl_offset := f_strstr(pl_string,"/");
pl_preString := "";
pl_operator := "";
pl_postString := "";
pl_preString := substr(pl_string,0,vl_offset);
pl_operator := pl_string[vl_offset];
pl_postString := substr(pl_string,vl_offset+1,lengthof(pl_string)-vl_offset-1);
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_findNumberInString(
in charstring pl_string,
out charstring pl_preString,
out charstring pl_number,
out charstring pl_postString
// Original commit : this was thought to be too slow
// pl_preString := regexp(pl_string,"([^0-9]#(1,))([0-9]#(1,))(*)",0);
// pl_number := regexp(pl_string,"([^0-9]#(1,))([0-9]#(1,))(*)",1);
// pl_postString := regexp(pl_string,"([^0-9]#(1,))([0-9]#(1,))(*)",2);
pl_preString := "";
var integer i,j,k;
for(k := 0; k < lengthof(pl_string); k := k + 1){
if( pl_string[k] != "0" and pl_string[k] != "1" and pl_string[k] != "2" and pl_string[k] != "3" and
pl_string[k] != "4" and pl_string[k] != "5" and pl_string[k] != "6" and pl_string[k] != "7" and
pl_string[k] != "8" and pl_string[k] != "9"){
pl_preString := pl_preString & pl_string[k];
} else {
pl_number := "";
for(j := k; j < lengthof(pl_string); j := j + 1){
if( pl_string[j] == "0" or pl_string[j] == "1" or pl_string[j] == "2" or pl_string[j] == "3" or
pl_string[j] == "4" or pl_string[j] == "5" or pl_string[j] == "6" or pl_string[j] == "7" or
pl_string[j] == "8" or pl_string[j] == "9"){
pl_number := pl_number & pl_string[j];
} else {
pl_postString := substr(pl_string,j,lengthof(pl_string)-j);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadTemplateFile
// Purpose:
// Loads a file to a string.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadTemplateFile(
in charstring p_fileName,
out charstring p_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// parameter check
f_EPTF_Base_assert( "Empty string as input parameter", p_fileName!="" );
p_content := "";
// open the file and reads content
var integer fd := f_FIO_open_rdonly(p_fileName);
if (fd == -1)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": cannot open file: "& p_fileName);
return false;
if (f_FIO_seek_home(fd) >= 0)
var integer len := f_FIO_seek_end(fd);
if (len >= 0)
if (f_FIO_seek_home(fd) >= 0)
if (f_FIO_read_text(fd, p_content, len) != -1)
if (f_FIO_close(fd) != -1)
return true;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": could not read the file");
if (f_FIO_close(fd) == -1)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": cannot not close file!");
return false;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_parseTemplate
// Purpose:
// Parses a text and returns the internal template representation.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_parseTemplate(
in charstring p_content,
out EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplateRepr p_repr)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT{
// check preconditions
f_EPTF_Base_assert( "empty string as input parameter", p_content!="" );
f_EPTF_Base_assert( "open or close token is empty!",
tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken!="" and tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken!="" );
p_repr := {{},"",{}};
// collect parameter names from template
var charstring t_open := tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken;
var charstring t_close := tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken;
var integer fragmentStart := 0;
for (var integer i:=0; i<lengthof(p_content); i:=i+1)
if (p_content[i] == t_open[0]) // maybe its a variable in template?
if (substr(p_content, i, lengthof(t_open)) == t_open) // it is a variable opening string
var integer tokenstart := i;
i := i + lengthof(t_open);
while(p_content[i] != t_close[0] and i < lengthof(p_content))
i := i+1;
if (i < lengthof(p_content))
if (substr(p_content,i,lengthof(t_close)) == t_close) // it is a variable closing string
i := i + lengthof(t_close);
// obtain text fragment and add to template
var integer idx := sizeof(p_repr.fragmentList);
p_repr.fragmentList[idx].text := substr(p_content, fragmentStart, tokenstart - fragmentStart);
// obtain paramname
var charstring paramName := substr(p_content, tokenstart + lengthof(t_open), i - tokenstart - lengthof(t_open) - lengthof(t_close));
var integer j;
for (j:=0; j<sizeof(p_repr.paramNames) and p_repr.paramNames[j] != paramName ; j:=j+1) {};
p_repr.fragmentList[idx].paramPosition := j; // add parameter position to template fragmnet
if (j == sizeof(p_repr.paramNames))
p_repr.paramNames[sizeof(p_repr.paramNames)] := paramName; // if new parameter, add to the paramnames
fragmentStart := i;
i := i-1;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&"No closing string in a variable!\n");
} // not a variable opening string, nothing to do
} // not a variable in template, nothing to do
p_repr.lastFragment := substr(p_content, fragmentStart, lengthof(p_content) - fragmentStart);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_createPositionParameterListFromDict
// Purpose:
// Returns list of parameter values with position-correct order.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_createPositionParameterListFromDict(
in EPTF_CharstringList p_positionParamNames,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList p_dictionary,
out EPTF_CharstringList p_positionParamValues,
out EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterCallbackList p_callbacks
) runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
p_positionParamValues := {};
p_callbacks := {};
var integer vl_size := sizeof(v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList);
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_positionParamNames); i:=i+1)
// iterate through the dictionary and find the current name
var integer j;
for (j:=0; j<sizeof(p_dictionary) and p_positionParamNames[i]!= p_dictionary[j].paramName; j:=j+1) {}
if (j < sizeof(p_dictionary))
// param name found
p_positionParamValues[i] := p_dictionary[j].paramValue
// paramname name not found
var boolean vl_found := false;
p_positionParamValues[i] := p_positionParamNames[i];
for(var integer k := vl_size-1; k>=0; k:=k-1){
if(v_LGenBase_TemplateMissingParameterCallbackList[k].apply( p_positionParamValues[i], p_dictionary )){
vl_found := true;
if(not vl_found){
p_positionParamValues[i] := tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken & p_positionParamNames[i] & tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken
p_callbacks[i] := null;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_substituteTemplate
// Purpose:
// Returns a substituted template content.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_substituteTemplate(
in EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplateRepr p_template,
in EPTF_CharstringList p_paramValues,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateParameterCallbackList p_callbacks,
inout EPTF_IntegerList p_callbackContextArgs,
out charstring p_content
// parameter check
f_EPTF_Base_assert("Not enough parameter value is given", sizeof(p_paramValues) >= sizeof(p_template.paramNames)
and sizeof(p_callbacks) >= sizeof(p_template.paramNames));
p_content := "";
// concatenate fragments
var charstring vl_value;
var integer vl_position;
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_template.fragmentList); i:=i+1)
vl_position := p_template.fragmentList[i].paramPosition;
vl_value := p_paramValues[vl_position]; //.parameter;
if (p_callbacks[vl_position] != null) //ispresent(p_paramValues[vl_position].callback))
p_callbacks[vl_position].apply(p_callbackContextArgs, vl_value);
p_content := p_content & p_template.fragmentList[i].text & vl_value;
p_content := p_content & p_template.lastFragment;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_initTemplateSet
// Purpose:
// Creates and initialises a templtate set and returns
// index of template set or -1 if template set is not created.
friend function f_EPTF_LGenBase_initTemplateSet(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateList p_templateList
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return integer
var integer templateSetIdx := -1;
var integer numOfTemplates := sizeof(p_templateList);
if (numOfTemplates > 0)
templateSetIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_createTemplateSet();
for (var integer i:=0; i<numOfTemplates; i:=i+1)
var EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateTypeKey templKey := { p_templateList[i].behaviourType, p_templateList[i].templateName };
if (f_EPTF_LGenBase_assignExtTemplToTemplType3(templateSetIdx, templKey, p_templateList[i].externalTemplateName) < 0)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId &": Template: " & p_templateList[i].externalTemplateName & " of type: " & p_templateList[i].templateName & " could not be assigned - check warnings above.");
return templateSetIdx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTemplList
// Purpose:
// Loads a list of external template files.
friend function f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTemplList(
in EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplLoadList p_extTemplLoadList
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
for (var integer i := 0; i<sizeof(p_extTemplLoadList); i:=i+1)
if (-1 == f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTempl(p_extTemplLoadList[i].path, p_extTemplLoadList[i].name, p_extTemplLoadList[i].convertLF2CRLF))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId&"Could not load external template: "& p_extTemplLoadList[i].name);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_createJumpTable
// Purpose:
// Checks whether assigning an external template to a declared template type
// is possible and creates the jump table to them
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_createJumpTable(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx,
in integer p_extTemplateIdx,
out EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList p_jumpTable
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// parameter check
f_EPTF_Base_assert("Bad template type index", p_templateTypeIdx >=0 and p_templateTypeIdx < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB));
f_EPTF_Base_assert("Bad external template index", p_extTemplateIdx >=0 and p_extTemplateIdx < sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB));
// check if assigment is legal and create jump table
p_jumpTable := {};
// There is no jump table when fixed order templates are used
if (v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized)
return true;
var integer vl_compParamNum := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams);
var integer vl_optParamNum := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams);
var integer vl_extTemplParamNum := sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[p_extTemplateIdx].repr.paramNames);
var integer i,j;
// create empty jump table
for (i:=0; i<vl_extTemplParamNum; i:=i+1)
p_jumpTable[i] := -1;
// iterate through compulsory parameters and check all of them exist
for (i:=0; i<vl_compParamNum; i:=i+1)
var charstring compParam := v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams[i].parameter;
for ( j := 0;
j < vl_extTemplParamNum and v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[p_extTemplateIdx].repr.paramNames[j] != compParam;
j := j+1 ) {};
if (j==vl_extTemplParamNum)
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": Mandatory parameter: "&compParam&" is missing from external template");
return false;
p_jumpTable[j] := i;
// iterate through optional parameters and update jump table
for (i:=0; i<vl_optParamNum; i:=i+1)
var charstring optionalParam := v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[p_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams[i].parameter;
for ( j := 0;
j < vl_extTemplParamNum and v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[p_extTemplateIdx].repr.paramNames[j] != optionalParam;
j := j+1 ) {};
if (j != vl_extTemplParamNum)
p_jumpTable[j] := vl_compParamNum + i;
return true;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_createDictionaryfromJumpTable
// Purpose:
// This function creates a dictionary from a jumptable
// Parameters:
// - in pl_templateTypeIdx - *integer* - template type idx
// - in pl_jumpTable - <EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList> - the template parameter jumptable
// - in pl_paramValues - <EPTF_CharstringList> - template parameter values
// - out pl_dictionary - <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList> - the dictionary - template parameter name-value pairs
// Return value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_createDictionaryfromJumpTable(
in integer pl_templateTypeIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList pl_jumpTable,
in EPTF_CharstringList pl_paramValues,
out EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList pl_dictionary
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
// parameter check
f_EPTF_Base_assert("Bad template type index", pl_templateTypeIdx >=0 and pl_templateTypeIdx < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB));
var integer vl_compParamNum := sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[pl_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams);
var integer i := 0;
var integer vl_jumpTableSize := sizeof(pl_jumpTable);
for (i:=0; i<vl_jumpTableSize; i:=i+1)
if(pl_jumpTable[i] >= vl_compParamNum){
//optional template param
pl_dictionary[pl_jumpTable[i]] := {v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[pl_templateTypeIdx].optionalParams[pl_jumpTable[i]-vl_compParamNum].parameter, pl_paramValues[pl_jumpTable[i]]};
} else if(pl_jumpTable[i] > -1){
//compulsory template param
pl_dictionary[pl_jumpTable[i]] := {v_LGenBase_templateTypeDB[pl_templateTypeIdx].compulsoryParams[pl_jumpTable[i]].parameter, pl_paramValues[pl_jumpTable[i]]};
} else{
//-1 case, no need to give anything back
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_updateTemplateSets
// Purpose:
// Updates the template set Db after a template type declaration has been modified.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_updateTemplateSets(
in integer p_templateTypeIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// iterate trough the template sets and update relevant items
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB); i := i + 1)
var integer vl_itemIdx := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTemplateItemIdxFromSet(i, p_templateTypeIdx);
if (vl_itemIdx >= 0)
var EPTF_LGenBase_PositionJumpList vl_jumpTable := {};
if (not f_EPTF_LGenBase_createJumpTable(p_templateTypeIdx, v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[i][vl_itemIdx].externalTemplateIdx, vl_jumpTable))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning( %definitionId &
": Could not assign template type: " & int2str(p_templateTypeIdx) &
"with external template: "&int2str(v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[i][vl_itemIdx].externalTemplateIdx) );
return false;
// update template set item
v_LGenBase_templateSetDB[i][vl_itemIdx].posJumpTable := vl_jumpTable;
return true;
} // end of group PrivateFunctions
// Group: FixedPosTemplateFunctions
// Purpose:
// Functions related to fixed position template handing:
// - All template parameter databases must contain all macros in a given order -> macro positions are fixed
// - All macros are handled as mandatory
// - Advantages due to above constraints:
// - Template parameter database can be pre-declared, only parameter values have to be updated -> fast dictionary creation
// - Template parameter value access is done via indexing to known positions -> fast get template content
// Usage:
// Initialize the component in fixedPosGetter mode and provide an non empty ordered macro name list
// - pl_templateGetterMode := {fixedPosGetter := { orderedMacroNameList := <available macro names> }}
// Load templates with enabled feature
// - f_EPTF_LGenBase_loadExtTempl
// Further template content getter optimization (*optional*)
// - f_EPTF_LGenBase_setTemplateContentGetter
// Get template content during call execution
// - f_EPTF_LGenBase_applyTemplateContentGetter
group FixedPosTemplateFunctions
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_declareTemplateParameterList
// Purpose:
// Declares a template parameter list (of template parameters in a fixed order)
// Parameters:
// - pl_orderedMacroNameList - *in* <EPTF_CharstringList> - ordered template parameter list
// Return Value:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_declareTemplateParameterList(
in EPTF_CharstringList pl_orderedMacroNameList
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
if (not v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized)
var integer vl_pos;
for (var integer vl_i := 0; vl_i < sizeof(pl_orderedMacroNameList); vl_i := vl_i + 1)
if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_hashMapId, pl_orderedMacroNameList[vl_i], vl_pos))
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingError(%definitionId & ": Macro name already present in the ordered macro list: " & pl_orderedMacroNameList[vl_i] & ". Exiting.");
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_hashMapId, pl_orderedMacroNameList[vl_i], vl_i);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_parseTemplate
// Purpose:
// Parses a text and returns the internal template representation for fixed position dictionaries.
// Parameters:
// - pl_content - *inout* *charstring* - the substituted template content
// - pl_repr - *out* <EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplateFixedPosRepr> - fixed order template representation
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// Parameter substitution is done by dictionary of fixed order parameters.
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_parseTemplate(
in charstring pl_content,
out EPTF_LGenBase_ExtTemplateFixedPosRepr pl_repr)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
// check preconditions
f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId&": Empty string as input parameter", pl_content!="" );
f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId&": Open or close token is empty!", tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken!="" and tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken!="" );
// check if any templates exist
var integer vl_endMacroPos := 0, vl_startMacroPos := f_strstr(pl_content, tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken, 0);
// no templates: we are ready
if (-1 == vl_startMacroPos)
pl_repr := { { text := pl_content, paramPositions := {} } }
// templates exist: parse content
// initialize representation database
pl_repr := {};
// initialize length variables
var integer vl_contentLen := lengthof(pl_content);
var integer vl_openTokenLen := lengthof(tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken);
var integer vl_closeTokenLen := lengthof(tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken);
// initialize search variables
// example: A B $ ( A B ) A B
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// -> vl_fragmentStart == 4
// -> vl_fragmentEnd == 5
var integer vl_dictPos, vl_idx, vl_fragmentStart := 0, vl_fragmentEnd := 0;
while (-1 != vl_startMacroPos)
vl_idx := sizeof(pl_repr);
// fill static template portion and macro substitution index list of current template fragment
pl_repr[vl_idx] := { text := substr(pl_content, vl_endMacroPos, vl_startMacroPos - vl_endMacroPos), paramPositions := {} };
// fill all subsequent dynamic template portions (macros)
while (-1 != vl_startMacroPos)
vl_fragmentStart := vl_startMacroPos + vl_openTokenLen;
vl_endMacroPos := f_strstr(pl_content, tsp_LGenBase_templParamClosetoken, vl_fragmentStart);
if (-1 != vl_endMacroPos)
vl_fragmentEnd := vl_endMacroPos - 1;
// template indices must be always at fixed position in the template dictionary and all parameters are mandatory
if (f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_hashMapId, substr(pl_content, vl_fragmentStart, vl_fragmentEnd - vl_fragmentStart + 1), vl_dictPos))
{ pl_repr[vl_idx].paramPositions[sizeof(pl_repr[vl_idx].paramPositions)] := vl_dictPos; }
{ f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingError(%definitionId&": Defined template macro: " & substr(pl_content, vl_fragmentStart, vl_fragmentEnd - vl_fragmentStart + 1) &
" not present in template dictionary.");
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingError(%definitionId&": No closing string for template macro at position: " & int2str(vl_fragmentStart));
// check if there is another macro after the current one, but without any static template content inbetween
vl_startMacroPos := -1;
if (vl_endMacroPos + vl_openTokenLen < vl_contentLen and substr(pl_content, vl_endMacroPos + vl_closeTokenLen, vl_openTokenLen) == tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken)
{ vl_startMacroPos := vl_endMacroPos + vl_closeTokenLen; }
// step to next fragment
vl_endMacroPos := vl_endMacroPos + vl_closeTokenLen;
vl_startMacroPos := f_strstr(pl_content, tsp_LGenBase_templParamOpentoken, vl_endMacroPos);
// is there a last static template portion?
if (vl_endMacroPos < vl_contentLen)
{ // fill static template portion and macro substitution index list of last template fragment
pl_repr[sizeof(pl_repr)] := { text := substr(pl_content, vl_endMacroPos, vl_contentLen - vl_endMacroPos), paramPositions := {} }
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_getTemplateContent
// Purpose:
// Gets the actual template content after parameter substitution of fixed order parameters.
// Parameters:
// - pl_extTemplateIdx - *in* *integer* - index of external template
// - pl_dictionary - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList> - dictionary of fixed order parameter names and values
// - pl_content - *inout* *charstring* - the substituted template content
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true, if substitution succeeded otherwise false
// Detailed Comments:
// Parameter substitution is done by dictionary of fixed order parameters.
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_getTemplateContent(
in integer pl_extTemplateIdx,
in EPTF_LGenBase_TemplParamSubstList pl_dictionary,
inout charstring pl_content
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_extTemplate_CT
return boolean
// check preconditions
f_EPTF_Base_assert(%definitionId&": Fixed position template handling is not initialized.", v_LGenBase_extTemplFixedPos_initialized);
pl_content := "";
// parameter check
if ( (pl_extTemplateIdx >= sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB)) or (pl_extTemplateIdx<0) )
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingWarning(%definitionId&": External template with index: "&int2str(pl_extTemplateIdx)& " does not exist");
return false;
for (var integer vl_i := 0; vl_i < sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[pl_extTemplateIdx].reprFixedPos); vl_i := vl_i + 1)
pl_content := pl_content & v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[pl_extTemplateIdx].reprFixedPos[vl_i].text;
for (var integer vl_j := 0; vl_j < sizeof(v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[pl_extTemplateIdx].reprFixedPos[vl_i].paramPositions); vl_j := vl_j + 1)
pl_content := pl_content & pl_dictionary[v_LGenBase_extTemplateDB[pl_extTemplateIdx].reprFixedPos[vl_i].paramPositions[vl_j]].paramValue;
return (pl_content != "");