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# HOTMatchAndDiff_doc.php
# Author: Marcos Didonet Del Fabro
# Date: 2007-02-21
# Description: Type your page comments here - these are not sent to the browser
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "HowTo - Model difference use case";
$pageKeywords = "Model difference, match, HOT transformations, model weaving, ATL, AMW";
$pageAuthor = "Marcos Didonet Del Fabro";
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$html = <<<EOHTML
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<div id="midcolumn">
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This is a step by step document that explains how to generate the generic match and difference transformations, and how
to execute them. <p/>
The use case was applied to two different KM3 models, <i>Relational</i> and <i>Class</i>. The initial configuration is set up to
the <i>Relational</i> models.
Install ATL, AM3 (tested with CVS version of Feb 21st, 2007). Do not forget the <a href="">antlr.jar</a>
and <a href="">ant-contrib.jar</a> files. These jars are used in
the Ant Scripts.
Install the Atlas Model Weaver (tested with CVS version of Feb 21st, 2007). See the
<a href="">download page</a>. This use case requires the installation
of the AMW Model Handler plug-in (org.eclipse.gmt.weaver.amw4atl).
Create a new Eclipse launch config (Eclipse Application). Tested with JRE 1.5.0_06.
Import the project <a href="">HOTMatchAndDiff</a> into the workspace</li>
<h4>Folder's description</h4>
ATLFiles/ : contains the HOTs (higher-order transformations) used to generate the match, diff and patch transformations.
metamodels/ : contains the weaving metamodels for the match&diff, match parameters & TCS (for ATLModel2ATLFile).
models/ : contains the TCS (textual concrete syntax) model used to extract an ATL model into an ATL file. (ATL-0.2-TCS.ecore)
This folder contains the input metamodels (Class and Relational). It is necessary to have a KM3 an an Ecore version of each metamodel.
This folder contains the sample input models (KM3 and Relational), and the patched model.
This folder contains the weaving models generated after the match and diff transformations, and the patch transformation.
<h4>Configuration of the Ant Scripts </h4><p/>
Refresh Tab: select "Refresh the project containing the selected resource"
Build Tab: select "Build the project containing the selected resource"
Classpath Tab: add antcontrib.jar & antlr.jar
JRE Tab: select "Run in the same JRE as workspace"
The Ant Scripts should be modified depending on the input models or metamodels (it is initially set up to the "Relational" models).
To do this, modify the property <i>metamodel_name</i> according to the name of the metamodel (e.g., set up the property to "Relational" when using the
<i>Relational.km3</i> file) : <br/>
Example :
<i> <pre> &lt;property name="metamodel_name" value="Relational"/> </pre></i>
The example is divided in three phases: <p/>
<h4>Generating the transformations</h4>
This phase generates the metamodel-specific match and difference transformations.
The first step is to execute the <i>genMatchParameters.xml</i> script. This script generates a parameter model for a specific metamodel
(e.g., KM3 or Ecore). <p/>
Then, set up the <i>threshold</i> and <i>ratio</i> properties of the parameter model. The parameter model is located at
<i>matchAndDiff_<metamodelName>/MatchParameters_&lt;metamodelName>.ecore</i>. There are two examples previously configured in the
root folder. To use them, overwrite the file previously generated.
Finally, execute the <i>GenMatchAndDiff.xml</i> script. This script executes the higher-order transformations that
generate the metamodel-specific match and diff transformations (in the <i>matchAndDiff_&lt;metamodelName></i> folder).
<h4>Executing the match and difference transformations</h4>
The <i>ApplyMatchAndDiff.xml</i> executes the metamodel-specific match and difference transformations. These transformations are generated
by the GenmatchAndDiff script. It is necessary to set up the <i>oldModelFilename</i> and <i>newModelFilename</i> properties (the script is
already pre-configured to execute the difference between the "Relational" models).<p/>
The match and diff results are in the folder <i>output_matchAndDiff_&lt;metamodelName></i>
<h4>Executing the patch transformation</h4>
The patch transformation is generated in the <i>output_matchAndDiff_&lt;metamodelName></i> folder.
Execute the ANT Script <i>applyPatch_&lt;oldModelFilename>-&lt;newModelFilename>.xml</i>. The patched model is generated in the
<i>models</i> folder.
# Generate the web page
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