1.9.0.RC2 updates
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--- a/doc/released/README-190.html
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 All rights reserved.
-<h1>AspectJ 1.9.0.RC1 Readme</h1>
+<h1>AspectJ 1.9.0.RC2 Readme</h1>
 <p>The full list of resolved issues in 1.9.0 is available 
 <a href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&f0=OP&f1=OP&f3=CP&f4=CP&j1=OR&list_id=16866879&product=AspectJ&query_format=advanced&target_milestone=1.9.0">here</a></h2>.</p>
+<li>1.9.0.RC2 available 9-Nov-2017
+<h3>1.9.0.RC2 changes</h3>
+<p>Key change in 1.9.0.RC2 is actually to be more tolerant of JDK10. The version handling has been somewhat overhauled so AspectJ 9 will
+behave better on Java 10 and future JDKs. This should put AspectJ in a better place if new JDK versions are going
+to arrive thick and fast.
 <li>1.9.0.RC1 available 20-Oct-2017
-<p>Available from this maven repository as 1.9.0.RC1:
-    &lt;id&gt;repo.spring.io&lt;/id&gt;
-    &lt;name&gt;Spring milestones&lt;/name&gt;
-    &lt;url&gt;http://repo.spring.io/milestone&lt;/url&gt;
-<p>Or downloadable from the <a href="https://eclipse.org/aspectj/downloads.php">download page</a>.
-<h2>Notable changes</h2>
+<h3>1.9.0.RC1 changes</h3>
 <p>This is the first release candidate of AspectJ 1.9.0 - the version of AspectJ to be based on Java9.  It includes
 a recent version of the Eclipse Java9 compiler (from jdt core, commit #062ac5d7a6bf9).</p>
-<h3>Automatic Modules</h3>
+<h4>Automatic Modules</h4>
 <p>AspectJ can now be used with the new module system available in Java9. The key jars in AspectJ have been given automatic module names.
 The automatic module name is <tt>org.aspectj.runtime</tt> for the <tt>aspectjrt</tt> module:</p>
@@ -74,8 +72,9 @@
 contains org.aspectj.asm.internal
-<h3>Building woven modules</h3>
+<h4>Building woven modules</h4>
 <p>AspectJ understands module-info.java source files and building modules that include aspects. Here is an example:</p>
@@ -139,8 +138,9 @@
 <p>That's it!</p>
-<h3>Binary weaving with modules</h3>
+<h4>Binary weaving with modules</h4>
 <p>A module is really just a jar with a module-info descriptor. As such you can simply pass a module on the <tt>inpath</tt>
 and binary weave it with other aspects.  Take the module we built above, let's weave into it again:</p>
@@ -171,8 +171,9 @@
 AnotherAzpect running
 Demo running
-<h3>Faster Spring AOP</h3>
+<h4>Faster Spring AOP</h4>
 <p>Dave Syer recently created a series of benchmarks for checking the speed of Spring-AspectJ: 
 <tt><a href="https://github.com/dsyer/spring-boot-aspectj">https://github.com/dsyer/spring-boot-aspectj</a></tt>
diff --git a/downloads.php b/downloads.php
index 0bd4aa6..a3c6663 100644
--- a/downloads.php
+++ b/downloads.php
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
- 	  <b>Last AspectJ 1.9.0 rc1 - for use on Java 9</b>
+ 	  <b>Last AspectJ 1.9.0 RC2 - for use on Java 9</b>
  	<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 				<td rowspan="2" width="30%" align="right">
- 			         <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/tools/aspectj/aspectj-1.9.0.RC1.jar">aspectj-1.9.0.RC1.jar</a> (~17M)<br>
+ 			         <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/tools/aspectj/aspectj-1.9.0.RC2.jar">aspectj-1.9.0.RC2.jar</a> (~17M)<br>
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 		<div class="homeitem">
 			<h3>News and Events</h3>
+<li>AspectJ 1.9.0.RC2 is <a href="downloads.php">available for download</a>.
+See the <a href="doc/released/README-190.html">readme</a>
+for more information.
+<br><div align="right"><span class="dates"><i>posted 9-Nov-17</i></span></div>
 <li>AspectJ 1.9.0.RC1 is <a href="downloads.php">available for download</a>.
 See the <a href="doc/released/README-190.html">readme</a>
 for more information.