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// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// File: TLS_Handler.ttcn
// Description: Type and function definition for TLS
// Rev: R3A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 839
module TLS_Handler {
// Creates a new TLS/SSL object. The created object should be suplied to the
// handshake function.
external function TLS_New_object(in TLS_descriptor descr, // The parameters of the connection
out integer object_id, // The identifier of the created TLS object
in integer user_idx := -1 // Transparent user data. Can be retrieved with TLS_get_user_idx() function
// A lower layer connection index can be stored here
// For example, the IPL4 connId of the connection used to send and receive data
// Or the index of the database which holds the user data can be stored here
) return TLS_op_result;
type enumerated TLS_method { TLS_method_TLS, TLS_method_DTLS }
// Parameters of the TLS
type record TLS_descriptor {
TLS_method tls_method, // Which method to use: TLS/SSL or DTLS?
TLS_Supported_proto_versions min_supported_version optional, // Minimum version of the supported protocol
TLS_Supported_proto_versions max_supported_version optional, // Maximum version of the supported protocol
charstring ssl_key_file optional,
charstring ssl_certificate_file optional,
charstring ssl_trustedCAlist_file optional,
charstring ssl_cipher_list optional,
charstring ssl_password optional, // private key file password
boolean ssl_verify_certificate optional,
charstring psk_hint optional,
charstring psk_identity optional,
charstring psk_key optional,
boolean psk_for_server optional
// Dispose the TLS/SSL object.
external function TLS_Delete_object(in integer object_id) return TLS_op_result;
// Get or set the transparent user_idx
external function TLS_get_user_idx(in integer object_id, out integer user_idx) return TLS_op_result;
external function TLS_set_user_idx(in integer object_id, in integer user_idx) return TLS_op_result;
// Handshake function.
// Should be called repetadly until the handshake is finished.
// Input stream: The data received from peer
// Output stream: The data should be sent ot the peer
// return values:
// TLS_OK: handshake finshed
// TLS_NEED_MORE_DATA: send the output stream to the peer if len >0,
// call the function again with more data from peer
// TLS_DATA_TO_SEND: send the output stream to the peer,
// and call the function again
// TLS_ERROR: soemthing went wrong.
external function TLS_Handshake(in integer object_id, // The object_id, created by the TLS_New_object
in boolean is_server, // True: server side, false: client side
in octetstring input_stream, // The input stream, data received from peer
out octetstring output_stream // the output stream. Send this to the peer if needed
) return TLS_op_result;
// Encrypt data to send to the peer
// Should be called repetadly until returns TLS_OK.
// User data: The user data to send
// Input stream: The data received from peer
// Output stream: The data should be sent ot the peer
// return values:
// TLS_OK: All of the user data is encrypted and ready to send. Send the output_stream to peer
// TLS_NEED_MORE_DATA: send the output stream to the peer if len >0,
// call the function again with data from peer
// TLS_DATA_TO_SEND: send the output stream to the peer, and call the function again.
// TLS_ERROR: soemthing went wrong.
// If the function should be called again, call it with the same user_data as used in the first time
external function TLS_Write(in integer object_id, // The object_id, created by the TLS_New_object
in octetstring user_data, // The user data to be encrypted.
in octetstring input_stream, // The input stream, data received from peer
out octetstring output_stream // the output stream. Send this to the peer if needed
) return TLS_op_result;
// Decrypt received data to from the peer
// Should be called repetadly until returns TLS_NEED_MORE_DATA.
// The function return TLS_OK if it succefuly decrypted a TLS record,
// but the function should be called again to make sure all of the eceived
// TLS record are processed.
// User data: The user decypted user data
// Input stream: The data received from peer
// Output stream: The data should be sent ot the peer
// return values:
// TLS_OK: All of the user data is decrypted and ready to be used.
// TLS_NEED_MORE_DATA: send the output stream to the peer if len >0,
// call the function again with data from peer
// TLS_DATA_TO_SEND: send the output stream to the peer, and call the function again.
// TLS_ERROR: soemthing went wrong.
external function TLS_Read(in integer object_id, // The object_id, created by the TLS_New_object
out octetstring user_data, // The user data to be encrypted.
in octetstring input_stream, // The input stream, data received from peer
out octetstring output_stream // the output stream. Send this to the peer if needed
) return TLS_op_result;