blob: 2d38910f62e25655058397ffbd38e7c216337991 [file] [log] [blame]
mongoDB protocol module test info
1) Prerequisites
-mongoDB access (local or remote)
-wireshark ( [optional]
2) Prepare your TTCN mongoDB test
- unpack file, then create symbolic links with:
> cd MongoDBTest/bin
> ../src/install.script
- set up your mongoDB connection parameters (host/port) in
cfg/mongoDB.cfg file:
// Local TCP connection address
LocalTCPConnection := { "", 3000 };
// Remote TCP connection address (mongoDB database)
RemoteTCPConnection := { "", 27017 };
3) Build and run test(s)
> make
> ./mongoDBTest ../cfg/mongoDB.cfg
Additional info/help
- The Makefile was generated with:
> makefilegen -s -e mongoDBTest *.ttcn *.cc *.hh
- Installing mongoDB: