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AJDT AspectJ Upgrader
We want to support our users on Eclipse 2.1 who are currently using AJDT v1.1.4 or the
developer version 1.1.6.
This document will show you how to upgrade an installation AJDT v1.1.4 or v1.1.6 by importing
a new version of the AspectJ compiler. The latest version of AspectJ (version 1.2) includes
many many bugfixes and enhancements that we know users would like to use in an Eclipse 2.1
To upgrade, we'll be on the command line. You will need:
1. An installation of ANT.
2. An installation of Java.
3. An installation of AspectJ1.2 (or whichever recent version of the compiler you want to upgrade to)
Get the latest AspectJ from the downloads page accessible from
Ensure you have ant and java (jar command actually) available on your PATH.
Upgrading 1.1.4
Step(1) Backup the two plugins that will be modified during the upgrade process.
In your eclipse/plugins directory, run these two commands to do a backup:
jar -cvMf ajde114.jar org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.4
jar -cvMf ajdt064.jar org.eclipse.ajdt.ui_0.6.4
You don't *have* to do this backup step, as the upgrade script is straightforward but I
thought I'd spell out the steps in case the unthinkable happens.
Step(2) Download from
Step(3) Unzip into the directory eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.4
This will give you two new files in that directory: build.xml and patch.jar
Step(4) If you haven't got your new aspectj installed at c:/aspectj1.2 (the default location) then
go into eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.4 and modify build.xml. Modify the aspectj.dir entry
at the top of the script to point to wherever you have installed it.
Step(5) In the eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.4 run ANT
Don't specify a target, the default target is fine.
Step(6) Restart eclipse. How do you know if you have the new version?
Type in this new aspect and compile it.
public aspect C {
before(String s): call(* *(..)) && args(s) || args(s) {
If you have successfully imported the new AspectJ, you will get an error because of the duplicate
args() entry - this is a new compiler error from AspectJ 1.2.
Step(7) If anything goes wrong during the update, you can go back to what you had before going
into the eclipse/plugins directory and running:
jar -xvf ajde114.jar
jar -xvf ajdt064.jar
Upgrading 1.1.6
Step(1) Backup the two plugins that will be modified during the upgrade process.
In your eclipse/plugins directory, run these two commands to do a backup:
jar -cvMf ajde116.jar org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.6
jar -cvMf ajdt065.jar org.eclipse.ajdt.ui_0.6.5
You don't *have* to do this backup step, as the upgrade script is straightforward but I
thought I'd spell out the steps in case the unthinkable happens.
Step(2) Download from
Step(3) Unzip into the directory eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.6
This will give you two new files in that directory: build.xml and patch.jar
Step(4) If you haven't got your new aspectj installed at c:/aspectj1.2 (the default location) then
go into eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.4 and modify build.xml. Modify the aspectj.dir entry
at the top of the script to point to wherever you have installed it.
Step(5) In the eclipse/plugins/org.aspectj.ajde_1.1.6 run ANT
Don't specify a target, the default target is fine.
Step(6) Restart eclipse. How do you know if you have the new version?
Type in this new aspect and compile it.
public aspect C {
before(String s): call(* *(..)) && args(s) || args(s) {
If you have successfully imported the new AspectJ, you will get an error because of the duplicate
args() entry - this is a new compiler error from AspectJ 1.2.
Step(7) If anything goes wrong, you can go back to what you had before going into the eclipse/plugins
directory and running:
jar -xvf ajde116.jar
jar -xvf ajdt065.jar