blob: 99a736ed99adb3235d03dd02d9fedc608e16536a [file] [log] [blame]
#// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB //
#// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms //
#// of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
#// //
import unittest, threading, time, urllib2, shutil, os
from AppAgent import *
from test.utils.Utils import *
from utils.MockedHandler import *
class AppAgentTest(unittest.TestCase):
def runServer(self):
# start AppAgent
def setUp(self):
# create test directory
if os.path.exists(HTTPSERVER_DIR):
# change to test directory that the http server will serve = os.getcwd()
# a mocked microservice
self.handler = MockedDsRestApiHandler()
# create a server on a free port
self.port = 8000
while True:
self.server = ThreadedHTTPServer(('localhost', self.port), MainHandler)
self.port += 1
# mock user credentials to always return the 'admin' user
self.server.getUserCredentials = lambda headers: ADMIN
# add the mocked handler
self.server.requestHandlers = {'api.dummy': self.handler}
# start the server on a separate thread
self.serverThread = threading.Thread(target = self.runServer)
self.serverThread.daemon = True
# check if the server is running after 0.5 seconds
self.assertTrue(self.serverThread.isAlive(), 'Server failed to start')
def tearDown(self):
# change back to the original directory
# stop the server
# check if the server stopped after 0.5 seconds
self.assertFalse(self.serverThread.isAlive(), 'Server thread is still alive after shutdown')
# delete http server test dir
if os.path.exists(HTTPSERVER_DIR):
def test_fileHandling(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_fileHandling
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework - AppAgent
Requirement: file handling in AppAgent http server
check if server dir is empty
create a new directory and 2 new files inside it
check if the files can be listed
check if the file contents are correct
delete the new directory
check if server dir is empty again
Expected_Result: pass
# check if server dir is empty
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest('/', 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(0, len(files), 'Http server test directory should be empty initially')
# create a new directory and 2 new files inside it
self.sendRequest('/newdir', 'MKDIR')
self.sendRequest('/newdir/file1.txt', 'PUT', 'str1')
self.sendRequest('/newdir/file2.txt', 'PUT', 'str2')
# check if the files can be listed
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest('/newdir', 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(2, len(files), 'Two files should have been created')
self.assertIn('newdir/file1.txt', files)
self.assertIn('newdir/file2.txt', files)
# check if the file contents are correct
self.assertEqual('str1', self.sendRequest('/newdir/file1.txt'))
self.assertEqual('str2', self.sendRequest('/newdir/file2.txt'))
# delete the new directory
self.sendRequest('/newdir', 'RMDIR')
# check if server dir is empty again
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest('/', 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(0, len(files))
def test_proxy(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_proxy
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework - AppAgent
Requirement: proxy request handling in AppAgent http server
check if server dir is empty
create a new directory and 2 new files inside it
check if the files can be listed
check if the file contents are correct
delete the new directory
check if server dir is empty again
Expected_Result: pass
# check if server dir is empty
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/'), 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(0, len(files), 'Http server test directory should be empty initially')
# create a new directory and 2 new files inside it
self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir'), 'MKDIR')
self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir/file1.txt'), 'PUT', 'str1')
self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir/file2.txt'), 'PUT', 'str2')
# check if the files can be listed
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir'), 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(2, len(files), 'Two files should have been created')
self.assertIn('newdir/file1.txt', files)
self.assertIn('newdir/file2.txt', files)
# check if the file contents are correct
self.assertEqual('str1', self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir/file1.txt')))
self.assertEqual('str2', self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir/file2.txt')))
# delete the new directory
self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/newdir'), 'RMDIR')
# check if server dir is empty again
files = [file['fileName'] for file in json.loads(self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/'), 'LSDIR'))['fileList']]
self.assertEqual(0, len(files))
def test_handlerHandling(self):
Author: EDNIGBO Daniel Gobor
Testcase: test_handlerHandling
Tested component: ServiceFramework
Feature: ServiceFramework - AppAgent
Requirement: microservice request handler handling in AppAgent http server
check requests and their responses
check a request through proxy
check handling a wrong request
Expected_Result: pass
# check requests and their responses
self.assertEqual(json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.dummy', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Dummy_DS", "element": "int"}}]}'))['contentList'][0], self.handler.elements['int'])
self.assertEqual(json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.dummy', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Dummy_DS", "element": "string"}}]}'))['contentList'][0], self.handler.elements['string'])
self.assertEqual(json.loads(self.sendRequest('/api.dummy', 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Dummy_DS", "element": "list"}}]}'))['contentList'][0], self.handler.elements['list'])
# check a request through proxy
self.assertEqual(json.loads(self.sendRequest(self.proxyEncode('/api.dummy'), 'POST', '{"requests": [{"getData": {"source": "Dummy_DS", "element": "int"}}]}'))['contentList'][0], self.handler.elements['int'])
# check handling a wrong request
with self.assertRaises(urllib2.HTTPError) as context:
self.sendRequest('/api.notExistingApp', 'POST', 'dummy_body')
self.assertIn('404', str(context.exception))
def proxyEncode(self, path):
return '/proxy/' + ('http://localhost:' + str(self.port)).encode('hex') + path
def sendRequest(self, path, method = 'GET', body = None):
request = urllib2.Request('http://localhost:' + str(self.port) + path, body)
request.get_method = lambda: method
return urllib2.urlopen(request).read()