blob: fd17731809eb19b5b493b403bba2435b709ee243 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2012, 2021 Eclipse Foundation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Thanh Ha (Eclipse Foundation) - initial implementation
Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.) - 424087 distributionManagement to enable mvn deploy
Nick Boldt (Red Hat Inc.) - support for Tycho 1.1 and upstream component builds
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- switch to use ${cbi-repo.url}
<!-- baseline comparator
NOTE: while there are WTP projects in Oxygen.x releases that are build from master (eg., JSF. JSDT, Dali),
we cannot use an Oxygen baseline for all the builds, so stick with Neon for now -->
<!-- dependency repos -->
<!-- we want to match eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git/eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml as much as we can -->
<!-- <license-repo.url></license-repo.url> -->
<!-- <license-repo.url></license-repo.url> -->
<!-- this folder is a composite of the last 5 builds; you might want to override to build against a single specific subfolder -->
<!-- <platform-repo.url></platform-repo.url> -->
<!-- NOTE: sometimes an S build is newer than its closest I build so it's worth checking this from time to time -->
<!-- <orbit-repo.url></orbit-repo.url> -->
<!-- match -->
<!-- EMF 2.21 M1 milestone -->
<!-- <emf-transaction-repo.url></emf-transaction-repo.url> -->
<!-- <emf-validation-repo.url></emf-validation-repo.url> -->
<!-- NOTE:
EclipseLink 2.7.4 does not include org.eclipse.persistence.moxy, on which org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.eclipselink.feature depends.
EclipseLink 2.7.5 solves this in, but removes jarsigning, so can't be
used in simrel.
2.7.6 is also not signed.
So we stick with 2.7.3.
<!-- <eclipselink-repo.url></eclipselink-repo.url> -->
<!-- gef-repo.url></gef-repo.url -->
<!-- CI builds of various WTP components, to be used in components' root poms that depend on them -->
<!-- DEPRECATED: for use when building individual plugins or running integration tests which have cross-module deps -->
<!-- DEPRECATED: Can be overriden in CLI: mvn clean verify -Pbuild-individual-bundles -Dwebtools.buildSite=http://.... -->
<!-- DEPRECATED: This /I-latest/ folder is ONLY used by the deprecated profiles build-individual-bundles and integration -->
<!-- DEPRECATED: For first build of a new release 3.x, this should point to PREVIOUS release 3.x-1 or the integration test jobs will fail -->
<!-- if you have integration tests, you can skip them using this -->
<!-- switch to use ${cbi-repo.url}
<!-- ignore project settings which appear in Eclipse but are ignored by Tycho <= 0.26, like API access restrictions -->
Valid options: error, warning, and ignore
jgit.dirtyWorkingTree checking was added as of Tycho 0.19.0
<!-- not ready for this yet; causes dali to fail in hudson <executions>
</executions> -->
<argLine>-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XstartOnFirstThread</argLine>
this tells Tycho to use JRE libraries that match bundle runtime execution environment
TODO provide CBI-specific wiki that explains how to setup BREE libraries and toolchain.xml
<!-- DEPRECATED: profile used to build an individual plugin or project, if it depends on another upstream or downstream wtp project (which has not already been built locally) -->
<!-- profile used to run integration tests, which might depend on plugins from another upstream or downstream wtp project
can also be used as a replacement for -Pbuild-individual-bundles profile since it basically does the same thing
<name>Webtools Repository - Releases</name>
<name>Webtools Repository - Snapshots</name>