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# Author: Freddy Allilaire
# Date: 2005-12-05
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$pageAuthor = "Marcos Didonet Del Fabro";
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This page contains the Atlas publications related to AMW.
The complete list of team's publications is available <a href="">
<a href="">[SoSym_08]</a> Didonet Del Fabro, M, Valduriez, P. Towards the Efficient Development of Model Transformations using Model Weaving and Matching Transformations.
In: Software and Systems Modeling SoSyM). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Note "Online first" editon.
</a> Didonet Del Fabro, M. Metadata management using model weaving and model transformation. PhD thesis. University of Nantes. September 2007.
<a href="">[TOOLS1_07]</a> Barbero, M, Didonet Del Fabro, M. Practice of Model Transformation and Model Weaving in the Eclipse Modeling
Project with ATL and AMW. Tutorial at TOOLS Europe 2007.
<li><a href="">[TOWERS07_1]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, and Bézivin, J : Generic Model Management: from Theory to Practice.
In: First Intl. Workshop on Towers of Models 2007 Co-located with TOOLS EUROPE 2007.
<li><a href="">[ECMDA07_2]</a>
Barbero, M, Del Fabro, MD, and Bézivin, J : Traceability and Provenance Issues in Global Model Management.
In: 3rd ECMDA-Traceability Workshop. 2007.
<li><a href="">[SAC07]</a></td>
Del Fabro, MD, and Valduriez, P :
Semi-automatic Model Integration using Matching Transformations and Weaving Models .
In: The 22nd Annual ACM SAC, MT 2007 - Model Transformation Track, Seoul (Korea), March 2007.
<a href="">(link)</a>
</li><br />
<li><a href="">[ICSEM07]</a></td>
Jossic, A, Didonet Del Fabro, M, Lerat, JP, Bézivin, J, Jouault, F. Model Integration with Model Weaving: a Case Study in System Architecture
In: ICSEM'07 - International Conference on Systems Engineering and Modeling. Israel, March 2007.
<a href="">(link)</a>
<li><a href="">[RFI07]</a>
Bézivin, J, Brunelière, H, Allilaire, F, Barbero, M, Didonet Del Fabro, M, and Jouault, F
: MDA Tool Capabilities - Request for Information. Object Management Group (OMG). 2007.
<a href="">[ODBASE2006]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, Bézivin, J, and Valduriez, P : Model-driven Tool Interoperability:
an Application in Bug Tracking. In: ODBASE'06 (OTM Federated Conferences). Montpellier, France. 2006.
</li><br />
<a href="">[ESummit2006]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, Bézivin, J, and Valduriez, P : Weaving Models with the Eclipse AMW plugin.
In: Eclipse Modeling Symposium, Eclipse Summit Europe 2006, Esslingen, Germany, 2006.
</li><br />
<a href="">[ECOOP2006]</a> Kurtev, I, and Didonet Del Fabro, M : A DSL for Definition of Model Composition Operators.
In 2nd Workshop on Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting Concerns in MDSD, ECOOP 2006, Nantes, France. 2006
</li><br />
<a href="">[eTX2006]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, Bézivin, J, and Valduriez, P : Designing an Adaptive Weaving Workbench using
Eclipse Contributions.
In: Proceedings of the Eclipse Technology eXchange workshop (eTX) at the ECOOP 2006 Conference,
Nantes, France. 2006.
</li><br />
<a href="">[ECMDA2006]</a> Bézivin J, Bouzitouna S, Didonet Del Fabro M, Gervais M P, Jouault F, Kolovos D, Kurtev I, Paige R F.
A Canonical Scheme for Model Composition, In Proc. European Conference in Model Driven Architecture (EC-MDA) 2006,
Bilbao, Spain, July 2006 <br />
<a href="">[BDA2005]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, Bézivin, J, Jouault, F, and Valduriez, P : Applying Generic Model Management to Data Mapping. In: Proceedings of Bases de Données Avancées (BDA05), 17-20 october 2005, Saint-Malo, France.
</li><br />
<a href="">[ECOOP2005]</a>
Bézivin, J, Didonet Del Fabro, M, Jouault, F, and Valduriez, P : Combining Concerns with Models. In: First Workshop on Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting Concerns in Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD), ECOOP 2005.
</li><br />
<a href="">[GTTSE2005]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, and Jouault, F : Model Transformation and Weaving in the AMMA Platform. In: Pre-proceedings of the Generative and
Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE 05), Workshop. Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias de Computação, Departemento de Informatica, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, pages 71--77.
</li><br />
<a href="">[MDSD05]</a>
Abouzahra, A, Bézivin, J, Didonet Del Fabro, M, and Jouault, F : A Practical Approach to Bridging Domain Specific Languages with UML profiles. In: Proceedings of the Best Practices for Model Driven Software Development at OOPSLA 05, San Diego, California, USA.
</li><br />
<a href="">[IDM2005]</a>
Didonet Del Fabro, M, Bézivin, J, Jouault, F, Breton, E, and Gueltas, G : AMW: a generic model weaver. In: Proceedings of the 1ères Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles.
<a href="">[OOPSLA2004]</a>
Bézivin, J., Jouault, F., Valduriez, P. First Experiments with a ModelWeaver. OOPSLA & GPCE Workshop, October 2004
<br /><br />
The <a href="references.php">External References</a> page has a list of works that refers to the ATLAS Model Weaver project.
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