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# System_of_systems_doc.php
# Author: Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Albin Jossic
# Date: 2005-08-29
# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
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$pageTitle = "System Architecture (SA) Management";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Albin Jossic";
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This is a complex scenario of management of "systems of systems".
It uses many features of <a href="">AMMA</a>
(ATLAS Model Management Architecture) to interoperate between
different views of the same system. <br/>
This example uses a framework that deals with System Architecture <a href="">(SA)</a>
called <a href="">DoDAF</a> <a href="#dodaf">[1]</a> (Department of
Defense Architecture Framework).<br/>
It uses different types of matching transformations to produce weaving models that capture the
overlapping concepts of the different views of the same system. <br/>
This example is the work of a Master thesis <a href="#albin">[2]</a> .
Additional documentation is available in the source files.
<h4>Summary of files</h4>
The "executeAllChain.xml" Ant Task executes a set of transformations:
- to execute only a single step, the rules in the first Ant task can be commented;
- it contains two examples: the complete DoDAF example and a simple illustrative example ("simpleTest") . <p/>
The "example" folder contains the sample models and the generated models:
<ul class="midlist">
<li >ATLmodel-XXXXX.ecore are the ATL models (the corresponding ATL files are in the "transformation" folder).</li>
<li >mw_refined_matchXXXX.amw are the weaving models produced after the filtering step.
They can be opened with AMW.</li>
<li>mw_refined_matchXXXX.amw.prop are the configuration files for weaving models.</li>
<li>propagation_modelXXXX.ecore are the models with the cartesian product of elements from a left and right views.</li>
<li>sample_DoDAF-XXX.ecore are the set of sample models.</li>
<li>sampleSV5_fromXXX.ecore are the result of the execution of the generated transformations.</li>
The "metamodel" folder contains the set of metamodels:
<ul class="midlist">
<li>the DoDAF Views metamodels in KM3 and Ecore.</li>
<li>ATL metamodel in KM3 and Ecore, and the corresponding TCS (Textual Concrete Syntax) for extraction.</li>
<li>"Propagation graph" metamodel in Ecore and KM3.</li>
<li>Weaving metamodel "mmw_core_match.ecore".</li>
The "transformation" folder contains the set of the transformation:
<ul class="midlist">
<li>AMW2ATL.atl generates transformation models from weaving models</li>
<li>Filter_SF_amw.atl generates the weaving model.</li>
<li>SimplePropagationGraph.atl generates the propagation graph.</li>
<li>OV5_2_SV5.atl, SV4_2_SV5.atl and OV5&SV4_2_SV5.atl are the transformations generated with Model Integration Process.</li>
The "simpleTest" folder contains all files with a simple illustrative example of the Model Integration process between two metamodels.
This example uses a beta version of the ATL compiler. Instructions about how to install it are available <a href="">here</a>.
<a name = #dodaf> 1. </a>Volume II: Product Description, 4/2/2004. Official site:
<a href=""></a><br/>
<a name = #albin> 2. </a>Jossic, A. Gestions de Systèmes de Systèmes (in French). Master 2 Pro ALMA. September 2006.
University of Nantes, France<p/>
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