blob: 9f6bde495eb198aec66c4fe6af1f4b00bd64a894 [file] [log] [blame]
# Data Structures
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
typedef i32 ScfId
typedef i32 TenantId
typedef i32 ServChainId
typedef i32 PortId
typedef i32 NexthopId
typedef i32 Priority
typedef i32 SubFilterId
typedef i32 ApplFilterId
typedef i16 SubProfileId
typedef i16 ApplProfileId
typedef i16 VlanId
typedef byte IpProtocol
typedef string TenantName
typedef i64 MacAddress
enum Afi {
struct IpAddress {
1: required Afi afi,
2: optional i32 ipv4Address,
3: optional binary ipv6Address,
struct IpSubnet {
1: required Afi afi,
2: optional i32 ipv4Prefix,
3: optional binary ipv6Prefix,
4: required byte prefixLength,
enum DpnState {
enum PortState {
enum LogicalPortUse {
struct LogicalPortInfo {
1: required LogicalPortUse portUse,
2: optional VlanId vlanId,
3: optional string displayName,
struct PortInfo {
1: optional i64 dpId,
2: required string portName,
3: required PortState portState,
4: optional i32 portNo,
5: optional list<LogicalPortInfo> logicalPorts,
struct DpnInfo {
1: required i64 dpId,
2: optional string dpnName,
3: optional list<PortInfo> ports,
4: required DpnState dpnState,
struct DomainInfo {
1: optional string domainName,
2: required list<DpnInfo> dpns,
struct TenantInfo {
1: required TenantName tenantName,
2: optional IpAddress tenantIpAddress,
3: optional i16 tcpPortNo,
4: optional i16 cookie,
enum SubEventType {
enum SubObjectType {
DPN = 0,
PORT = 1,
struct SubItem {
1: required SubEventType subEventType,
2: required SubObjectType subObjectType,
struct LogicalPort {
1: required i64 dpId,
2: required string portName,
3: optional VlanId vlanId,
4: optional string displayName,
struct ServiceChain {
1: optional string displayName,
enum Direction {
UP = 1,
DOWN = 2,
struct SubFilterInfo {
1: optional string displayName,
2: optional IpSubnet srcIpPrefix,
3: optional Priority priority,
4: optional SubProfileId subProfileId,
struct ApplFilterInfo {
1: optional string displayName
2: optional IpSubnet dstIpPrefix,
3: optional IpProtocol ipProtocol,
4: optional i32 destPortNo,
5: optional Priority priority,
6: optional ApplProfileId applProfileId,
typedef list<NexthopId> NextHops
struct IndirectNexthop {
1: optional string displayName,
2: optional NextHops nextHops,
struct DirectNexthop {
1: optional string displayName,
2: optional PortId egressPort,
3: optional IpAddress ipAddress,
4: optional MacAddress macAddress,
enum Result{
struct ScfResult {
1: required Result result,
2: optional TenantId tenantId, /* Response to register_tenant() */
3: optional i16 genId, /* Response to register_tenant(), create_scf_instance(), seize_logical_port(), add_logical_port, create_service_chain(), start_recovery(), recovery_completed() */
4: optional i32 revisionId, /* Response to register_tenant(), create_scf_instance(), seize_logical_port(), add_logical_port, create_service_chain(), start_recovery(), recovery_completed() */
5: optional PortInfo portInfo, /* Response to seize_port(), get_port() */
6: optional DpnInfo dpnInfo, /* Response to get_dpn() */
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Service Definition
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
service TenantService {
# Tenant handling
ScfResult register_tenant (1: TenantInfo tenantInfo),
ScfResult deregister_tenant (1: TenantId tenantId),
ScfResult start_recovery (1: TenantInfo tenantInfo),
ScfResult recovery_completed (1: TenantInfo tenantInfo),
ScfResult subscribe_nw_events (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: SubItem subItem),
ScfResult unsubscribe_nw_events (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: SubItem subItem),
# Logical Port handling
ScfResult seize_logical_port (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: PortId portId,
3: LogicalPort logicalPort),
ScfResult update_logical_port (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: PortId portId,
3: LogicalPort logicalPort),
ScfResult release_logical_port (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: PortId portId),
service NetworkInfoService {
# Domain information retrieval
DomainInfo get_domain (),
ScfResult get_dpn (1: i64 dpId),
ScfResult get_port (1: i64 dpId,
2: string portName),
service ServiceChainProvisioning {
#SCF Instance handling
ScfResult create_scf_instance (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: string displayName),
ScfResult delete_scf_instance (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId),
ScfResult add_logical_port (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: PortId portId,
4: Direction direction)
ScfResult remove_logical_port (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: PortId portId)
# Service Chain handling
ScfResult create_service_chain (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId,
4: ServiceChain serviceChain),
ScfResult update_service_chain (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId,
4: ServiceChain serviceChain),
ScfResult delete_service_chain (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId),
# SCF nexthop handling
ScfResult create_repl_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId
4: IndirectNexthop replNexthop),
ScfResult update_repl_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId
4: IndirectNexthop replNexthop),
ScfResult create_lb_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId,
4: IndirectNexthop lbNexthop),
ScfResult update_lb_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId,
4: IndirectNexthop lbNexthops),
ScfResult create_direct_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId,
4: DirectNexthop directNexthop),
ScfResult update_direct_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId,
4: DirectNexthop directNexthop),
ScfResult delete_nexthop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: NexthopId nexthopId),
# SC Hop handling
ScfResult create_sc_hop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId,
4: PortId ingressPort,
5: NexthopId nexthopId),
ScfResult update_sc_hop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId,
4: PortId ingressPort,
5: NexthopId nexthopId),
ScfResult delete_sc_hop (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ServChainId servChainId,
4: PortId ingressPort),
service FlowMapping {
# Profile handling
ScfResult create_sub_profile (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubProfileId subProfileId,
4: string displayName),
ScfResult delete_sub_profile (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubProfileId subProfileId),
ScfResult create_app_profile (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ApplProfileId applProfileId,
4: string displayName),
ScfResult delete_app_profile (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ApplProfileId applProfileId),
# SCF Service Chain mapping
ScfResult create_profile_map (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubProfileId subProfileId, /* Change to struct? */
4: ApplProfileId applProfileId,
5: ServChainId servChainId),
ScfResult update_profile_map (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubProfileId subProfileId,
4: ApplProfileId applProfileId,
5: ServChainId servChainId),
ScfResult delete_profile_map (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubProfileId subProfileId,
4: ApplProfileId applProfileId),
# Filters
ScfResult create_exc_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: IpAddress srcIp,
4: IpAddress destIp,
5: IpProtocol ipProtocol,
6: PortId srcPort,
7: PortId destPort,
8: ServChainId servChainId),
ScfResult delete_exc_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: IpAddress srcIp,
4: IpAddress destIp,
5: IpProtocol ipProtocol,
6: PortId srcPort,
7: PortId destPort),
ScfResult create_sub_filter (1: TenantId tenantId
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubFilterId subFilterId,
4: SubFilterInfo subFilterInfo),
ScfResult update_sub_filter (1: TenantId tenantId
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubFilterId subFilterId,
4: SubFilterInfo subFilterInfo),
ScfResult delete_sub_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: SubFilterId subFilterId ),
ScfResult create_app_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ApplFilterId applFilterId,
4: ApplFilterInfo applFilterInfo ),
ScfResult update_app_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ApplFilterId applFilterId,
4: ApplFilterInfo applFilterInfo ),
ScfResult delete_app_filter (1: TenantId tenantId,
2: ScfId scfId,
3: ApplFilterId applFilterId ),