| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB |
| // |
| // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
| // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| // https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //
| // File: EAP_Types.ttcn
| // Rev: R6A |
| // Prodnr: CNL 113 722
| // Updated: 2014-01-24
| // Contact: http://ttcn.ericsson.se
| // Reference: RFC 3748(Extensible Authentication Protocol)
| // RFC 4187(EAP-AKA)
| // RFC 5448(EAP-AKA')
| // RFC 4186(EAP-SIM)
| // RFC 5281(EAP-TTLS)
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| module EAP_Types
| {
| external function enc_PDU_EAP(in PDU_EAP pdu) return octetstring;
| external function dec_PDU_EAP(in octetstring stream) return PDU_EAP;
| external function enc_AKA_Attrib(in EAP_AKA_Attrib_List pdu) return octetstring;
| external function dec_AKA_Attrib(in octetstring stream) return EAP_AKA_Attrib_List;
| external function eap_sim_derive_mk(octetstring identity,octetstring nonce_mt,integer selected_version,octetstring ver_list,octetstring kc) return octetstring;
| external function fips186_2_prf(octetstring input) return octetstring;
| external function eap_aka_derive_mk(octetstring identity,octetstring ik,octetstring ck) return octetstring; |
| external function eap_aka_derive_reauth_msk_emsk(octetstring identity,octetstring counter,octetstring nonce_s,octetstring mk) return octetstring;
| //external function eap_aka_prime_derive_keys(octetstring identity,integer len,octetstring ik,octetstring ck,octetstring k_encr,octetstring k_aut, octetstring k_re, octetstring msk, octetstring emsk);
| external function eap_akaprime_derive_mk(octetstring identity,octetstring ik,octetstring ck) return octetstring;
| external function Calculate_AT_CheckCode(octetstring rcveap,octetstring sendeap) return octetstring;
| external function f_calc_Kaut(in octetstring input,inout octetstring kencr) return octetstring;
| external function f_calc_AKA_Keys(in octetstring pl_eap_identity, in octetstring pl_AKA_K,in octetstring pl_rand, inout octetstring pl_AK,inout octetstring pl_Kaut,inout octetstring pl_Kencr) return octetstring
| external function f_enc_eap_sim_attrib_list(in EAP_SIM_Attrib_List pdu) return octetstring
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "encode(RAW)" }
| external function f_dec_eap_sim_attrib_list(in octetstring stream) return EAP_SIM_Attrib_List
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "decode(RAW)" }
| external function f_enc_eap_aka_attrib_list(in EAP_AKA_Attrib_List pdu) return octetstring
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "encode(RAW)" }
| external function f_dec_eap_aka_attrib_list(in octetstring stream) return EAP_AKA_Attrib_List
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "decode(RAW)" }
| external function f_enc_tls_handshakeData(in TLS_HandshakeData_t pdu) return octetstring
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "encode(RAW)" }
| external function f_dec_tls_handshakeData(in octetstring stream) return TLS_HandshakeData_t
| with { extension "prototype(convert)" extension "decode(RAW)" }
| external function f_get_ServersPublicKey(in octetstring certificate,out octetstring key, out octetstring exponent);
| external function f_prf(in octetstring p_key,in octetstring p_prefix, in octetstring p_data, in integer p_outLength) return octetstring;
| //
| // Basic type definitions
| //
| type integer U_INT8 (0..255) with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| }
| type integer U_INT16 (0..65535) with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(16)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| }
| type integer U_INT24 (0..16777215) with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(24)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| }
| type integer U_INT32 (0..4294967296) with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(32)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| }
| type integer U_INT64 with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(64)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| }
| type integer S_INT32 with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(32)"
| variant "BYTEORDER(last)"
| variant "COMP(2scompl)"
| }
| type octetstring OCTET_1 length(1)
| type octetstring OCTET_2 length(2)
| type octetstring OCTET_3 length(3)
| type octetstring OCTET_4 length(4)
| type octetstring OCTET_6 length(6)
| type octetstring OCTET_8 length(8)
| type octetstring OCTET_12 length(12)
| type octetstring OCTET_14 length(14)
| type octetstring OCTET_16 length(16)
| type octetstring OCTET_20 length(20)
| type octetstring OCTET_28 length(28)
| type octetstring OCTET_32 length(32)
| type bitstring BIT1 length(1) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(1)" };
| type bitstring BIT2 length(2) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(2)" };
| type bitstring BIT3 length(3) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(3)" };
| type bitstring BIT5 length(5) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(5)" };
| type bitstring BIT7 length(7) with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(7)" };
| //================================================
| type enumerated EAP_Packet_Code
| {
| Request_Code (1),
| Response_Code (2),
| Success_Code (3),
| Failure_Code (4),
| Unknown_Code (5)
| }with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_Packet_Type
| {
| EAP_Identity (1),
| EAP_Notification (2),
| EAP_Nak (3),
| EAP_Md5_Challenge (4),
| EAP_One_Time_Password (5),
| EAP_Generic_Token_Card (6),
| EAP_Tls (13),
| EAP_Sim (18),
| EAP_Ttls (21),
| EAP_Aka (23),
| EAP_AkaPrime (50)
| }with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type record At_Void_t
| {
| U_INT16 reserved
| }
| type record At_Padding_t
| {
| octetstring reserved
| }
| type record At_Short_t
| {
| U_INT16 data_value
| }
| type record At_Long_t
| {
| U_INT16 reserved,
| OCTET_16 data_value
| }
| type record At_Checkcode_t
| {
| U_INT16 reserved,
| OCTET_32 data_value optional
| }
| type record of OCTET_16 octet16_list;
| type record At_Long_Rand_t
| {
| U_INT16 reserved,
| octet16_list data_value
| }
| type record At_Long_w_Length_t
| {
| U_INT16 actual_length,
| octetstring data_value
| }with {
| variant(actual_length) "LENGTHTO(data_value)"
| }
| type record At_Long_w_Length_Res_t
| {
| U_INT16 actual_length,
| octetstring data_value
| }with {
| variant(actual_length) "LENGTHTO(data_value)"
| variant(actual_length) "UNIT(bits)"
| }
| type record of U_INT16 integer16_list;
| type record At_List_t
| {
| U_INT16 actual_length,
| integer16_list data_value
| }with {
| variant(actual_length) "LENGTHTO(data_value)"
| }
| type record At_AKA_Auts_t
| {
| OCTET_14 data_value
| }
| type record At_Encr_Data_t
| {
| U_INT16 reserved,
| octetstring data_value
| }
| // AKA Attributes
| type At_Long_t At_Data_AKA_Rand;
| type At_Checkcode_t At_Data_AKA_Checkcode;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_AKA_Autn;
| type At_Padding_t At_Data_AKA_Padding;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_AKA_Mac;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_AKA_Iv;
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_AKA_Identity;
| type At_Long_w_Length_Res_t At_Data_AKA_Res;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_AKA_Result_Ind;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_AKA_Notification;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_AKA_Client_Error_Code;
| type At_AKA_Auts_t At_Data_AKA_Auts;
| type At_Encr_Data_t At_Data_AKA_Encr_Data;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_AKA_PermanentIdReq;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_AKA_AnyIdReq;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_AKA_FullauthIdReq;
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_AKA_NextPseudonym;
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_AKA_NextReauthId;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_AKA_Counter;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_AKA_NonceS;
| type union EAP_AKA_Attribute_Data {
| At_Data_AKA_PermanentIdReq at_data_AKA_PermanentIdReq,
| At_Data_AKA_Rand at_data_AKA_Rand,
| At_Data_AKA_Checkcode at_data_AKA_Checkcode,
| At_Data_AKA_Autn at_data_AKA_Autn,
| At_Data_AKA_Padding at_data_AKA_Padding,
| At_Data_AKA_Mac at_data_AKA_Mac,
| At_Data_AKA_Iv at_data_AKA_Iv,
| At_Data_AKA_Identity at_data_AKA_Identity,
| At_Data_AKA_Res at_data_AKA_Res,
| At_Data_AKA_Result_Ind at_data_AKA_Result_Ind,
| At_Data_AKA_Notification at_data_AKA_Notification,
| At_Data_AKA_Client_Error_Code at_data_AKA_Client_Error_Code,
| At_Data_AKA_Auts at_data_AKA_Auts,
| At_Data_AKA_NextPseudonym at_data_AKA_NextPseudonym,
| At_Data_AKA_NextReauthId at_data_AKA_NextReauthId,
| At_Data_AKA_Encr_Data at_data_AKA_Encr_Data,
| At_Data_AKA_Counter at_data_AKA_Counter,
| At_Data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small at_data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small,
| At_Data_AKA_NonceS at_data_AKA_NonceS
| }
| type record EAP_AKA_Attrib_t
| {
| EAP_AKA_Attribute_Type attrib_type,
| U_INT8 attrib_length,
| EAP_AKA_Attribute_Data attrib_value optional
| } with {
| variant (attrib_value) "CROSSTAG(
| at_data_AKA_PermanentIdReq, attrib_type=At_AKA_Permanent_Id_Req;
| at_data_AKA_Rand, attrib_type=At_AKA_Rand;
| at_data_AKA_Checkcode, attrib_type=At_AKA_Checkcode;
| at_data_AKA_Autn, attrib_type=At_AKA_Autn;
| at_data_AKA_Padding, attrib_type=At_AKA_Padding;
| at_data_AKA_Mac, attrib_type=At_AKA_Mac;
| at_data_AKA_Iv, attrib_type=At_AKA_Iv;
| at_data_AKA_Identity, attrib_type=At_AKA_Identity;
| at_data_AKA_Res, attrib_type=At_AKA_Res;
| at_data_AKA_Result_Ind, attrib_type=At_AKA_Result_Ind;
| at_data_AKA_Notification, attrib_type=At_AKA_Notification;
| at_data_AKA_Client_Error_Code, attrib_type=At_AKA_Client_Error_Code;
| at_data_AKA_Auts, attrib_type=At_AKA_Auts;
| at_data_AKA_NextPseudonym, attrib_type=At_AKA_Next_Pseudonym;
| at_data_AKA_NextReauthId, attrib_type=At_AKA_Next_Reauth_Id;
| at_data_AKA_Encr_Data, attrib_type=At_AKA_Encr_Data;
| at_data_AKA_Counter, attrib_type=At_AKA_Counter;
| at_data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small, attrib_type=At_AKA_Counter_Too_Small;
| at_data_AKA_NonceS, attrib_type=At_AKA_Nonce_S)"
| variant(attrib_length) "LENGTHTO(attrib_type,attrib_length,attrib_value)"
| variant(attrib_length) "UNIT(dword32)"
| variant "PADDING(dword32)"
| }
| // AKA' Attributes
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_AKAPrime_KDF_INPUT;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_AKAPrime_KDF;
| type union EAP_AKAPrime_Attribute_Data {
| At_Data_AKA_PermanentIdReq at_data_AKA_PermanentIdReq,
| At_Data_AKA_Rand at_data_AKA_Rand,
| At_Data_AKA_Checkcode at_data_AKA_Checkcode,
| At_Data_AKA_Autn at_data_AKA_Autn,
| At_Data_AKA_Padding at_data_AKA_Padding,
| At_Data_AKA_Mac at_data_AKA_Mac,
| At_Data_AKA_Iv at_data_AKA_Iv,
| At_Data_AKA_Identity at_data_AKA_Identity,
| At_Data_AKA_Res at_data_AKA_Res,
| At_Data_AKA_Result_Ind at_data_AKA_Result_Ind,
| At_Data_AKA_Notification at_data_AKA_Notification,
| At_Data_AKA_Client_Error_Code at_data_AKA_Client_Error_Code,
| At_Data_AKA_Auts at_data_AKA_Auts,
| At_Data_AKA_Encr_Data at_data_AKA_Encr_Data,
| At_Data_AKA_Counter at_data_AKA_Counter,
| At_Data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small at_data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small,
| At_Data_AKAPrime_KDF_INPUT at_data_AKAPrime_KDF_INPUT,
| At_Data_AKAPrime_KDF at_data_AKAPrime_KDF
| }
| type record EAP_AKAPrime_Attrib_t
| {
| EAP_AKAPrime_Attribute_Type attrib_type,
| U_INT8 attrib_length,
| EAP_AKAPrime_Attribute_Data attrib_value optional
| }with {
| variant (attrib_value) "CROSSTAG(
| at_data_AKA_PermanentIdReq, attrib_type=At_AKA_Permanent_Id_Req;
| at_data_AKA_Rand, attrib_type=At_AKA_Rand;
| at_data_AKA_Checkcode, attrib_type=At_AKA_Checkcode;
| at_data_AKA_Autn, attrib_type=At_AKA_Autn;
| at_data_AKA_Padding, attrib_type=At_AKA_Padding;
| at_data_AKA_Mac, attrib_type=At_AKA_Mac;
| at_data_AKA_Iv, attrib_type=At_AKA_Iv;
| at_data_AKA_Identity, attrib_type=At_AKA_Identity;
| at_data_AKA_Res, attrib_type=At_AKA_Res;
| at_data_AKA_Result_Ind, attrib_type=At_AKA_Result_Ind;
| at_data_AKA_Notification, attrib_type=At_AKA_Notification;
| at_data_AKA_Client_Error_Code, attrib_type=At_AKA_Client_Error_Code;
| at_data_AKA_Auts, attrib_type=At_AKA_Auts;
| at_data_AKA_Encr_Data, attrib_type=At_AKA_Encr_Data;
| at_data_AKA_Counter, attrib_type=At_AKA_Counter;
| at_data_AKA_Counter_Too_Small, attrib_type=At_AKA_Counter_Too_Small;
| at_data_AKAPrime_KDF_INPUT, attrib_type=At_AKA_KDF_INPUT;
| at_data_AKAPrime_KDF, attrib_type=At_AKA_KDF)"
| variant(attrib_length) "LENGTHTO(attrib_type,attrib_length,attrib_value)"
| variant(attrib_length) "UNIT(dword32)"
| variant "PADDING(dword32)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_AKA_SubType
| {
| EAP_AKA_Challenge (1),
| EAP_AKA_Authentication_Reject (2),
| EAP_AKA_Synchronization_Failure (4),
| EAP_AKA_Identity (5),
| EAP_AKA_Notification (12),
| EAP_AKA_Reauthentication (13),
| EAP_AKA_Client_Error (14),
| EAP_AKA_Wrong_Subtype (88)
| }with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_AKA_Attribute_Type
| {
| At_AKA_Rand (1),
| At_AKA_Autn (2),
| At_AKA_Res (3),
| At_AKA_Auts (4),
| At_AKA_Padding (6),
| At_AKA_Permanent_Id_Req (10),
| At_AKA_Mac (11),
| At_AKA_Notification (12),
| At_AKA_Any_Id_Req (13),
| At_AKA_Identity (14),
| At_AKA_Fullauth_Id_Req (17),
| At_AKA_Counter (19),
| At_AKA_Counter_Too_Small (20),
| At_AKA_Nonce_S (21),
| At_AKA_Client_Error_Code (22),
| At_AKA_Iv (129),
| At_AKA_Encr_Data (130),
| At_AKA_Next_Pseudonym (132),
| At_AKA_Next_Reauth_Id (133),
| At_AKA_Checkcode (134),
| At_AKA_Result_Ind (135)
| }with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_AKAPrime_Attribute_Type
| {
| At_AKA_Rand (1),
| At_AKA_Autn (2),
| At_AKA_Res (3),
| At_AKA_Auts (4),
| At_AKA_Padding (6),
| At_AKA_Permanent_Id_Req (10),
| At_AKA_Mac (11),
| At_AKA_Notification (12),
| At_AKA_Any_Id_Req (13),
| At_AKA_Identity (14),
| At_AKA_Fullauth_Id_Req (17),
| At_AKA_Counter (19),
| At_AKA_Counter_Too_Small (20),
| At_AKA_Nonce_S (21),
| At_AKA_Client_Error_Code (22),
| At_AKA_KDF_INPUT (23),
| At_AKA_KDF (24),
| At_AKA_Iv (129),
| At_AKA_Encr_Data (130),
| At_AKA_Next_Pseudonym (132),
| At_AKA_Next_Reauth_Id (133),
| At_AKA_Checkcode (134),
| At_AKA_Result_Ind (135)
| }with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type At_Void_t At_Data_SIM_PermanentIdReq;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_SIM_FullAuthIdReq;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_SIM_AnyIdReq;
| type At_List_t At_Data_SIM_Version_List;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_SIM_NonceMT;
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_SIM_Identity;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_SIM_SelectedVersion;
| type At_Long_Rand_t At_Data_SIM_Rand;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_SIM_Iv;
| type At_Encr_Data_t At_Data_SIM_Encr_Data;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_SIM_Mac;
| type At_Long_w_Length_t At_Data_SIM_Next_Pseudonym;
| type At_Long_t At_Data_SIM_NonceS;
| type At_Long_w_Length_Res_t At_Data_SIM_Next_ReauthId;
| type At_Padding_t At_Data_SIM_Padding;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_SIM_Counter;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_SIM_CounterTooSmall;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_SIM_Notification;
| type At_Void_t At_Data_SIM_Result_Ind;
| type At_Short_t At_Data_SIM_Client_Error_Code;
| type union EAP_SIM_Attribute_Data {
| At_Data_SIM_PermanentIdReq at_data_SIM_PermanentIdReq,
| At_Data_SIM_FullAuthIdReq at_data_SIM_FullAuthIdReq,
| At_Data_SIM_AnyIdReq at_data_SIM_AnyIdReq,
| At_Data_SIM_Version_List at_data_SIM_Version_List,
| At_Data_SIM_NonceMT at_data_SIM_NonceMT,
| At_Data_SIM_Identity at_data_SIM_Identity,
| At_Data_SIM_SelectedVersion at_data_SIM_SelectedVersion,
| At_Data_SIM_Rand at_data_SIM_Rand,
| At_Data_SIM_Iv at_data_SIM_Iv,
| At_Data_SIM_Encr_Data at_data_SIM_Encr_Data,
| At_Data_SIM_Mac at_data_SIM_Mac,
| At_Data_SIM_Next_Pseudonym at_data_SIM_Next_Pseudonym,
| At_Data_SIM_NonceS at_data_SIM_NonceS,
| At_Data_SIM_Next_ReauthId at_data_SIM_Next_ReauthId,
| At_Data_SIM_Padding at_data_SIM_Padding,
| At_Data_SIM_Counter at_data_SIM_Counter,
| At_Data_SIM_CounterTooSmall at_data_SIM_CounterTooSmall,
| At_Data_SIM_Notification at_data_SIM_Notification,
| At_Data_SIM_Result_Ind at_data_SIM_Result_Ind,
| At_Data_SIM_Client_Error_Code at_data_SIM_Client_Error_Code
| }
| type record EAP_SIM_Attrib_t
| {
| EAP_SIM_Attribute_Type attrib_type,
| U_INT8 attrib_length,
| EAP_SIM_Attribute_Data attrib_value optional
| } with {
| variant (attrib_value) "CROSSTAG(
| at_data_SIM_PermanentIdReq, attrib_type=At_SIM_Permanent_Id_Req;
| at_data_SIM_FullAuthIdReq, attrib_type=At_SIM_FullAuth_Id_Req;
| at_data_SIM_AnyIdReq, attrib_type=At_SIM_Any_Id_Req;
| at_data_SIM_Version_List, attrib_type=At_SIM_Version_List;
| at_data_SIM_NonceMT, attrib_type=At_SIM_NonceMT;
| at_data_SIM_Identity, attrib_type=At_SIM_Identity;
| at_data_SIM_SelectedVersion, attrib_type=At_SIM_SelectedVersion;
| at_data_SIM_Rand, attrib_type=At_SIM_Rand;
| at_data_SIM_Iv, attrib_type=At_SIM_Iv;
| at_data_SIM_Encr_Data, attrib_type=At_SIM_Encr_Data;
| at_data_SIM_Mac, attrib_type=At_SIM_Mac;
| at_data_SIM_Next_Pseudonym, attrib_type=At_SIM_Next_Pseudonym;
| at_data_SIM_NonceS, attrib_type=At_SIM_NonceS;
| at_data_SIM_Next_ReauthId, attrib_type=At_SIM_Next_ReauthId;
| at_data_SIM_Padding, attrib_type=At_SIM_Padding;
| at_data_SIM_Counter, attrib_type=At_SIM_Counter;
| at_data_SIM_CounterTooSmall, attrib_type=At_SIM_CounterTooSmall;
| at_data_SIM_Notification, attrib_type=At_SIM_Notification;
| at_data_SIM_Result_Ind, attrib_type=At_SIM_Result_Ind;
| at_data_SIM_Client_Error_Code, attrib_type=At_SIM_Client_Error_Code)"
| variant(attrib_length) "LENGTHTO(attrib_type,attrib_length,attrib_value)"
| variant(attrib_length) "UNIT(dword32)"
| variant "PADDING(dword32)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_SIM_Attribute_Type
| {
| At_SIM_Rand (1),
| At_SIM_Padding (6),
| At_SIM_NonceMT (7),
| At_SIM_Permanent_Id_Req (10),
| At_SIM_Mac (11),
| At_SIM_Notification (12),
| At_SIM_Any_Id_Req (13),
| At_SIM_Identity (14),
| At_SIM_Version_List (15),
| At_SIM_SelectedVersion (16),
| At_SIM_FullAuth_Id_Req (17),
| At_SIM_Counter (19),
| At_SIM_CounterTooSmall (20),
| At_SIM_NonceS (21),
| At_SIM_Client_Error_Code (22),
| At_SIM_Iv (129),
| At_SIM_Encr_Data (130),
| At_SIM_Next_Pseudonym (132),
| At_SIM_Next_ReauthId (133),
| At_SIM_Result_Ind (135)
| } with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type enumerated EAP_SIM_SubType
| {
| EAP_SIM_Start (10),
| EAP_SIM_Challenge (11),
| EAP_SIM_Notification (12),
| EAP_SIM_Re_Authentication (13),
| EAP_SIM_Client_Error (14)
| } with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type set of EAP_AKA_Attrib_t EAP_AKA_Attrib_List;
| type set of EAP_AKAPrime_Attrib_t EAP_AKAPrime_Attrib_List;
| type set of EAP_SIM_Attrib_t EAP_SIM_Attrib_List;
| type record EAP_AKA_Data_t
| {
| EAP_AKA_SubType subtype,
| U_INT16 reserved,
| EAP_AKA_Attrib_List attrib_list
| }
| //Added for EPC
| type record EAP_AKAPRIME_Data_t
| {
| EAP_AKA_SubType subtype,
| U_INT16 reserved,
| EAP_AKAPrime_Attrib_List attrib_list
| }
| type record EAP_MD5_CHALLENGE_Data_t
| {
| U_INT8 valueSize,
| octetstring dataValue
| } with {
| variant (valueSize) "LENGTHTO(dataValue)"
| }
| type record EAP_IDENTITY_Data_t {
| octetstring dataValue
| }
| type record EAP_NOTIFICATION_Data_t {
| octetstring dataValue
| }
| type record EAP_NAK_Data_t {
| octetstring dataValue
| }
| type record EAP_OTP_Data_t {
| octetstring dataValue
| }
| type record EAP_GTC_Data_t {
| octetstring dataValue
| }
| type record EAP_SIM_Data_t
| {
| EAP_SIM_SubType subtype,
| U_INT16 reserved,
| EAP_SIM_Attrib_List attrib_list
| }
| type record HelloRequest_t{}
| type record of OCTET_2 octet2_list;
| type record of OCTET_1 octet1_list;
| type record ClientHello_t
| {
| OCTET_2 version,
| U_INT32 time,
| OCTET_28 random,
| U_INT8 sessionIdLength,
| octetstring sessionId,
| U_INT16 cipherSuitesLength,
| octet2_list cipherSuites,
| U_INT8 compressionMethodsLength,
| octet1_list compressionMethods
| } with {
| variant (sessionIdLength) "LENGTHTO(sessionId)"
| variant (cipherSuitesLength) "LENGTHTO(cipherSuites)"
| variant (compressionMethodsLength) "LENGTHTO(compressionMethods)"
| }
| type record ServerHello_t
| {
| OCTET_2 version,
| U_INT32 time,
| OCTET_28 random,
| U_INT8 sessionIdLength,
| octetstring sessionId,
| OCTET_2 cipherSuite,
| OCTET_1 compressionMethod
| } with {
| variant (sessionIdLength) "LENGTHTO(sessionId)"
| }
| type record Certificate
| {
| U_INT24 certificateLength,
| octetstring certificate
| } with {
| variant (certificateLength) "LENGTHTO(certificate)"
| }
| type record of Certificate CertificateList;
| type record Certificate_t
| {
| U_INT24 certificatesLength,
| CertificateList certificates
| } with {
| variant (certificatesLength) "LENGTHTO(certificates)"
| }
| type record ServerKeyExchange_t
| {
| }
| type record of DistinguishedNames DistinguishedNamesList;
| type record DistinguishedNames
| {
| U_INT16 distinguishedNameLength,
| // DistinguishedName distinguishedName
| octetstring distinguishedName
| } with {
| variant (distinguishedNameLength) "LENGTHTO(distinguishedName)"
| }
| type record CertificateRequest_t
| {
| U_INT8 certificateTypesCount,
| octet2_list certificateTypes,
| U_INT16 distinguishedNamesLength,
| DistinguishedNamesList distinguishedNames
| } with {
| variant (certificateTypesCount) "LENGTHTO(certificateTypes)"
| variant (distinguishedNamesLength) "LENGTHTO(distinguishedNames)"
| }
| type record ServerHelloDone_t{}
| type record CertificateVerify_t
| {
| }
| type record ClientKeyExchange_t
| {
| octetstring clientKey
| }
| type record Finished_t
| {
| octetstring finishedData
| }
| type enumerated TLS_HandshakeType
| {
| HelloRequest (0),
| ClientHello (1),
| ServerHello (2),
| Certificate (11),
| ServerKeyExchange (12),
| CertificateRequest (13),
| ServerHelloDone (14),
| CertificateVerify (15),
| ClientKeyExchange (16),
| Finished (20)
| } with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type union TLS_HandshakeDataType_t
| {
| HelloRequest_t helloRequest,
| ClientHello_t clientHello,
| ServerHello_t serverHello,
| Certificate_t certificate,
| ServerKeyExchange_t serverKeyExchange,
| CertificateRequest_t certificateRequest,
| ServerHelloDone_t serverHelloDone,
| CertificateVerify_t certificateVerify,
| ClientKeyExchange_t clientKeyExchange,
| Finished_t finished
| }
| type union TLS_HandshakeDataElement_t
| {
| TLS_HandshakeData_t nonEncriptedHandshake,
| octetstring encriptedHandshake
| }
| type record of TLS_HandshakeDataElement_t TLS_HandshakeDataList
| type record TLS_HandshakeData_t
| {
| TLS_HandshakeType handshakeType,
| U_INT24 messageLength,
| // OCT2 version, //'0301'O TLS 1.0
| TLS_HandshakeDataType_t handshake
| } with {
| variant (handshake) "CROSSTAG(
| helloRequest, handshakeType=HelloRequest;
| clientHello, handshakeType=ClientHello;
| serverHello, handshakeType=ServerHello;
| certificate, handshakeType=Certificate;
| serverKeyExchange, handshakeType=ServerKeyExchange;
| certificateRequest, handshakeType=CertificateRequest;
| serverHelloDone, handshakeType=ServerHelloDone;
| certificateVerify, handshakeType=CertificateVerify;
| clientKeyExchange, handshakeType=ClientKeyExchange;
| finished, handshakeType=Finished)"
| variant(messageLength) "LENGTHTO(handshake)"
| }
| type enumerated TLS_ContentType
| {
| ChangeCipherSpec (20),
| Alert (21),
| Handshake (22),
| ApplicationData (23)
| } with {
| variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)"
| }
| type record TLS_Handshake
| {
| TLS_ContentType contentType, // Handshake
| OCTET_2 version, //'0301'O TLS 1.0
| U_INT16 messageLength,
| // octetstring handshake
| TLS_HandshakeDataList handshake
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(handshake)"
| variant "PRESENCE (contentType = Handshake; )"
| }
| type record of TLS_Handshake Handshake_t;
| type record ChangeCipherSpec_t
| {
| TLS_ContentType contentType, // ChangeCipherSpec
| OCTET_2 version, //'0301'O TLS 1.0
| U_INT16 messageLength,
| // octetstring handshake
| OCTET_1 changeCipherValue
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(changeCipherValue)"
| variant "PRESENCE (contentType = ChangeCipherSpec; )"
| }
| type record Alert_t
| {
| TLS_ContentType contentType, // Alert
| OCTET_2 version, //'0301'O TLS 1.0
| U_INT16 messageLength,
| // octetstring handshake
| OCTET_1 alertLevel,
| OCTET_1 alertDescription
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(alertLevel,alertDescription)"
| variant "PRESENCE (contentType = Alert; )"
| }
| type record ApplicationData_t
| {
| TLS_ContentType contentType, // ApplicationData
| OCTET_2 version, //'0301'O TLS 1.0
| U_INT16 messageLength,
| octetstring applicationData
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(applicationData)"
| variant "PRESENCE (contentType = ApplicationData; )"
| }
| type union TLS_Fragment
| {
| ChangeCipherSpec_t changeCipherSpec,
| Alert_t alert,
| Handshake_t handshake,
| ApplicationData_t applicationData
| }
| type record of TLS_Fragment TLS_Fragments;
| type record EAP_TLS_Data_t
| {
| BIT5 reserved,
| BIT1 startBit,
| BIT1 moreFragments,
| BIT1 lengthIncluded,
| U_INT32 messageLength optional,
| octetstring dataValue
| //TLS_HandshakeList dataValue optional
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "PRESENCE (lengthIncluded = '1'B) "
| variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(dataValue)"
| }
| type record EAP_TTLS_Data_t
| {
| BIT3 version, //'000'B for EAP-TTLSv0
| BIT2 reserved,
| BIT1 startBit,
| BIT1 moreFragments,
| BIT1 lengthIncluded,
| U_INT32 messageLength optional,
| TLS_Fragments dataValue
| // octetstring dataValue
| } with {
| variant (messageLength) "PRESENCE (lengthIncluded = '1'B) "
| // variant (messageLength) "LENGTHTO(dataValue)"
| }
| type union EAP_Packet_Type_Data
| {
| EAP_IDENTITY_Data_t f_eap_identity,
| EAP_NOTIFICATION_Data_t f_eap_notification,
| EAP_NAK_Data_t f_eap_nak,
| EAP_MD5_CHALLENGE_Data_t f_eap_md5_challenge,
| EAP_OTP_Data_t f_eap_one_time_password,
| EAP_GTC_Data_t f_eap_generic_token_card,
| EAP_AKA_Data_t f_eap_aka,
| EAP_AKAPRIME_Data_t f_eap_akaprime,
| EAP_SIM_Data_t f_eap_sim,
| EAP_TLS_Data_t f_eap_tls,
| EAP_TTLS_Data_t f_eap_ttls
| }
| type record EAP_Packet_Data
| {
| EAP_Packet_Type eap_packet_type,
| EAP_Packet_Type_Data eap_packet_type_data
| }with {
| variant (eap_packet_type_data) "CROSSTAG(
| f_eap_identity, eap_packet_type=EAP_Identity;
| f_eap_notification, eap_packet_type=EAP_Notification;
| f_eap_nak, eap_packet_type=EAP_Nak;
| f_eap_md5_challenge, eap_packet_type=EAP_Md5_Challenge;
| f_eap_one_time_password, eap_packet_type=EAP_One_Time_Password;
| f_eap_generic_token_card, eap_packet_type=EAP_Generic_Token_Card;
| f_eap_akaprime, eap_packet_type=EAP_AkaPrime;
| f_eap_aka, eap_packet_type=EAP_Aka;
| f_eap_sim, eap_packet_type=EAP_Sim;
| f_eap_tls, eap_packet_type=EAP_Tls;
| f_eap_ttls, eap_packet_type=EAP_Ttls)"
| }
| type record PDU_EAP //EAP (RFC 3748)
| {
| EAP_Packet_Code code,
| U_INT8 identifier,
| U_INT16 packet_length,
| EAP_Packet_Data packet_data optional
| } with {
| variant (packet_length) "LENGTHTO(code, identifier, packet_length, packet_data)"
| }
| }with { encode "RAW" } // End module