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<title>MoDisco News</title>
<description>MoDisco News</description>
<title>MoDisco in IEEE Computer article (ARTIST EU project)</title>
It discusses important factors to consider when migrating software to the cloud and offer recommendations to maximize the chance of success.
Get it from <a href="">there</a>!
<pubDate>Wednesday, 12 August 2015 14:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Mars Release (v0.13.0) is now available!</title>
Complete information and integrated downloads can be found from the Mars Release homepage!
<pubDate>Wednesday, 24 June 2015 18:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Luna Release (v0.12.0) is now available!</title>
Complete information and integrated downloads can be found from the Luna Release homepage!
<pubDate>Wednesday, 25 June 2014 17:20:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Full MoDisco paper published in Information and Software Technology (Elsevier)</title>
It is very complete and notably includes a full description of the MoDisco approach and framework + examples of practical use in the context of real industrial scenarios.
Get it from <a href="">there</a> and enjoy the reading!
<pubDate>Friday, 25 April 2014 14:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Kepler Release (v0.11.0) is now available!</title>
Complete information and integrated downloads can be found from the Kepler Release homepage!
<pubDate>Friday, 28 June 2013 12:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Juno Release (v0.10.0) is now available!</title>
Complete information and integrated downloads can be found from the Juno Release homepage!
<pubDate>Thursday, 28 June 2012 10:36:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Article about MoDisco published in ERCIM News 88 - Special Theme: Evolving Software</title>
The current status of MoDisco is presented in a short article, as part of ERCIM News 88 focusing on Evolving Software.
You can freely get a copy of the full issue from <a href="">there</a>.
Enjoy the reading!
<pubDate>Tuesday, 3 January 2012 18:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco at EclipseCon Europe 2011</title>
This year again, MoDisco has been represented at EclipseCon Europe (former Eclipse Summit Europe).
It has provided the scenario demonstrated during the presentation of the brand new <a href="">Virtual EMF</a> prototype: description and slides are now available.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 9 November 2011 14:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Article about MoDisco published in the JavaTech Journal #10 focusing on Eclipse Indigo</title>
MoDisco v0.9.0 is detailed in a complete article, as part of the Eclipse Indigo Simultaneous Release dedicated issue of the JavaTech Journal.
You can freely get a copy of the full issue from <a href="">there</a>.
Enjoy the reading!
<pubDate>Thursday, 18 August 2011 17:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Presentation of MoDisco v0.9.0 at the Eclipse DemoCamp Indigo 2011 in Nantes</title>
MoDisco v0.9.0 has been presented on Thursday the 30th of June 2011 during the "Modeling" session of the Eclipse DemoCamp Indigo 2011 in Nantes.
The slides, as well as the detailed program of the hosting event, are available from the dedicated EclipseWiki page.
<pubDate>Tuesday, 5 July 2011 11:25:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Indigo Release (v0.9.0) is now available!</title>
Complete information and integrated downloads can be found from the Indigo Release homepage!
<pubDate>Wednesday, 22 June 2011 19:41:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Spy On Your Models - Talk on the MoDisco Model Browser at EclipseCon 2011</title>
Description and slides from the MoDisco talk "Spy On Your Models" at EclipseCon 2011 are now available.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011 10:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco Helios Release (v0.8.0) is now available</title>
Complete information and downloads can be found from here.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 16 June 2010 12:35:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>How to Deal With Your IT Legacy? - Talk on MoDisco at EclipseCon 2010</title>
The slides from the MoDisco talk "How to Deal With Your IT Legacy?" at Eclipsecon 2010 are available.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 13 Apr 2010 15:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The M2T templates for Java metamodel are now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The M2T templates for Java metamodel have recently been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". The goal of the Java Generation plug-in is to allow Java code generation from a Java model. Such a generation will participate to <b>Legacy Refactoring and Migration</b>.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the component.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010 18:25:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The XML metamodel implementation and corresponding discoverer are now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The XML metamodel implementation and corresponding discoverer have recently been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". These generic tools allow <b>discovering a complete model out of any XML document</b> (independently from its XSchema or DTD). The model, which conforms to the <a href="">XML</a> metamodel, describes all the content of a given XML document.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tools.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 4 Nov 2009 10:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Screencast: MoDisco Talk at ESE 2009</title>
A screencast from the MoDisco presentation at Eclipse Summit Europe 2009 is available.
<pubDate>Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 17:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Screencast: MoDisco at ESE 2009, Modeling Symposium</title>
A screencast from the MoDisco presentation at Eclipse Summit Europe 2009 is available.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 11:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Talk on MoDisco at next Eclipse Summit Europe 2009 in Ludwigsburgh, Germany</title>
There will be a short talk on the MoDisco project at the coming ESE 2009 event. It will be on Thursday 29th of October afternoon from 15:30.
See the ESE website in order to get more information on this talk: <a href=""></a>
<pubDate>Monday, 5 Oct 2009 11:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The Java Discoverer is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The Java Discoverer has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". This generic tool is about <b>discovering a complete model out of the source code of a Java application</b>. The model, which conforms to the <a href="">Java</a> metamodel, describes all the structural concepts (from packages up to method invocations and comments) and links between code elements (method invocations, variables usage, class inheritance, etc).
See <a href=""></a> to access the tool.
<pubDate>Friday, 2 Oct 2009 16:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The Java Metamodel implementation is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The Java Metamodel implementation has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". This provides an EMF implementation of the version 3 of the Java Language Specification, which defines a metamodel for representing models of Java programs
developed using the Java Development Kit 5 (JDK 5).
This Java common metamodel is the result of the unification of the previous works realized around the <a href="">J2SE5</a> and <a href="">JavaAbstractSyntax</a> metamodels.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Friday, 2 Oct 2009 16:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The new version of the MoDisco flyer-poster is now available</title>
The new version of the flyer-poster describing the MoDisco project has just been published in the "Documentation" section.
See <a href=""></a> for getting the flyer-poster.
<pubDate>Friday, 11 Sep 2009 17:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The KDM Source Discoverer is now available from the MoDisco infrastructure</title>
The KDM Source Discoverer has just been published into the MoDisco "Infrastructure". This generic tool is about discovering a model out of an application files hierarchy, which conforms to the sub-package <i>Source</i> of <a href="../infrastructure/KDM">KDM metamodel</a>. The <i>Source</i> package defines a set of metamodel elements whose purpose is to represent the physical artifacts of the existing system, such as source files, images, configuration files, resource descriptions, etc.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 8 Apr 2009 14:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The J2SE5 Discoverer is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The J2SE5 Discoverer has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". This generic tool is about <b>discovering a complete model out of the source code of a Java 5 application</b>. The model, which conforms to the <b>J2SE5</b> metamodel, describes all the structural concepts (from packages up to method invocations and comments) and links between code elements (method invocations, variables usage, class inheritance, etc).
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 6 Apr 2009 16:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The J2SE5 Metamodel implementation is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The J2SE5 Metamodel implementation has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". This provides an EMF implementation of the <a href="">Java 2 Standard Edition 5 Metamodel (J2SE5)</a> specification which defines a metamodel for representing models of Java programs
developed using the Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE), which is the premier platform for rapidly developing and deploying secure, portable applications that run on server and desktop systems spanning most operating systems.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 6 Apr 2009 15:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco poster to be presented at EclipseCon 2009, Santa Clara</title>
This poster will present the MoDisco global architecture and some of the key components already available: Java discoverer and metamodel to create models from Java applications, a generic Model Editor to navigate through a reverse-engineered model and transformations to KDM and UML to export discovered models into tools compliant with those standards.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the poster.
<pubDate>Thursday, 12 Mar 2009 14:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The MoDisco Generic Model Browser is now available from the MoDisco infrastructure</title>
The Generic Model Browser has just been published into the MoDisco "Infrastructure". This tool, provided by the <b><a href="">MIA-Software</a></b> company, is about providing a parameterizable feature-rich Ecore model editor which can be used to browse and edit any Ecore model more easily than with the default sample Ecore editor.
This is particularly useful when dealing with models discovered from large legacy systems.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 2 Mar 2009 15:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM) implementation is now available from the MoDisco infrastructure</title>
The Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM) implementation has just been published into the MoDisco "Infrastructure". This provides an EMF implementation of the <a href="">KDM</a> specification which defines a metamodel for representing information related to existing software assets
and their operational environments. It can be intensively used for representing models discovered from large legacy systems.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 2 Mar 2009 15:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco sources just moved from old Technology CVS to new Modeling SVN</title>
The content of the previous MoDisco CVS located onto the Technology project CVS has been archived.
The MoDisco fully IP-approved material is now available from the <a href="">MoDisco Modeling SVN</a>.
<b>The content of the MoDisco website has been updated accordingly. However note that, due to IP restrictions, some of the previously published use cases and tools are no longer available.</b>
<pubDate>Wednesday, 17 September 2008 15:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The KDM-to-UML2 Converter is now available from the MoDisco infrastructure</title>
The KDM-to-UML2 Converter has just been published into the MoDisco "Infrastructure". This tool, provided by the <b><a href="">MIA-Software</a></b> company, is about converting KDM models into UML2 models in order to allow integrating KDM-compliant tools (i.e. discoverers) with UML2-compliant tools (e.g. modelers, model transformation tools, code generators, etc).
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 31 Mar 2008 14:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Visual Basic 6" discovery tool (part of the "Visual Basic Code Analysis" use case) is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The "Visual Basic 6" discovery tool has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies" section. This tool, provided by the <b><a href="">Obeo</a></b> company, allows building models representing the structural parts (and their interdependencies) of Visual Basic source code.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 31 Oct 2007 11:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Discovery Tool" specification is now available</title>
The "Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Discovery Tool" specification has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies" section. This specification, proposed by the <a href="">MIA-Software</a> company, currently contains a general description of the tool and provides a J2SE5 metamodel.
See <a href=""></a> for getting more information about the tool.
<pubDate>Friday, 5 Oct 2007 16:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Performance-Annotated UML2 State Charts" new MoDisco use case is now available</title>
The "Performance-Annotated UML2 State Charts" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases". This complex use case contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about discovering performance information from an Excel file and building a Trace model from these data. Then, this generated model is computed in order to produce a Metrics model whose data are finally used to automatically apply a "Performance" profile to a UML2 state chart.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Tuesday, 24 July 2007 18:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The complete "Generating Java Platform Ontologies" new MoDisco use case is now available (Deprecated)</title>
The "Generating Java Platform Ontologies" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases" section. This complex use case, developed by <a href="">Dennis Wagelaar (VUB)</a>, contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about reverse engineering the Java API from the class library JAR files using the <a href="">Jar2UML discovery tool</a> (part of the MoDisco tool box), generating OWL ontologies from the created UML models using <a href="">ATL model transformations</a>, and finally bundling these ontologies with the <a href="">PlatformKit</a> Eclipse plugin.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Thursday, 7 June 2007 15:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Visual Basic Code Analysis" use case specification is now available (Deprecated)</title>
The "Visual Basic Code Analysis" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases" section. This complex use case, developed by the <a href="">Obeo Company</a>, currently contains a general description and is intented to reach completion by September 2007.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 10:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Metrics Visualization Builder" tool is now available from the MoDisco infrastructure</title>
The "Metrics Visualization Builder" tool has just been published into the MoDisco "Infrastructure". This simple generic tool (which is an <a href="">ATL</a> project for Eclipse) provides facilities for building visualizations (in several formats) from <i>Metrics</i> models.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Tuesday, 3 Apr 2007 15:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The MoDisco flyer-poster is now available</title>
The double page flyer-poster describing the MoDisco component has just been published in the "Documentation" section.
See <a href=""></a> for getting the flyer-poster.
<pubDate>Friday, 23 Mar 2007 17:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The complete "SharenGo Java Legacy Reverse-Engineering" new MoDisco use case is now available (Deprecated)</title>
The "SharenGo Java Legacy Reverse-Engineering" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases" section. This complex use case, developed by the <a href="">Argia-Engineering Company</a>, contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about reverse engineering a Java application. It uses the <a href="">Java Abstract Syntax discovery tool</a> (from the <a href="">MoDisco tool box</a>) to discoverer the abstract syntax tree (AST) of each Java compilation unit (i.e. each source file). The generated models are then analyzed by model transformations in order to produce a <a href="">SharenGo</a> business model.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007 16:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Java Abstract Syntax" discovery tool is now available from the MoDisco technologies</title>
The "Java Abstract Syntax" discovery tool has just been published into the MoDisco "Technologies". This simple tool (which is an Eclipse plug-in based upon MoDisco) is fully implemented and provides facilities for building Java AST models from Java compilation units.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Monday, 26 Feb 2007 17:45:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The complete "Eclipse/BIRT Project Sample Database" new MoDisco use case is now available</title>
The "Eclipse/BIRT Project Sample Database" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases". This complex use case contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about discovering the information on the content of the "Classic Models" <a href="">BIRT sample database</a>, by using the database content discovery facility of the <a href="">generic "Relational Database Information" discovery tool</a> (from the <a href="">MoDisco tool box</a>), and then generating a specific ClassicModels model.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Friday, 17 Feb 2007 17:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Relational Database Information" discovery tool is now available from the MoDisco tool box (Deprecated)</title>
The "Relational Database Information" discovery tool has just been published into the MoDisco "Tool box" section. This simple tool (which is an Eclipse plug-in based upon MoDisco) is fully implemented and provides facilities for buidling database schema or content models from already existing databases.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool.
<pubDate>Thursday, 15 Feb 2007 17:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Creation and initialization of the MoDisco "Tool Box" section (Deprecated)</title>
We just create and initialize the MoDisco tool box. In the initial version, we provide the "Relational Database Information" discovery tool as well as pointers to the already existing ATL and AMW Eclipse components.
Of course, the tool box will be updated regularly: documentation and implementations will be added to already existing tools, new ones will be described, etc.
Do not hesitate to post messages on the MoDisco newsgroup (eclipse.modeling.gmt.modisco) if you have any particular interests and/or questions about any of the presented tools. We are also always interested by new ideas and propositions of possible other model discovery tools based upon the MoDisco approach.
See <a href=""></a> for accessing the tool box.
<pubDate>Thursday, 15 Feb 2007 16:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>MoDisco model handlers' source code is now available from the MoDisco CVS (Deprecated)</title>
Interfaces and implementation for EMF have been committed. A model handler's implementation is a driver for handling models, either by wrapping an existing modeling framework (EMF, MDR/JMI, etc) or by implementing a brand new one.
New model handler implementations will be committed soon.
This first abstraction layer will let MoDisco use some models from different sources (XMI 1.x/XMI 2.x for instance) and from different modeling spaces (MOF, Ecore, KM3...).
The source code of MoDisco's model handlers is available on CVS: <a href=""></a>
<pubDate>Wednesday, 14 Feb 2007 17:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Use cases sources are now also available from the MoDisco CVS (Deprecated)</title>
The "Bugzilla Metrics" and "Unix File System" use cases sources have just been committed into the MoDisco CVS.
See <a href=""></a> for navigating through the MoDisco CVS.
See <a href=""></a> for getting the use cases sources.
<pubDate>Monday, 5 Feb 2007 17:00:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The complex and complete "Bugzilla Metrics" new MoDisco use case is now available</title>
The "Bugzilla Metrics" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases". This complex use case contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Friday, 26 Jan 2007 17:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "Unix File System" new MoDisco use case is now available (Deprecated)</title>
The "Unix File System" use case has just been published into the MoDisco "Use Cases" section. This use case contains a general description but also a first available implementation of the discoverer.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use case.
<pubDate>Wednesday, 20 Dec 2006 18:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>The "MoDisco Overview" slides are now available</title>
The presentation providing the overview of the MoDisco component has just been published in the "Documentation" section.
See <a href=""></a> for getting the slides.
<pubDate>Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Creation and initialization of the MoDisco "Use Cases" section (Deprecated)</title>
We just create and initialize the list of the MoDisco "model discovery" use cases. In the initial version, we only provide general descriptions of three different use cases: <b><a href="../useCases/JavaAbstractSyntax/">Java Abstract Syntax</a></b>, <b><a href="../useCases/RelationalDBSchema/">Relational DB Schema</a></b> and <b><a href="../useCases/RelationalDBContent/">Relational DB Content</a></b>.
Of course, the use cases will be updated regularly: documentation and implementations will be added to already existing use cases, new ones will be described, etc.
Do not hesitate to post messages on the MoDisco newsgroup (eclipse.modeling.gmt.modisco) if you have any particular interests and/or questions about any of the presented use cases. We are also always interested by new ideas and propositions of possible other model discovery use cases.
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the use cases list.
<pubDate>Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:15:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Update of the list of MoDisco related projects</title>
We just update the list of the related projects by providing its initial version. Of course, this list will be updated regularly.
Do not hesitate to post messages on the MoDisco newsgroup (eclipse.modeling.gmt.modisco) if you want your project to be indexed on this list or if you want to add a link to the Eclipse/GMT MoDisco component on your own site!
See <a href=""></a> for consulting the related projects list.
<pubDate>Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:30:00 CET</pubDate>
<title>Creation of the MoDisco component</title>
<p>Creation of <a href="">MoDisco</a> component under GMT.</p>
MoDisco (for Model Discovery) is an Eclipse GMT component for model-driven reverse engineering.
The objective is to allow practical extractions of models from legacy systems. Because of the widely different
nature and technological heterogeneity of legacy systems, there are several different ways to extract models from
such systems. MoDisco proposes a generic and extensible metamodel-driven approach to model discovery. A basic
framework and a set of guidelines are provided to the Eclipse contributors to bring their own solutions to
discover models in various kinds of legacy.
More details are available here: <a href=""></a>.
<pubDate>Fri, 3 Nov 2006 15:00:00 CET</pubDate>