blob: d33ab3bfaf86b09b2b9c435c48f4388c76c1f303 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Werner Keil, Ikayzo and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Werner Keil, Ikayzo and others - initial API and implementation
* Provides support for programatic unit handling.
* <h3> Standard/NonStandard Units</h3>
* Standard units and prefixes are provided by the
* {@link org.eclipse.uomo.units.SI} class (Système International d'Unités) and
* about 50 non-standard units are available through the
* {@link org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.system.USCustomary} class.
* <h3>Usage examples:</h3>
* [code]
* import static org.eclipse.uomo.units.SI.*;
* import static org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.system.USCustomary.*;
* public class Main {
* public void main(String[] args) {
* // Conversion between units (explicit way).
* Unit<Length> sourceUnit = KILO(METRE);
* Unit<Length> targetUnit = MILE;
* UnitConverter uc = sourceUnit.getConverterTo(targetUnit);
* System.out.println(uc.convert(10)); // Converts 10 km to miles.
* // Same conversion than above, packed in one line.
* System.out.println(KILO(METRE).getConverterTo(MILE).convert(10));
* // Retrieval of the system unit (identifies the measurement type).
* System.out.println(REVOLUTION.divide(MINUTE).toMetric());
* // Dimension checking (allows/disallows conversions)
* System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.isCompatible(WATT.times(HOUR)));
* // Retrieval of the unit dimension (depends upon the current model).
* System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.getDimension());
* }
* }
* > 6.2137119223733395
* > 6.2137119223733395
* > rad/s
* > true
* > [L]²·[M]/[T]²
* [/code]
* <h3>Unit Parameterization</h3>
* Units are parameterized (e.g. &lt;Time extends {@link org.unitsofmeasure.Quantity Quantity}>) to
* enforce compile-time checks of units/measures consistency, for example:[code]
* Unit<Time> MINUTE = SECOND.times(60); // Ok.
* Unit<Time> MINUTE = METRE.times(60); // Compile error.
* Unit<Pressure> HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(PASCAL); // Ok.
* Unit<Pressure> HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(NEWTON); // Compile error.
* TimeAmount duration = new TimeAmount(2, MINUTE); // Ok.
* TimeAmount duration = new TimeAmount(2, CELSIUS); // Compile error.
* long milliseconds = duration.longValue(MILLI(SECOND)); // Ok.
* long milliseconds = duration.longValue(POUND); // Compile error.
* [/code]
* Runtime checks of dimension consistency can be done for more complex cases.
* [code]
* Unit<Area> SQUARE_FOOT = FOOT.times(FOOT).asType(Area.class); // Ok.
* Unit<Area> SQUARE_FOOT = FOOT.times(KELVIN).asType(Area.class); // Runtime error.
* Unit<Temperature> KELVIN = Unit.valueOf("K").asType(Temperature.class); // Ok.
* Unit<Temperature> KELVIN = Unit.valueOf("kg").asType(Temperature.class); // Runtime error.
* [/code]
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
* @author <a href="">Werner Keil</a>
* @version 0.5.1, $Date: 2010-08-10 07:04:41 +0100 (Di, 10 Aug 2010) $
package org.eclipse.uomo.units;