| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> |
| <amwScenarios> |
| <category> |
| <name>Matching transformation library</name> |
| <description> |
| Matching transformations are used to automatically create weaving models. |
| The matching transformations below implement heuristics to create links between model elements |
| or to refine a given similarity estimation. |
| These transformations take as input weaving models that conform to extensions of the core weaving metamodel. |
| The two extensions used are "Simple match extension" and "Propagation model". These transformations use multiple source pattern matching. |
| More information can be found in the <a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/AMW_Examples_HowTo">Wiki page</a>. |
| <br/>These matching transformations can be executed directly from the AMW tool. They are encapsulated in the plug-in |
| "org.eclipse.gmt.weaver.transformation.extension". |
| </description> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Creation of weaving models</shortName> |
| <name>Creation of weaving models</name> |
| <sourceLink>library/CreateWeaving.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This matching transformation is used to create a weaving model with links between Class x Class |
| and Structural Features x Structural Features (a restricted cartesian product). |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Similarity Flooding</shortName> |
| <name>Similarity Flooding</name> |
| <sourceLink>library/SF.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation is an adapted MDE implementation the Similarity Flooding algorithm |
| (created by <a href="http://research.microsoft.com/~melnik/">Sergey Melnik</a>). |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Propagation model</shortName> |
| <name>Propagation model</name> |
| <sourceLink>library/CreatePropagation.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation creates a propagation model that enables to execute the similarity flooding |
| algorithm. The propagation model defines the way the similarities are propagated, for example using |
| containment relationships or the inheritance tree. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Cardinality</shortName> |
| <name>Cardinality</name> |
| <docLink></docLink> |
| <sourceLink>library/Assign_Cardinality_Sim.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation increases the similarity value of links between elements with the same cardinality (lower or higher bounds). |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Name similarity</shortName> |
| <name>Name similarity</name> |
| <docLink></docLink> |
| <sourceLink>library/Assign_NameSim.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation increases the similarity value of links between elements with the same name. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Link rewriting</shortName> |
| <name>Link rewriting</name> |
| <docLink></docLink> |
| <sourceLink>library/Link_rewriting.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation analyses a weaving model with previously calculated similarity values and selects |
| the links with the best values. <br/> |
| It also transforms simple equality links into type-based links, e.g., AttributeEqual, ReferenceEqual. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Conformance and type</shortName> |
| <name>Conformance and type</name> |
| <docLink></docLink> |
| <sourceLink>library/Assign_Type_Conf_Sim.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This transformation increases the similarity value of links between elements with the same type. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Model info</shortName> |
| <name>Model info</name> |
| <docLink></docLink> |
| <sourceLink>library/Assign_Model_Sim.atl</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This matching transformation compares the values of the model elements that conform to the |
| woven metamodels. If the model elements have the same value, it increases the similary values of |
| the links between the metamodel elements. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/10/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| </category> |
| |
| <category> |
| <name>Metamodel comparison</name> |
| <description> |
| </description> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Scade_compare</shortName> |
| <name>Scade metamodel comparison</name> |
| <docLink>../usecases/compare/</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>Scade/ScadeSimple.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example automatically produces a weaving model used to compare two versions of the same Scade |
| metamodel. A complete description of this example is available in the <a href="../usecases/compare/"> |
| use cases</a> section. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>17/01/2007</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| </category> |
| |
| <category> |
| <name>Semi-automatic generation of weaving models</name> |
| <description> |
| The examples below are complete application scenarios that combine different matching transformations |
| to produce weaving models for different purposes. |
| </description> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>Sys_of_sys</shortName> |
| <name>System Architecture (SA) Management</name> |
| <docLink>System_of_systems/System_of_systems_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>System_of_systems/System_of_systems.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This is a complex scenario of management of "systems of systems". |
| It uses many features of AMMA (ATLAS Model Management Architecture) to interoperate between |
| different views of the same system. |
| It uses different types of matching transformations to produce weaving models that capture the |
| overlapping concepts of the different views. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>27/09/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_Match_ATL</shortName> |
| <name>Generation of ATL after executing equality and structural matchings</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_Match_ATL/AMW_Match_ATL_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_Match_ATL/AMW_Match_ATL.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example uses matching transformations to produce a weaving model between two versions of |
| the same metamodel. |
| It uses the same algorithms from the <a href="#AMW_Match_SF">AMW_Match_SF</a> example (see below). This example automatically produces |
| an ATL transformation. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>30/08/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_Match_SF</shortName> |
| <name>Equality matching and similarity flooding</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_Match_SF/AMW_Match_SF_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_Match_SF/AMW_Match_SF.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example contains a set of matching transformations (in ATL) used to produce a weaving |
| model. The example contains three transformations: |
| <ul> |
| <li>The first transformation calculates similarity |
| values between model elements. |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| The second transformation propagates the similarity values through neighbor nodes. |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| The third transformation |
| selects the best similarity values and creates a weaving model. |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| The example is an implementation of an adapted version of the Similarity |
| Flooding algorithm (created by <a href="http://research.microsoft.com/~melnik/">Sergey Melnik</a>) |
| |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>24/07/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name>Tool Interoperability</name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_HOT_MantisBugzilla</shortName> |
| <name>Translating Mantis to Bugzilla using AMW and ATL</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_HOT_MantisBugzilla/AMW_HOT_MantisBugzilla_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_HOT_MantisBugzilla/AMW_HOT_MantisBugzilla.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example is a complete scenario that uses the weaving model from the example "Weaving Mantis |
| and Bugzilla bug trackers" to generate an ATL transformation. |
| This transformation translates a model |
| conforming to the Mantis.ecore metamodel into a model conforming to the Bugzilla.ecore metamodel. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>15/07/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name> |
| ModelGen operations |
| </name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_KM32SQL</shortName> |
| <name>Translating KM3 into SQL using AMW and ATL</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_KM32SQL/AMW_KM32SQL_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_KM32SQL/AMW_KM32SQL.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example is a complete bridge between KM3 and SQL DDL that uses injection, extraction, weaving and transformations. |
| It is similar to the example that transforms SQL to KM3, but in the opposite direction. |
| This example uses a weaving model between a KM3 metamodel and a SQL DDL metamodel. |
| The weaving model is used to produce an ATL transformation that translates KM3 models |
| into SQL models. <br/>We used an KM3 file generated by the example "Translating SQL into KM3". |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>26/06/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_SQL2KM3</shortName> |
| <name>Translating SQL into KM3 using AMW and ATL</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_SQL2KM3/AMW_SQL2KM3_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_SQL2KM3/AMW_SQL2KM3.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example is a complete bridge between SQL and KM3 that uses injection, extraction, weaving and transformations. |
| This example uses a weaving model between a SQL DDL metamodel and a KM3 metamodel. |
| The weaving model is used to produce an ATL transformation that translates SQL DDL models |
| into KM3 models. We used an SQL extracted from <a href="http://www.mantisbt.org/">Mantis</a> bug tracker. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>20/06/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name>Data translation</name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_2ATL_XSLT</shortName> |
| <name>AMW to ATL and XSLT</name> |
| <docLink>Keys2Nested_AMW2XSLT/Keys2Nested_AMW2XSLT_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>Keys2Nested_AMW2XSLT/Keys2Nested_AMW2XSLT.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example generates XSLT and ATL transformations from the same weaving model. |
| It contains two ATL HOTs (higher-order transformations). |
| The first HOT transforms a weaving model into an ATL model. |
| The second HOT transform a weaving model into an XSLT model. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/06/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMWKey2NestedAMW2ATL</shortName> |
| <name>AMW to ATL - Foreign key to nested</name> |
| <docLink>Keys2Nested_AMW2ATL/Keys2Nested_AMW2ATL_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>Keys2Nested_AMW2ATL/Keys2Nested_AMW2ATL.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example is an complement that uses the metamodel extension between |
| foreign keys and nested structures. |
| It provides a HOT (higher-order transformation) that transforms a weaving model into |
| a transformation model. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>28/04/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>UMLProfiles</shortName> |
| <name>Bridging UML Profiles and Domain Specific Languages</name> |
| <docLink>UMLProfiles/ExampleUMLProfiles_DSLs.pdf</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>UMLProfiles/UMLProfiles_DSLs.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| With UML, it is possible to describe domain specific concepts using Profiles. In the DSL approach, a new metamodel is created for each domain-specific language. This example identifies more precisely the relation between UML profiles and metamodels, and presents a tool enabling to bridge these two approaches. This tool is implemented using two ATL (Atlas Transformation Language) transformations combined with a weaving model. It illustrates an AMW example and the simultaneous use of AMW and ATL.. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate></pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name>Weaving models</name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMW_MantisBugzilla</shortName> |
| <name>Weaving Mantis and Bugzilla bug trackers</name> |
| <docLink>AMW_MantisBugzilla/AMW_MantisBugzilla_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>AMW_MantisBugzilla/AMW_MantisBugzilla.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example contains an extension to the core weaving metamodel to support interoperability between different tools. |
| The example contains a weaving model that captures links between the metamodels of two bug tracking tools |
| (<a href="http://www.mantisbt.org/">Mantis</a> |
| and <a href="http://www.bugzilla.org/">Bugzilla</a>). |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>26/06/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>AMWKey2Nested</shortName> |
| <name>Foreign key to nested</name> |
| <docLink>Keys2Nested_AMW/Keys2Nested_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>Keys2Nested_AMW/Keys2Nested_AMW.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example contains an extension of the core weaving metamodel to create correspondences |
| between a metamodel with foreign key relationships (as in a relational database) and a metamodel that contains |
| nested structures (as in XML). |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>14/04/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name>Merging</name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>MergeGMLElections</shortName> |
| <name>Merge Election and GML Data</name> |
| <docLink>MergeGML_Elections/MergeGML_Elections_doc.php</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>MergeGML_Elections/MergeGML_Elections.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| Extension to the core weaving metamodel to merge between |
| elections and geographical data (provided by GML) |
| into an SVG metamodel. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>14/04/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| <category> |
| <name>Traceability</name> |
| <amwExample> |
| <shortName>ATL2WTracer</shortName> |
| <name>Generating an ATL Execution Trace as a Traceability Weaving Model</name> |
| <docLink>ATL2WTracer/Traceability_example[1.0].pdf</docLink> |
| <sourceLink>ATL2WTracer/ATL2WTracer.zip</sourceLink> |
| <description> |
| This example generates an ATL execution trace in a weaving model. |
| We create a higher-order transformation that takes an ATL transformation as |
| input (e.g., Class to Relational) and |
| produces an ATL transformation as output. The output ATL transforms Class to Relational models, |
| and additionally generates a traceability model. |
| The traceability model conforms to a traceability model that is an |
| exentension to the core weaving metamodel. |
| </description> |
| <pubDate>19/05/2006</pubDate> |
| </amwExample> |
| </category> |
| </amwScenarios> |