blob: 57c0a899a7f91d3f485c11675fd8052ac153a548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Fraunhofer FOKUS
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Max Bureck
modeltype UML "strict" uses uml('');
modeltype ECORE "strict" uses ecore('');
* This transformation does NOT actually perform a package merge according to the rules specified in the
* UML standard. Instead it takes all PackageMerge elements from the root packages and moves the content
* of the merged package (skipping nested packages), without merging any elements, to the package declaring the merge.
* This transformation is used to inplace transform bpmn.
transformation SimplePackageMerge(inout input : UML);
main() {
input.rootObjects()[Package]->forEach(p) {
map simpleMerge(p);
mapping simpleMerge(inout p : Package) {
// add eAnotation with info what was merged
var a := toMergedInfoAnnotation();
p.eAnnotations += a;
p.packageMerge->forEach(pm) {
// move all elements
map moveInto(a, mergedPack, p);
// empty package merge declaration
p.packageMerge := Set{};
* Move elements (except for packages) over from "_from" to "to"
mapping moveInto(inout a:EAnnotation, inout _from:Package, inout to:Package) {
to.packagedElement += _from.packagedElement[not oclIsKindOf(Package)];
// add details entry to annotation for "merged" package
a.eAnnotations += toMergedPackageDetails(to.packagedElement);
mapping Package::toMergedInfoAnnotation() : EAnnotation {
source := "";
mapping Package::toMergedPackageDetails(data:Set(PackageableElement)) : EAnnotation {
source := self.qualifiedName;
_references += data[EObject];