blob: 800cb705c330e5db74d102cc678445b14f9911b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Gabor Szalai - initial implementation and initial documentation
// File: TS29514_Npcf_PolicyAuthorization.ttcn
// Description: Type definitions for 3GPP TS29514
module TS29514_Npcf_PolicyAuthorization {
import from TS29122_CommonData all
import from TS29571_CommonData all
import from TS29512_CommonData all
import from TS32291_Nchf_ConvergedCharging all
external function f_enc_AppSessionContextReqData(in AppSessionContextReqData pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_AppSessionContextReqData(in octetstring stream, out AppSessionContextReqData pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
external function f_enc_AppSessionContext(in AppSessionContext pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_AppSessionContext(in octetstring stream, out AppSessionContext pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
external function f_enc_TerminationInfo(in TerminationInfo pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_TerminationInfo(in octetstring stream, out TerminationInfo pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
external function f_enc_EventsNotification(in EventsNotification pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_EventsNotification(in octetstring stream, out EventsNotification pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
external function f_enc_AppSessionContextUpdateData(in AppSessionContextUpdateData pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_AppSessionContextUpdateData(in octetstring stream, out AppSessionContextUpdateData pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
external function f_enc_EventsSubscReqData(in EventsSubscReqData pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(JSON)" }
external function f_dec_EventsSubscReqData(in octetstring stream, out EventsSubscReqData pdu) return integer
with { extension "prototype(backtrack) decode(JSON)" }
type set AppSessionContext {
AppSessionContextReqData ascReqData optional,
AppSessionContextRespData ascRespData optional,
EventsNotification evsNotif optional
type set AppSessionContextReqData {
AfAppId afAppId optional,
AfChargingId afChargId optional,
AfRoutingRequirement afRoutReq optional,
AspId aspId optional,
TS29122_CommonData.BdtReferenceId bdtRefId optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Dnn dnn optional,
EventsSubscReqData evSubsc optional,
set of record {
universal charstring key,
MediaComponent additionalProperties
} medComponents optional,
charstring ipDomain optional,
charstring mpsId optional,
TS29122_CommonData.Link notifUri,
TS29571_CommonData.Snssai sliceInfo optional,
SponId sponId optional,
SponsoringStatus sponStatus optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Supi supi optional,
TS29571_CommonData.SupportedFeatures suppFeat optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv4Addr ueIpv4 optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv6Addr ueIpv6 optional,
TS29571_CommonData.MacAddr48 ueMac optional
type set AppSessionContextRespData {
ServAuthInfo servAuthInfo optional,
TS29571_CommonData.SupportedFeatures suppFeat optional
type set AppSessionContextUpdateData {
AfAppId afAppId optional,
AfRoutingRequirement afRoutReq optional,
AspId aspId optional,
TS29122_CommonData.BdtReferenceId bdtRefId optional,
EventsSubscReqData evSubsc optional,
set of record {
universal charstring key,
MediaComponent additionalProperties
} medComponents optional,
charstring mpsId optional,
SponId sponId optional,
SponsoringStatus sponStatus optional
type set EventsSubscReqData {
TS29571_CommonData.DnaiChangeType dnaiChgType optional,
set of AfEventSubscription events,
TS29122_CommonData.Link notifUri,
RequiredAccessInfo reqAni optional,
TS29122_CommonData.UsageThreshold usgThres optional
type set MediaComponent {
AfAppId afAppId optional,
AfRoutingRequirement afRoutReq optional,
ContentVersion contVer optional,
set of CodecData codecs optional,
FlowStatus fStatus optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate marBwDl optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate marBwUl optional,
integer medCompN,
set of record {
universal charstring key,
MediaSubComponent additionalProperties
} medSubComps optional,
MediaType medType optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate mirBwDl optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate mirBwUl optional,
ReservPriority resPrio optional
type set MediaSubComponent {
set of EthFlowDescription ethfDescs optional,
integer fNum,
set of FlowDescription fDescs optional,
FlowStatus fStatus optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate marBwDl optional,
TS29571_CommonData.BitRate marBwUl optional,
TosTrafficClass tosTrCl optional,
FlowUsage flowUsage optional
type set EventsNotification {
TS29571_CommonData.AccessType accessType optional,
AccessNetChargingAddress anChargAddr optional,
set of AccessNetChargingIdentifier anChargIds optional,
AnGwAddress anGwAddr optional,
TS29122_CommonData.Link evSubsUri,
set of AfEventNotification evNotifs,
set of ResourcesAllocationInfo failedResourcAllocReports optional,
NetLocAccSupp netLocAccSupp optional,
set of OutOfCreditInformation outOfCredReports optional,
TS29571_CommonData.PlmnId plmnCcNc optional,
TS29571_CommonData.PlmnId plmnId optional,
set of QosNotificationControlInfo qncReports optional,
TS29571_CommonData.RatType ratType optional,
TS29571_CommonData.UserLocation ueLoc optional,
TS29571_CommonData.DateTime ueLocTime optional,
TS29571_CommonData.TimeZone ueTimeZone optional,
TS29571_CommonData.UserLocation addUeLoc optional,
TS29571_CommonData.DateTime addUeLocTime optional,
TS29122_CommonData.AccumulatedUsage usgRep optional
type set AfEventSubscription {
AfEvent event,
AfNotifMethod notifMethod optional
type set AfEventNotification {
AfEvent event,
set of Flows flows optional
type set TerminationInfo {
TerminationCause termCause,
TS29122_CommonData.Link resUri
type set AfRoutingRequirement {
boolean appReloc optional,
charstring afTransId,
set of TS29571_CommonData.RouteToLocation routeToLocs optional,
SpatialValidity spVal optional,
set of TemporalValidity tempVals optional
type set SpatialValidity {
set of charstring praIds optional,
set of record {
universal charstring key,
TS29571_CommonData.PresenceInfo additionalProperties
} presenceInfoList optional
type set AccessNetChargingAddress {
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv4Addr anChargIpv4Addr optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv6Addr anChargIpv6Addr optional
type set AccessNetChargingIdentifier {
charstring anChargIdValue,
set of Flows flows optional
type set AnGwAddress {
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv4Addr anGwIpv4Addr optional,
TS29571_CommonData.Ipv6Addr anGwIpv6Addr optional
type set Flows {
set of ContentVersion contVers optional,
set of integer fNums optional,
integer medCompN
type set EthFlowDescription {
TS29571_CommonData.MacAddr48 destMacAddr optional,
charstring ethType,
FlowDescription fDesc optional,
TS29512_CommonData.FlowDirection fDir optional,
TS29571_CommonData.MacAddr48 sourceMacAddr optional,
charstring vlanTags optional
type set OutOfCreditInformation {
TS32291_Nchf_ConvergedCharging.FinalUnitAction finUnitAct optional,
set of Flows flows optional
type set ResourcesAllocationInfo {
MediaComponentResourcesStatus mcResourcStatus,
set of Flows flows
type set TemporalValidity {
TS29571_CommonData.DateTime startTime optional,
TS29571_CommonData.DateTime stopTime optional
type set QosNotificationControlInfo {
QosNotifType notifType,
set of Flows flows optional
type charstring AfChargingId
type charstring AfAppId
type charstring AspId
type charstring CodecData
type integer ContentVersion
type charstring FlowDescription
type boolean NetLocAccSupp
type charstring SponId
type union MediaType {
MediaType_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated ReservPriority_enum { PRIO_1, PRIO_2, PRIO_3, PRIO_4, PRIO_5, PRIO_6, PRIO_7, PRIO_8, PRIO_9, PRIO_10, PRIO_11, PRIO_12, PRIO_13, PRIO_14, PRIO_15, PRIO_16}
type union ReservPriority {
ReservPriority_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type union ServAuthInfo {
ServAuthInfo_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated SponsoringStatus_enum { SPONSOR_DISABLED, SPONSOR_ENABLED}
type union SponsoringStatus {
SponsoringStatus_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type union AfEvent {
AfEvent_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated AfNotifMethod_enum { EVENT_DETECTION, ONE_TIME}
type union AfNotifMethod {
AfNotifMethod_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated QosNotifType_enum { FULFILLED, NOT_FULFILLED}
type union QosNotifType {
QosNotifType_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated TerminationCause_enum { ALL_SDF_DEACTIVATION, PDU_SESSION_TERMINATION}
type union TerminationCause {
TerminationCause_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated RequiredAccessInfo_enum { USER_LOCATION, MS_TIME_ZONE}
type union RequiredAccessInfo {
RequiredAccessInfo_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated MediaComponentResourcesStatus_enum { ACTIVE, INACTIVE}
type union MediaComponentResourcesStatus {
MediaComponentResourcesStatus_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type enumerated FlowUsage_enum { NO_INFO, RTCP}
type union FlowUsage {
FlowUsage_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
with {
type union FlowStatus {
FlowStatus_enum enum_val,
charstring other_val
} with {
variant "JSON: as value"
type charstring TosTrafficClass
} with {
encode "JSON"