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<title>AJDT UI Design</title>
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<p><b><span style='font-size:24.0pt;font-family:Verdana;
'>ajdt </b><font size="6"><b>
<span style="font-family: Verdana">ui design</b><span
<a href=""><font size="1">
a</a><span style='font-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial;color:#8080FF'><a href="">spectj
development tools subproject</a></span></p>
The following
UI enhancements are being planned for AJDT, and are relevant to any IDE plugin
for AspectJ. The UI design process benefits greatly from user participation. To
comment, please follow the link to the bug report and submit a comment to the
bugzilla DB.&nbsp; Note that the listing here only captures a summary. For
details and screenshots refer to the bug report.</p>
<table border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4 width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#DDE2EC" class="smallParagraph" align="center">
<a href=""><b>Improve how
crosscutting is surfaced in the editor and structure views (Bug 54240)</b></a>
<p>There are
two ways in which crosscutting structure appears across the views that
augment the structure navigable from the AspectJ editor:</p>
links in the document outline</li>
markers in the left editor gutter</li>
are also additional ways in which the crosscutting could surface:</p>
editor annotations </li>
editor gutter annotations</li>
crosscutting-centric navigator</li>
view dedicated to showing crosscutting at current join point shadow</li>
<p>inline views</li>
these views we need to consider text labels, icons, annotation styles,
filters, and actions.
The goal should be to surface crosscutting in all of the places where it
applies, ensuring when possible to be consistent with JDT UI mechanisms and
<td bgcolor="#DDE2EC" class="smallParagraph" align="center">
<a href="">
Show advice
execution ordering at join points (Bug 50928)</a></b>
<p align="left">AspectJ precedence rules
<a href="">
documentation...</a><p align="left"><img src="images/ui-precedence-ordering-mockup.gif"></td>
<td bgcolor="#DDE2EC" class="smallParagraph" align="center">
<a href="">Show effects of cflow advice on call graph (Bug 50929)</a></b>
<img src="images/ui-advised-cflow-mockup.gif"></td>
<td bgcolor="#DDE2EC" class="smallParagraph" align="center">
<a href="">Augmenting views
that expose inheritance with aspect-declared structure (Bug 50931)</a></b>
<img src="images/ui-type-hierarchy-annotation-mockup.gif"></td>
<td bgcolor="#DDE2EC" class="smallParagraph" align="center">
<b><a href="">Provide crosscutting-specific
content assist (not started)</a></b>
<p align="left">[not started]</td>