blob: 0a26ae7d30cc9dd21ea44735d73f768ab17af07e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.tests.contentassist;
import junit.extensions.TestSetup;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.tests.utils.TestProjectSetup;
public class Dom5LibraryTests extends TestCase {
* <p>
* This tests name
* </p>
private static final String TEST_NAME = "Test HTML5 APIs";
* <p>
* Test project setup for this test.
* </p>
private static TestProjectSetup fTestProjectSetup;
* <p>
* Default constructor
* <p>
* <p>
* Use {@link #suite()}
* </p>
* @see #suite()
public Dom5LibraryTests() {
* <p>
* Constructor that takes a test name.
* </p>
* <p>
* Use {@link #suite()}
* </p>
* @param name
* The name this test run should have.
* @see #suite()
public Dom5LibraryTests(String name) {
* <p>
* Use this method to add these tests to a larger test suite so set up and tear down can be
* performed
* </p>
* @return a {@link TestSetup} that will run all of the tests in this class
* with set up and tear down.
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite ts = new TestSuite(Dom5LibraryTests.class, TEST_NAME);
fTestProjectSetup = new TestProjectSetup(ts, "ContentAssist", "root", false);
return fTestProjectSetup;
public void testNavigatorDotG() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"geolocation : Geolocation - Navigator"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 0, 11, expectedProposals);
public void testGeolocation() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"clearWatch(Number watchId) - Geolocation",
"getCurrentPosition(Function successCallback, Function errorCallback, PositionOptions options) - Geolocation",
"watchPosition(Function successCallback, Function errorCallback, PositionOptions options) : Number - Geolocation"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 2, 22, expectedProposals);
public void testPosition() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"coords : Coordinates - Position",
"timestamp : Number - Position"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 9, 8, expectedProposals);
public void testCoordinates() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"accuracy : Number - Coordinates",
"altitude : Number - Coordinates",
"altitudeAccuracy : Number - Coordinates",
"heading : Number - Coordinates",
"latitude : Number - Coordinates",
"longitude : Number - Coordinates",
"speed : Number - Coordinates"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 10, 15, expectedProposals);
public void testPositionError() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"code : Number - PositionError",
"message : String - PositionError",
"PERMISSION_DENIED : Number - PositionError",
"POSITION_UNAVAILABLE : Number - PositionError",
"TIMEOUT : Number - PositionError"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 18, 10, expectedProposals);
public void testPositionOptions() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"enableHighAccuracy : Boolean - PositionOptions",
"maximumAge : Number - PositionOptions",
"timeout : Number - PositionOptions"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 26, 12, expectedProposals);
public void testHistory() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"back() - History",
"forward() - History",
"go(arg) - History",
"pushState(Object data, String title, String url) - History",
"replaceState(Object data, String title, String url) - History",
"state : Object - History"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 29, 8, expectedProposals);
public void testSessionStorage() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"clear() - Storage",
"getItem(String key) : String - Storage",
"key(Number index) : String - Storage",
"removeItem(String key) - Storage",
"setItem(String key, String value) - Storage",
"length : Number - Storage",
"prototype - Storage"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 31, 15, expectedProposals);
public void testLocalStorage() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"clear() - Storage",
"getItem(String key) : String - Storage",
"key(Number index) : String - Storage",
"removeItem(String key) - Storage",
"setItem(String key, String value) - Storage",
"length : Number - Storage",
"prototype - Storage"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 33, 13, expectedProposals);
public void testWebSocket() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"close(Number code, String reason) - WebSocket",
"send(Object data) - WebSocket",
"binaryType : String - WebSocket",
"bufferedAmount : Number - WebSocket",
"CLOSED : Number - WebSocket",
"CLOSING : Number - WebSocket",
"CONNECTING : Number - WebSocket",
"extensions : String - WebSocket",
"OPEN : Number - WebSocket",
"protocol : String - WebSocket",
"readyState : Number - WebSocket",
"url : String - WebSocket"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 36, 7, expectedProposals);
public void testDocumentQuerySelector() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"querySelector(String selectors) : Element - Document",
"querySelectorAll(String selectors) : NodeList - Document"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 38, 10, expectedProposals);
public void testDocumentFragmentQuerySelector() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"querySelector(String selectors) : Element - DocumentFragment",
"querySelectorAll(String selectors) : NodeList - DocumentFragment"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 40, 35, expectedProposals);
public void testElementQuerySelector() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { {"querySelector(String selectors) : Element - Element",
"querySelectorAll(String selectors) : NodeList - Element"} };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 42, 36, expectedProposals);
public void testAudio() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { { "canPlayType(String type) : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"load() - HTMLMediaElement", "pause() - HTMLMediaElement", "play() - HTMLMediaElement",
"autoplay : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "buffered : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement",
"className : String - HTMLElement", "controls : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"crossOrigin : String - HTMLMediaElement", "currentSrc : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"currentTime : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "defaultMuted : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"defaultPlaybackRate : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "duration : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"ended : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_CURRENT_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_FUTURE_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"HAVE_METADATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_NOTHING : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"initialTime : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "loop : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"muted : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "NETWORK_EMPTY : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"NETWORK_IDLE : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "NETWORK_LOADING : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"NETWORK_NO_SOURCE : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "networkState : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"paused : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "playbackRate : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"played : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement", "preload : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"readyState : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "seekable : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement",
"seeking : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "src : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"startOffsetTime : Date - HTMLMediaElement", "volume : Number - HTMLMediaElement" } };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 45, 6, expectedProposals);
public void testVideo() throws Exception {
String[][] expectedProposals = new String[][] { { "canPlayType(String type) : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"load() - HTMLMediaElement", "pause() - HTMLMediaElement", "play() - HTMLMediaElement",
"autoplay : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "buffered : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement",
"className : String - HTMLElement", "controls : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"crossOrigin : String - HTMLMediaElement", "currentSrc : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"currentTime : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "defaultMuted : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"defaultPlaybackRate : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "duration : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"ended : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_CURRENT_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_FUTURE_DATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"HAVE_METADATA : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "HAVE_NOTHING : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"initialTime : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "loop : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement",
"muted : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "NETWORK_EMPTY : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"NETWORK_IDLE : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "NETWORK_LOADING : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"NETWORK_NO_SOURCE : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "networkState : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"paused : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "playbackRate : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"played : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement", "preload : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"readyState : Number - HTMLMediaElement", "seekable : TimeRanges - HTMLMediaElement",
"seeking : Boolean - HTMLMediaElement", "src : String - HTMLMediaElement",
"startOffsetTime : Date - HTMLMediaElement", "volume : Number - HTMLMediaElement",
"height : Number - HTMLVideoElement", "poster : String - HTMLVideoElement",
"videoHeight : Number - HTMLVideoElement", "videoWidth : Number - HTMLVideoElement",
"width : Number - HTMLVideoElement" } };
ContentAssistTestUtilities.runProposalTest(fTestProjectSetup, "TestDom5Library_0.js", 52, 12, expectedProposals);