blob: 3e52b990142fe6fd2df7fcbfc0a980489d905716 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>The AspectJ project at Downloads</title>
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<!-- ================ Page specific content starts here ================ -->
<h1>aspectj downloads</h1>
<p>The AspectJ compiler produces programs for any version of the Java platform
(jdk1.1 and later). The compiler itself requires Java2 (1.3 or later) to run.
Consult the <a href="doc/faq.html#q:compability">FAQ</a>
for more details.&nbsp; All releases are provided under the terms and
conditions of the <a href="">
Software User Agreement</a> unless otherwise specified.
<p>If you plan to use AspectJ inside the Eclipse IDE you can just <a href="">
download AJDT</a> since it includes a bundled AspectJ compiler. <a href="#ides"><i>More IDEs...</i></a>.</p>
<p>See below for a list of available AspectJ downloads. You probably want one of:
the most recent <a href="#most_recent">development build</a>,
the most recent <a href="#milestones">milestone build</a>, or
the latest <a href="#stable_release">stable release</a>. <a href="#install">Installation
instructions</a> and more information on
<a href="#ides">IDE support</a> can be found at the bottom of this page.
<h3 id="most_recent">Most Recent Build</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<dt>Last Known Good developer build</dt>
AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation. Only download this version if you are prepared to work with a pre-release compiler.
The most recent stable build below is the currently supported release version.
<td width="30%" align="right">
<!-- stick out reference to most recent dev build -->
echo "<a href=\"$justthefirstfile\">$justthefirstfile</a><br><br>(size: $stats[7] bytes)";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"$justthefirstchangesfile\">(Changes in this build)</a><br>";
<br><a href="">
Bugs resolved since last milestone</a>
<td colSpan="3"><br>
<i>This download is updated after every successful build and test cycle.</i>
<!-- ============ ASPECTJ 5 ======================= -->
<h3 id="milestones">AspectJ 5 Milestone Builds</h3>
<p> Only download these versions if you are prepared to work with a pre-release compiler.
The most recent stable build below is the currently supported release version.
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<dt>AspectJ 1.5.0 M2, Released 7th April, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation.
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">aspectj-1.5.0M2.jar</a> (~8.3M)
<dt>AspectJ 1.5.0 M1, Released 10th December, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation.
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.5.0M1.jar</a> (~7.5M)
<!-- ============ LATEST STABLE RELEASE ======================= -->
<h3 id="stable_release">Latest Stable Release</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<dt>Version 1.2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Released November 5th, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2.1.jar</a> (7,382,062 bytes)
<!-- ============ ASPECTJ 1.2 ======================= -->
<h3>AspectJ 1.2</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<dt>Version 1.2.1, Released November 5th, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2.1.jar</a> (7,382,062 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.2.1 release candidate 1, Released October 22nd, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2.1rc1.jar</a> (7,393,774 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.2.0, Released May 25, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2.jar</a> (5,859,690 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.2 release candidate 2, Released May 13, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2rc2.jar</a> (5,853,184 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.2 release candidate 1, Released April 15, 2004</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.2rc1.jar</a> (5,860,538 bytes)
<!-- ============ ASPECTJ 1.1 ======================= -->
<h3>AspectJ 1.1</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<dt>Version 1.1.1, Released September 22nd, 2003</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.1.1.jar</a> (6,352,092 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.1.0, Released June 6, 2003</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.1.0.jar</a> (6,297,885 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.1.rc2, Released May 13, 2003</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.1rc2.jar</a> (6,285,237 bytes)
<dt>Version 1.1.rc1, Released March 14, 2003</dt>
<dd>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</dd>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-1.1rc1.jar</a> (5,747,357 bytes)
<td colSpan="3"><b>Version 1.1beta4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Released January 15, 2003</b></td>
<td>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</td>
<a href="">
(5,792,693 bytes)
<td colSpan="3"><b>Version 1.1beta2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Released December 18, 2002</b></td>
<td>AspectJ Compiler, Browser, Ant tasks, and Documentation</td>
<a href="">
(4,928,000 bytes)
<!-- ============ ASPECTJ 1.0 ======================= -->
<h3>AspectJ 1.0</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2">
<dt>Version 1.0.6</dt>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
<td>AspectJ Compiler and Browser (<i>binary distribution</i>)</td>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-tools-1.0.6.jar</a> <i>(1,580,450 bytes)</i>
<td>AspectJ Compiler and Browser (<i>source</i>)</td>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-tools-src-1.0.6.tgz</a> <i>(795,633 bytes)</i>
<td>Documentation and Examples</td>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-docs-1.0.6.tgz</a> <i>(1,715,824 bytes) </i>
<td>Ant Tasks (released under the <a target="_top" href="">
Apache License</a>)</td>
<td width="30%" align="right">
<a href="">
aspectj-antTasks-1.0.6.tgz</a> <i>(83,124 bytes) </i>
<p align="left">Note: All code, documentation and other files in the 1.0.6 release
are made available under the terms and conditions of the
<a target="_top" href="">
Mozilla Public License version 1.1</a>.</p>
<!-- ============ INSTALLATION ======================= -->
<h2 id="install">Installation</h2>
The <tt>.jar</tt> files should not be unzipped as they are self-extracting
Java-based GUI installers.&nbsp; On many systems they can be run directly by
selecting &quot;Open this file from its current location&quot; or by
double-clicking the downloaded file.&nbsp; If you download the <tt>.jar</tt> files
do not unzip them; instead invoke the GUI installer with the
<font face="Courier">java -jar</font> command on the corresponding file
e.g.: <tt><b>java&nbsp;-jar&nbsp;aspectj-1.1.0.jar</b></tt>
<!-- ============ IDE SUPPORT ======================= -->
<h2 id="ides">Development Environment Support</h2>
<dt><a target="_top" href="">AJDT Project</a></dt>
<dd>an Eclipse Technology project that provides an AspectJ plug-in for Eclipse.</dd>
<dt><a target="_top" href="">AJDE for JBuilder</a></dt>
<dd>is a SourceForge project that provides an AspectJ
OpenTool for Borland's JBuilder IDE.
<dt><a target="_top" href="">
AJDE for SunONE/NetBeans</a>
<dd> is a SourceForge project that provides an
AspectJ Module for Sun's Forte/SunONEStudio4/NetBeans IDE.
<dt><a target="_top" href="">
AJDE for Emacs and JDEE</a>
<dd>is a SourceForge project that provides an
AspectJ mode for Emacs and an AspectJ extension to JDEE.
<dt><a target="_top" href="">
<dd> is a project to support AspectJ programming in
Oracle's JDeveloper IDE.
<dt>Easy installers</dt>
<dd>Russ Miles has packaged together
<a target="_top" href="">integrated
installers for Eclipse, AJDT, and AspectJ on the Windows and Mac platforms</a>.
<!-- ================ End of page specific content ===================== -->
// Sorts by newest first
function date_cmp($f1, $f2) {
return $f2stats[9]-$f1stats[9];
// return entries in the directory that represent dev builds
function GetDevBuildsIn($dir){
$root=opendir($dir) or die("Check $dir !");
while (false!== ($file=readdir($root))) {
if($file=="." || $file=="..") {continue;}
// echo "$file<br>";
if (substr($file,0,21) == $devtag) {
usort($files, "date_cmp");
return $files;
function GetChangesFilesIn($dir){
$root=opendir($dir) or die("Check $dir !");
while (false!== ($file=readdir($root))) {
if($file=="." || $file=="..") {continue;}
// echo "$file<br>";
if (substr($file,0,8) == $devtag) {
usort($files, "date_cmp");
return $files;